chapter 6:egoist hero

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Monitor room

Anri:isn't what barou doing the opposite of what you want

Ego:how so

Anri:well he's started passing rather than Going alone this isn't egoistic

Ego:think again


Ego:even when he "wasn't a king" he only passed to two others doing the minimal and change it to Going alone after that

Anri:he still passed

Ego:let's give your brain an example you are playing chest would you rather sacrifice your pawn or lose the match

Anri:sacrifice the pawn of course

Ego:see he as the king did the same he seems like he's playing with his team while only sacrificing them

Anri:I see it now

On the field

Nobody on tram z was seeking other than three on who was shouting

Raichi:what are you doing  idiot fuck

Grabbing kunigami by the collar

Raichi:get your shit together already we respected your hard work and now you are letting us down

Kunigami's looked like Giving up incarnate raichi kept yelling but to no effect as kunigami was lost in thought

Kunigami:I can't be a hero ,I just can't no matter what I do their leader and isagi are better I am just nothing.

A voice brought kunigami back

Before kunigami could answer to a request that had the power of an order kira cuts the tension

Kira:no order my freedom

Raichi:no I should lead

It didn't take long for everyone to start shouting wanting to be the leader as the current one has collapsed no one was listening to any other person  it was pure war of egoism Nobody wanted to do anything but score as they were arguing after a few minutes

Isagi:I don't want it anymore it's better to show them what I've got even without being a leader

Raichi:you think you're so good huh fine I'll do that too

While other's were quite suspicious of isagi as he was the one who started this with the most suspicious players being koun & kira the format changed now with bachira replacing kunigami for restart


Bachira passes to isagi who is immediately pressed by barou himself isagi goes to pass to kunigami who seems like a puppy being fed barou Cutts the pass rout but that opens a hole in his defense wich isagi uses to get passed him

Isagi:this is your style isn't it

Barou:you fucking peasant

Barou turns around fast to press him again but he Crosse to the front where bachira was being guarded with two people

Barou:it's impossible for him to get that

Isagi:but you see this is our chemical reaction


Isagi:simple I do what I want and he does what I tell him in order to make me happy that's how he pushes himself to fit my impossible standards

Bachira throws himself barley able to catch the pass sent by isagi he then dribbles his markers easily and starts his run to the sidelines preparing a cross  team x midfield is destroyed and one defender stands before bachira and a perfect cross into the box

Barou:stop him

Defender:you heard him

Bachira:fuck off isagi is waiting

With a nutmeg he completely destroys the defense as he turns to see isagi being marked by two people as isagi suddenly stops his rush shaking off his markers but bachira couldn't cross perfectly as now barou and the two other midfielders now reached him first was baro

Barou:I won't let you cross

Bachira nutmegs barou

Barou:so fast

into a heel kick and a feint after to reach a clear cross course

Defenders:how is he this good

he finally crosses a perfect cross to which isagi position himself perfectly and jumps reaching it without any difficulty as he looks outside the box their leader isn't there

Isagi:I see empty tank didn't come with us

Although kunigami wasn't there with him being in midfield a voice brought everyone's attention to outside the box

Suddenly kunigami got out of his shocked state as he looked at isagi clearly stating don't pass

Isagi:sorry old hero there's a better hero now

Despite kunigami's order isagi passes and raichi shoots a volley

Raichi:that's my goal

The ball hits the outside of the bar


The ball goes to a defender and without a single thought he crosses the ball to the front where barou was running

Barou:that's more like it

But a voice tuned the smiling face of a king to a shocked face

Barou sees that kunigami can reach the ball faster as he was already in the midfield area so he slowed down losing his momentum

Barou:where the fuck did you come from

Kunigami:I'm not getting replaced by a fake hero

They both clash together for the ball but kunigami has better pure strength and wins the clash having a moment to get passed barou after their clash he gets passed him

Kunigami:anyone who even dares to call themselves a hero other than me

Kunigami not dribbling but challenging his markers to  a strength battle and using the aftermath of them losing balance because they can't overcome his strength he manages to get passed them as he reaches 40m distance from the goal

A few seconds by and team z goes screaming cheering for their hero everyone but isagi went to kunigami to say there congratulations even raichi

Raichi:isagi's pass was bad but you did good I guess

Kunigami:thanks but don't try to replace me again

Raichi:I don't need to I'll create my own role the sexy striker role

Koun:well what do we do now leader

Kunigami finally awakened now taking the lead

Kunigami:alright there will be one change to our formation

Kunigami:I'll become attacking midfield while lm,cam RM go forward this way I can use my knuck shot more effectively being in a good position to shot already

Kira:didn't you forget anything

Kunigami:yeah,now anyone from the forwards can shoot to score and those who are not forward aim to replace the forwards

Kira smiled he now was free as he looked to isagi who was smiling as well

Kira:why are you smiling you lost your puppet

Isagi:why wouldn't I smile everything is according to plan


Isagi didn't say anything else as he goes to his position leaving Kira who thought to himself

Kira:next goal is mine I'll mak

Before he could finish his thoughts a voice made everyone freeze for a second

Time remaining:3 min

The end

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