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"papa! i want to help you cook!" jinwoo exclaimed, getting his stepping stool and standing on top of it.

wooseok grinned, "you're too young to cook baby. if appa saw you hurt yourself, he'll freak out again"

jinwoo pouted, "i'll be careful papa! i promise!"

wooseok eventually gave in and allowed jinwoo to help him. he made sure jinwoo was no where near any sharp or hot objects or else jinhyuk would decapitate him.

"is it done papa?" jinwoo asked, looking up at wooseok with hopeful eyes.

wooseok nodded, "good job baby. i'm so proud of you"

the doorbell rang once wooseok set the plate on the table. jinwoo ran to open the door even though he could barely reach the doorknob. wooseok giggled and opened the door for him.

"appa!" jinwoo gave jinhyuk a big hug once the door opened, "i missed you so so much!"

jinhyuk smiled, "i missed you both"

"give appa some space baby. he just got home" jinwoo stepped a few steps away from his dad and watched as he took off his shoes and his jacket.

jinhyuk gave wooseok a kiss and hugged the two of them, "i'm sorry i'm home so late"

wooseok shook his head, "it's fine hyuk. we were just done cooking anyways"

jinhyuk's eyes widened, "y-you let jinwoo near the stove?"

wooseok nodded, making jinhyuk check jinwoo for any cuts or burns, "don't worry hyuk. i was extra careful and he insisted on helping me make dinner"

jinhyuk smiled, "haenami helped papa make dinner?"

jinwoo nodded, "and it's super super good appa! you should go try it!"

"let's try it together"

"i hate work" jinhyuk muttered, digging his head into wooseok's neck, "i can't believe minhee ditched me to go on a date with his boyfriend"

wooseok ran his hand softly through jinhyuk's blue hair, "my poor baby. you used to do that with me too hyuk"

jinwoo had already fallen asleep from being too excited earlier and jinhyuk tucked him into bed. the two were just on jinhyuk's bed, cuddling like they wanted to.

"you're right" jinhyuk said, arms snaking around wooseok's waist.

"we should go sleep big baby" wooseok said, smiling at the older.

"i'm not a baby" jinhyuk muttered against wooseok's neck.

"look at you cuddling with me like a baby" wooseok rolled his eyes. he reached over to turn off the lights, "you work so hard and i'm proud of you hyuk. you do so much when you really don't have to"

wooseok looked down to see jinhyuk's eyes closed and already drifting off to sleep. he smiled for possibly the hundredth time today.

"goodnight jinhyuk. i love you"


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