Part III: Return

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Arthur reached Elle's side before she hit the ground. 

She felt so light and small in his arms. It was hard to remember how small she was when she was awake and spouting fire at him.

The witch from whom the burst of magic originated was plastered against the wall by Arthur's magic, her feet dangling above the ground and her airway constricted.

Santos' magic had blanketed the witch's, and Arthur did not notice she was using it until it was too late, until Elle was dropping limp to the ground. 

He had made a mistake. he was supposed to keep her safe and he had failed. 

Just like he had failed to keep his son alive and sane.

"What's happening?" Burak asked from where he stood over Santos. That bastard must have compelled the witch to do his bidding before they entered his rooms.

"I don't know," Arthur replied, his voice too flat even to his own ears. It took all his control to keep his magic from lashing out and destroying everything and everyone in sight. It had been ages since his control slipped. This was the closest he had come to that in decades.

Elle's face was turning pale. Arthur turned to look at Santos. The vampire's eyes were wide with fear, but there was sick satisfaction written all over it.

"What did you do?" Arthur asked.

Santos chuckled, the sound jerky. "Nothing in particular-"

He was flat against to the wall before he could finish. Trying and failing to suck in a breath. Suffocation would not kill him, but it was still painful. 

"What did you do?"

Arthur eased his control over Santos' throat so he could reply. But Santos only grinned. Arthur's magic lashed out, breaking both of Santos' forearms. He tried to scream, but there was no air; his airway was constricted by Arthur once again.

"Let me," Burak offered. Arthur was glad to leave the bastard to his brother's care and turn his attention to Elle.

She was getting colder.

Charles walked in. He was back to normal. Arthur released the witch. The woman dropped to the ground and gasped for breath. She curled into a small ball and started sobbing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she was saying, "he made me do it, I'm so sorry."

The woman's magic was not familiar. Whatever gift she possessed, it was not common. Arthur looked at Charles and nodded his head to the witch. She was innocent, as of yet. Charles pulled a sheet off the bed and covered her. He spoke softly.

"It's okay. He compelled you. What did you do to her?" Charles asked.

"I'm sorry..." she clutched the sheet and buried her face under its cover.

Charles shook his head. There was no help there. Arthur waited for Burak. He was talented on the mental plane. But mental invasion was challenging on a subject of Santos' age and experience.

Elle's end of the bond was still. As if she was simply asleep. Only Arthur's turbulent emotions travelled through. He held her tighter and ran a finger over her cheek. It was even colder now. Nothing dangerous for an immortal, but it was still alarming.

It was as if she was burning a tremendous amount of energy.

If anything happened to her, hell would break loose.

Burak cursed.

"What?" Arthur asked.

Burak looked at Arthur, his face beaded with sweat and his hazel eyes glowing.

"He made the witch break the spell."

Arthur sucked in a breath. The sealing spell.

"Why?" Charles asked.

"Because then she would become a target," Burak explained, "when people see her for what she truly is, many would try to kill her."

"But people already know what she is," Charles said.

"Knowing something and seeing it are two different things," Arthur said, "besides, breaking the sealing spell might have other effects."

There was a possibility that the spell had been tempering the vampire venom's effects on her fae blood. It might be one of the reasons why her mother had cast the spell.

"Sealing spells are tricky," Burak said. Santos had slumped, unconscious. Arthur released his hold on him. The bastard dropped to the floor.

The bond quivered.

Arthur stood with Elle in his arms, "Charles. Get the witch tended to and locked up. Be careful."

Charles nodded. Burak stared at Elle. "What will you do? Santos will not be the first nor the last person to come after her. She's already changing."

Arthur had already felt the unraveling of the spell. Her aura was slowly shedding its human cloak. It was only a matter of time before the spell broke. He wanted to be on friendly lands when that happened.

"Burak, could you detain Santos longer?"

Burak smiled, "I could."

Arthur smothered his irritation. He was in no mood to play games. "Will you?"

"I will," Burak said.

"I don't want anyone to get him before I do," Arthur said, "we'll take him to my place."

"Done." Burak crouched and pulled Santos' large frame over his shoulder.

"Let's go."

**** **************** ****

The ride to Arthur's palace took longer than he wanted. Elle's body kept getting colder despite Amanda's attempts in throwing all available pieces of clothing on her.

"Arthur," Harvey said from the front seat. His eyes in the rearview mirror were worried. "The ground is shaking."

Arthur gritted my teeth and pulled his magic with a tight leash. Losing control would only make matters worse.

Once they reached the palace, Harvey and Charles took care of Santos and the witch. By the time Elle was settled on her bed, her body was a block of ice with every bit of color drained.

"She's not getting better," Amanda said through gritted teeth. She looked at Arthur through eyes haunted with old pain of loss and grief. "You're warm, get in there with her."

Arthur took off his shirt, chucked it aside and went inside the covers with Elle. She would probably be staring daggers at him had she been awake. The thought made him feel slightly better.

Elle was strong. She would come out of this just fine.

He hugged her, tucking her head under his chin. The coldness of her body brought unpleasant memories. 

His son's small body had turned cold after life left him. Arthur had held him for hours after twisting his neck and tearing his heart out. Most days, his hands felt the warmth of his son's blood, his nose remembered the scent of Toby's blood. It had turned sour as the insanity took hold of him, but it had still been his son.

Arthur braved the old pain and held on tighter to Elle. He had lived with this pain for such a long time that he didn't know how to live without it. But Elle was teaching him to do just that.

The flame of her vivacity was contagious to everyone around her. She made him want to live for centuries and centuries to come, he who'd lived dreading the rise and set of days, wishing them to end.

She could not leave him behind. She would not.

The bond quivered again, as if something from her end was trying to pull him closer. Her scent was changing.

"Elle?" he whispered.

She shifted. "Arthur?" The whispered word was barely audible. Arthur pulled back to look down at her. Her eyes were closed.

"It's cold," she slurred and snuggled closer.

"How do you feel? Other than the cold."

"Mhm, sleepy...tired."

Her lashes fluttered open. Glowing green irises peeked through for a second before vanishing beneath heavy eyelids.

"The spell's breaking, isn't it?" she asked. There was no use in hiding it from her.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I feel it...sort of," she frowned, "it's like my magic is unfolding. I never knew it had more room to grow. Will I even be able to control it?"

"Of course you will," Arthur said, "You were born with it, you're meant to carry its full weight."

"I don't know..."

"I do," Arthur said firmly.

"Arrogant ass," she mumbled through a big yawn.

Arthur kissed her cheek. "Sleep, you need it."

She opened her eyes just long enough to glare at him, "I want to get up and go take a walk just to be contrary."

Arthur chuckled, "okay. Sleep, please."

She stuck her tongue at him and closed her eyes. It didn't take long for her breathing to even out.

Amanda came back in with Marianno, who had an I.V. drip with him. Marianno had been a doctor a couple of decades back.

Under normal circumstances, the I.V drip would not do much for an immortal. But Elle needed all the help she could get.

"Kat is on her way," Amanda said, "Orion is asking questions."

"Don't tell him anything, for now," Arthur said, "who else knows what's going on?"

"Us and Burak," Amanda said, "our security is tight. Burak offered to move more of his men in. Harvey politely refused."

"Good," Arthur said, "have Orion close by, though. We might need him."

Elle's temperature stayed stable for the next few hours. Amanda woke her up a few times so she could drink smoothies, which Elle did half asleep. Marianno monitored her temperature.

Later that night, or perhaps it was early next morning, things changed.

Her temperature began dropping.

"Her temperature is dropping." Arthur said. Marianno jumped to his feet and came closer to take her temperature. He then shook his head.

"Are you sure? It's stable."

"I'm certain," Arthur said, rubbing her back, "Orion?"

"A few minutes' drive away," Amanda said.

Kat, who had joined Amanda and Marianno in the room in order to keep an eye on Elle's magic, said, "her magic is reacting... oddly."

Being a witch gave her a deeper perception on the workings of magic. However, Elle was a fae.

"Have Orion here right away."

He didn't want to have Orion here because, even though he was her father, Arthur wasn't sure of his loyalty. But Elle's state was no longer stable. They would need his input.

It was five minutes later that Orion stormed into the room, his magic blazing.

"What is the meaning of this, Arthur!"

"Stay calm," Arthur said, rubbing Elle's back when she stirred.

Orion stared at his daughter. His face lost all color.

"The spell is breaking?" he asked, "how?"

"A witch," Arthur said, "do you have any idea what is happening to her?"

Orion came around the bed to sit on Elle's side. He scowled when he noticed Arthur's shirtless state but did not comment. Good. Arthur was in no mood to cater to his fatherly concerns at the moment.

"Naturally, the spell is burning energy as it breaks," Orion glanced at Kat, "I'm guessing you know that."

"Yes, but this much energy?" Kat replied.

"What I know of spells is what I learned in school and what her mother taught me," Orion said, pressing his hand to his daughter's head, "strong spells are unpredictable. The sealing spell is one of the most energy consuming spells I know of. Maybe if Orla hadn't cast the spell in the first place..."

"Do not," Arthur snapped, "do not utter those words in her hearing."

The last thing Elle needed was the guilt of thinking her mother could have lived had she not cast the spell. Knowing Elle, she would hold the weight of that guilt close to her heart.

Orion pursed his lips. "Anyway, the sealing spell consumes a great amount of energy. Elle should normally be able to provide that energy, even though it would leave her extremely weak. The ironic thing is, the sealing spell itself had locked away most of her magic, it had made her essentially weaker."

"So the sealing spell had taken away energy that Elle would need to break the actual spell?" Amanda asked, "and her mother would have known this when she cast the spell?"

"She was extremely accomplished in spells," Orion said, "I find it hard to believe she wouldn't have known."

Silence fell on the room like a heavy blanket. Arthur knew what this meant. It meant that Elle's mother had had no choice but to cast the spell. It meant that the spell was necessary to Elle's life, or perhaps her sanity. Breaking the spell could take either of those away.

"Who knows about this?" Arthur asked.

"I haven't told anyone, except for my consort," Orion said, "who I trust with my life and who, by the way, was not allowed on the perimeters of your residence."

Arthur closed his eyes. He was not in the mood to be diplomatic. Let his consort be offended. His mind was busy trying to come up with solutions.

Elle needed more energy. Magical energy in its essence is unique. Food and drink would only get her so far.

The only solution would be to transfer energy directly to her. He opened his eyes.

"Do you have a bond with her?" Arthur asked Orion. The fae caught up with Arthur's train of thought.

"No," he replied tightly, "A bond takes time to forge. Even as her father..."

Robert had probably had a bond with Elle. Blood did not necessarily make bonds, especially in the absence of an actual relationship.

"Transferring energy?" Kat asked.

Arthur nodded. Amanda brightened up. "Why don't you try it, Arthur? You two have a strong bond already. And you certainly have enough energy to spare."

Arthur shook his head. Orion replied, "that is a bad idea. Arthur's energy is vampiric."

And Elle was fae. Vampires and fae did not blend well. He could not take the risk of tainting her sanity.

Elle shivered in arms again. Arthur hugged her tighter.

However, if her state did not improve soon, he would do it and damn the consequences.

Orion's features were itched with regret. Arthur could only guess his thoughts. If only he had had a bond with her, if only he had been in her life before, if only...

Regrets, however, did not make for a productive living. Arthur had a world of them. He would know.

Elle's temperature continued its steady drop. Thirty minutes later, Arthur had her wrapped in his arms, with a comforter around them next to the lit fireplace. The room was scorching hot, everyone else was dripping sweat, yet Elle was no better.

Cold fingers squeezed Arthur's heart. He knew what he had to do.

Their bond felt alive, yet sluggish. Her magic was being generated and burnt at an alarming rate, soon she would run out of energy. Soon he would have to shove his own energy through their bond and hope for the best.

He did not want to take that chance. He did not want to risk pushing Elle to the throes of insanity. He did not want to see the crazed look in her eyes.

He could not.

His throat tightened.


Arthur looked at Amanda's tear filled eyes. She would be shattered if something happened to her.

Arthur nodded and focused on their bond. It had to be done.

The door slammed open.

"Arthur!" Harvey stormed inside, eyes wide, "the sky."

"What's wrong?" Amanda was beside him in a second.

"The sky is burning."

**** ****** ****

Arthur could count on his hands the number of times he'd seen a phoenix. He had never, however, seen a flock of them.

He had carried Elle, bundled up in a blanket, to the window. The night sky outside was alight with flames. Dozens of fiery birds circled the house, whistling a haunting symphony.

Arthur's bond with Elle was throbbing to the rhythm of their song. Something was pulling him outside. His heart beat harder. He was out of the room in a moment, a surge of hope driving his moves.

Elle had another, newly forged bond other than his.

"Arthur?" someone called behind him. Arthur was already outside the house, down the steps to the garden. As soon as he appeared, some of the birds started landing. They surrounded him.

Arthur looked back. He shook his head at Harvey who was trying to get to them. Harvey nodded in understanding and herded everyone inside.

Arthur turned his attention to the birds who might save his heart. He did not know how to communicate with them. Elle had spoken of feeling them, rather than communicating.

He would just have to learn. It had been a long time since he had had to learn something as new and exciting as this. But then again, ever since Elle entered his life, he had gone through a great many things. Life with her would never bore him.

The birds were connected to Elle, and Elle was linked to him. Finding the path to the birds took him a few precious seconds. It was easier since the birds themselves seemed to be pushing their presence through the bond, wanting to be heard.

He understood then what Elle meant. The birds did not communicate their thoughts. Arthur simply felt them and knew what they needed him to do.

He sat on the ground with Elle in his lap. Immediately, two massive birds landed beside him in a gust of flaming feathers. They were adults. Behind them landed the three phoenixes that Elle had rescued. Sensing the danger Elle was in, they had gone to get help.

Since Elle had given them her own energy this morning, then their magic was compatible.

The two adult phoenixes folded their legs and sat down beside them. Their glowing eyes eerily aware.

It started as a faint trickle of warmth through the bond Elle shared with the birds. Elle fluttered her eyes open. The green irises were ringed with bright orange. She was breathtaking.

"Arthur?" she asked drowsily, "are you still here?"


She yawned. "Good." then promptly fell asleep.

Arthur did not know he could feel any stronger towards her, yet he did. Elle's trust was a precious, hard-earned gift that he planned to guard with his life.

He pressed his lips to her temple and took a deep whiff of her scent. It was still changing, growing stronger and purer.

The phoenixes on the ground sang, the ones overhead danced a circle around them. As the phoenixes' cries grew in intensity, so did the energy travelling through the bond to Elle.

The pure, raw magic made Arthur's head spin. It would no doubt knock Elle out for at least a few hours.

Arthur did not know how long he held her. He didn't mind. Her body turned warmer and her color healthier. She was alive and well. He closed his eyes and smiled, the vise around his heart easing.

A long while later, the fiery song quieted down. Arthur opened his eyes. Predawn colored the horizon, hailing a new day.

The phoenixes landed all around them, a blazing carpet woven of sunset. The birds settled their feathers and slept.

Elle woke up.


Well, well, well?

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Great many thanks to every one of you guys! I appreciate all the kind words I get in comments and messages.

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Lots of love <3


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