The Project

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The fortune cookies haunted the girl, keeping her up at night thinking about what they could mean. It was scary how real they sounded, she felt like she needed to do something or she would regret it.

Hesitating at first, the girl grabbed her phone and texted Harry Osborn, the boy she despised for no reason other than his constant, annoying flirting. They lived close by but luckily (for her,) they never bumped into each other.

hey, are you awake?

Oh wow THE Victoria Smith is texting me!

She took in a deep breath before grabbing her sweater and leaving her house headed straight to his. She hated this and yet it felt like the right thing to do.

She pressed on the doorbell, patiently waiting for someone to open the door. Greeting her was a shirtless and messy haired Harry Osborn, who moved out of her way to let her in.

"We both know you hate me, why are you here?" He asked in a way which made Victoria flinch. He was right.

"I'm sorry," Victoria said, as she stood up from the couch, making Harry stand up with her. His eyebrows were raised and smirk visible, clearly amused by what was going on.

Though Victoria was intimidating, she was without a doubt a softie and cared for most though she didn't show it.

"Listen, yesterday the fortune cookie message things really got in my head and I feel- scratch that I know I've been such a piece of shit to you-" and the girl started to ramble, walking around and waving her hands in the air to emphasize her words.

Harry Osborn listened to every word as he leaned against a wall and watched the girl pace, nervous, scared even. His face changed from amusement to concern as he watched her eyes water. Slowly, he walked towards her.

"-and I'm sorry, I'm really sorry and I get if you don't forgive me that's completely fine, I deserve it anywa-" she was cut off by the boy wrapping his arms around her in an embrace. She slowly wrapped hers around him before letting a single tear fall.

She hated crying, especially infront of people, but it was too late now.

He rubbed her back as she buried her head in his neck, he wished it was always like this rather than her hating him. He always liked her, even if she was rude to him.

She pulled back, wiping her eyes which made his soften.

"It's okay Vic, I never took it personally," he said, honestly as he pushed back her hair, smiling.

She chuckled, "sorry you had to see me like this I look stupid huh," she asked.

The boy wanted to tell her she was beautiful no matter what, but decided against making his liking for her obvious.

"Yes you look like your imaginary boyfriend broke up with you get it together Karen," he replied pushing her arm.

The girl scoffed snorting, "fuck off Osborn."

The pair sat together in silence, thinking of how things are meant to be now that they're not 'enemies' anymore.

"Wanna hang out then?" Harry says, looking at Vic.

The girl smiled, "I'll have to take a rain check but text me whenever you're free?" She stood up and awaited an answer.

"Sounds good hot stuff," said Harry, walking her to the door.

She turned around to exit but Harry pulled her back into his arms, the girl didn't resist but instead embraced him as well.

"Just one last time," he said.

The boy kissed her head and sent her off to continue her day. Harry Osborn's smile didn't falter that day.

The girl grabbed her wallet as she left her house to get the supplies on the way. It was a 30 minute walk, which promised her that she'd find a supply store on the way. Turning a corner, she walked straight into Michaels, grinning.

As she made her way through the rows, she checked items off of her list, and in a few minutes time, she was back on the same street walking to the boy's house this time, with a bunch of bags in her hand.

She checked her phone, '20 Ingram Street, Forest Hills.'

She kept her pace and continued till she reached his doorstep.

knock knock

"I'll get it!" Said Peter, running to the doorstep, greeting Victoria.

In the kitchen was Aunt May making her special spaghetti and meatballs, the aroma making the girls smile wider. She greets Victoria with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, making the girl feel at home.

The pair went to Peters room where they set up all the supplies and got to work, only leaving the room to use the bathroom or grab a snack midway through their work.

The boy noticed Victoria's careful hands, slowly but surely assembling everything together as Peter walked her through. They have been at it since 12 pm, and it was now 8 at night, leaving the two teenagers quite tired. They skipped lunch, not wanting to leave the project til they finished it.

The girl didn't think twice before laying her head on the boy's shoulder, exhaustedly. Pete's heart beat faster, his breath hitched, and she could hear it. She was about to move away 'til the boy moved closer, indicating her actions were okay.

Soon, the girl's eyes fluttered shut as she felt the boy lay his head above hers, his shoulders very comfortable at this very moment.

The door opened suddenly, which startled Peter and luckily didn't wake the girl. Aunt May, enjoying the scene in front of her sent her nephew a thumbs up before mouthing 'i'll be back in a few hours,' and winking.

The two sat there for a while until Peter decided that it was time for dinner, not wanting to send the girl home on an empty stomach. Nudging Victoria, he noticed her cheeks squished against his shoulder and he beamed with joy, still unable to believe that the girl he liked was sat in his bedroom.

"Vic, time to get up," he said while tapping her thigh. The girl grabbed onto his hand and groaned. Their hands were on her thigh and his breathing hardened.

"V-vic c'mon," he pleaded, short-breathed. This time, the girl didn't protest and sat up-straight, rubbing her eyes.

Peter stood up and extended his hand, which she took a hold of. The boy, not knowing his strength, pulled the girl too easily, sending her crashing to his chest.

"I'm sorry!" Peter said as he steadied Victoria, who looked at him like a puppy, a tired smile on her face.

"When did you get so strong Parker?" She asked, running her hands on his biceps, which made Peter look up in hopes to calm himself.

"I-i don't remember," he said, his voice going a little high. He pulled her out of the room and into the kitchen, it was dinner time.

The lovebirds sat in silence eating their spaghetti, occasionally taking a look at one another as May read her newspaper.

"Hey Parker?" She asked the boy, making the boy look up with deer eyes and raised eyebrows.

"Can you teach me that game you and Ned play? The star wars one," she asks, setting her fork down.

The boy's eyes brightened and a large grin was plastered across his face. "Yeah! Yeah of course!" The boy said, taking both plates to the sink and leading her back to his room where he unboxed the game.

"It's just like chess," he says as he points to the checkered board. "All you have to do is checkmate but with these figurines rather than the normal ones,"

(listen i have literally 0 clue on how chess works to bare with me,)

The girl nods with confidence, already knowing how to play regular chess.

"Do you want to play?" Peter asks, his stomach filled with butterflies.

The girl nods and sets the figurines on the board, strategically moving them to different squares like her father taught her.

Both teens were too focused on the game to notice Aunt May slip in to take a picture, proud of her nephew's choice in girls. Victoria, too, sneakily took a video of Peter, which was going great until he said "checkmate," making the girl gasp.

"I see how it is, Parker," the girl threatened with a dumb grin on her face. "I'm posting this video of you!"

"No you aren't," the boy said reaching for her phone but the girl sensed his action and stood up abruptly.

"Yes, I am!" She said and ran out of his room only to be chased after him. The girl was fast but Peter was much faster. He wrapped his arms around her waist, stopping her from running away again.

"Please," she begged at the boy, "you look cute," she frowned. He placed his head on her shoulder.

"Fine, only because you look cute when you frown," he said, eyes widening as he realized what he said.

"Huh you got confident," Victoria remarked holding onto his hands which were still wrapped around her waist.

"That I did, Smith," the boy replied, looking at the video from her phone.

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