The Final Day

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With Disneyworld out of the way, the teenagers left for Universal Studios, which Victoria thought was the highlight of the trip. She couldn't wait to get her hands on all the slytherin merchandise, and apologized to her card in advance.

Dressing up in her favorite green sweater, she left to Harry's room where she stole a cigarette from her friend's pack. Sighing at the two sleepyheads, she walked out of the room and made it downstairs to the cafe outside. Lighting her cigarette, she ordered a coffee and rubbed her temple, the pain of her abdomen now coming back to her. The girl blew a puff of smoke into the cold morning air and picked at her nails, her hand suddenly finding their way to her stomach where she clutched tightly.

Her phone rang, a call from Peter. She moved the cigarette to her left hand and placed the phone to her ear.

"Parker?" She asked, coughing vigorously into her hand, some splatters of red visible but she ignored it as she always did.

"Where are you?" He asked, "are you okay?"

She nodded, "I'm alright, just sitting at the cafe outside."

With a shuffled noise and what seemed to be an 'okay' the line ended and the girl went back to what she was doing. Why did her father lie to her about the pill? Was it even a lie or just some sort of weird reaction her body was giving? It didn't matter anyway, she was too busy daydreaming of today that she didn't notice her friend sit infront of her.

"So?" He said excitedly, leaning onto the table with a child-like smile. Victoria snorted, "We're going to Universal Studios for a couple of days." She took a last puff and put out the cig, crossing her arms in delight. His face went red from the girl's stare and he found himself looking at his shoes and fiddling with his thumbs.

"Anything to drink, Pete?" She asked, finishing up her coffee and calling over a waiter. The boy shrugged and with a soft smile, he took the menu from the waiter.

"May I have a chocolate frappe?" He asked, giving back the menu to the bored-looking girl. She nodded and left, leaving the two teenagers in a peaceful silence that was soon enough ruined by the loud yells of her friend group.

Harry's eyes were wet, coughs coming out of his laughing mouth as he hit Adonis' shoulder. Somehow, he was able to make the stressed girl laugh too, shaking her head at how dumb he was.
Peter drank his frappe quickly, not wanting to delay the plans and soon enough, they were headed to universal studios.


"There's no way in hell I'm riding that!" Mj laughed, backing away and accidentally hitting Victoria who steadied her by placing her hands on the girl's waist.

"Pussy," Victoria whispered into her ear smiling, grabbing her boyfriends hand before running to the queue where she waited for the rest of her non-coward friends to join. The girl's brown eyes watched as the roller coaster did a loop-de-loop at a fast pace, her heart began pumping with both excitement and adrenaline.

The ride ended and the gates were opened for the teenagers to enter, who hesitantly but excitedly made their ways to the nearest seats.

"Hold my hand?" Peter asked, a tang of fear in his voice. Victoria didn't know whether it was supposed to make him or her feel better but she held onto his bigger, softer hand and cuddled closely. Well, as close as the stupid seatbelts could let them.

"Ready? Set! Go!" The automated voice yelled and soon the teenagers were sent flying into the air, screams being silenced by the sound of the wind. The boys hand gripped tighter onto Victoria who was laughing and raising her left arm, her hair covering her pretty face.

Adonis and Harry were holding onto the seat restraints for life meanwhile Ned and Liz were screaming bloody murder. Obviously, Mj and Maddie couldn't be bothered to ride on such a rough and scary game.

"That was sick!" Ned yelled, apologizing to Liz who had her hands over her ears. The group nodded and headed over to the photo area where they were crying visible tears at how horrible the picture came out. Victoria looked like the grudge, Peter looked like he was about to cry, Adonis and Harry both looked like they were constipated while Ned and Liz had their mouths open so wide a whole apple could fit.

"Wow, didn't know he could do that," Peter nudged Victoria.

They left the first part of the park and headed over to Harry Potter world and as soon as they left the station, the teenagers eyes were filled with awe. Infront of them was hogwarts itself in all its beauty surrounded by greenery and a couple of 'diagon alley' themed shops. Letting her mind guide her, the girl immediately entered the dark shop at the end of the alley.

Her hands felt the soft material of the dark robes and sweaters, smiling with content after grabbing a few tops n waltzing her way to the cashier. Peter trailed behind, like a lost puppy, his eyes wide with awe of the place.

After paying for the overpriced tops, Victoria kissed Peter's cheek and met up with the rest of the group who were currently sipping on butterbeer. All was well until she felt a weird knot in her stomach.

"Uh, I'm gonna go to the restroom for a bit, yeah?" She said, smiling weirdly then turning away. Peter grabbed her hand, "is everything alright, V?" He whispered. She nodded and left.

A sharp pain hit her abdomen, the same place she had previously been shot. Hadn't her father told her it would heal in no time? After all, with or without the pill, her wounds healed fast. With a gasp, she pulled herself into one of the stalls, locking it, then kneeling onto the bowl. She began coughing red.

Victoria felt like the whole world was spinning as her throat clogged with blood. She wanted to call someone but she couldn't and so she sat alone suffering, tears rolling down her face as she realized what might come next.


Peter's spidey senses itched as he noticed his girlfriend's long trip to the toilet. He excused himself too and soon he found himself running to where she had left. He ran faster as he heard the sound of choking, thanking his heightened senses and pushing through the bathroom door into the second stall. He knocked out of respect and curtesy, "Vic?"

The girls eyes slowly shut. She mumbled his name and hoped it was enough for him to realize it was her. The stall opened and the boy's look of confusion changed into terror as he saw his girlfriend on the floor, blood all over her face mixed with her tears.

"W-what happened?" He stuttered, pulling the girl onto his chest. His eyes watered as he felt her pulse slowly weaken.

"The pill didn't work. I wasn't supposed to live past the gunshot," she choked out. She didn't want to leave him. Not now. Not here.

"What? I-I don't know what you mean Vic," Peter said, his body now shaking too in fear of losing her. Her cold hand met his but her grip wasn't as hard as it used to be. She had lost her strength trying to stay awake for her last moments with Peter.

"I love you Pete," Victoria smiled as a tear dropped on his hand. She had so much to say in so little time.

"Victoria you're not going anywhere wait just hold on please for me hold on," the boy begged, his voice going high as he tried to hold the tears in but alas, they fell.

He texted the rest of the group quickly and put all his attention back to his girl, his love, the person he thought he would've spent eternity with. Peter kissed her forehead and mumbled the words 'i love you' so many times to the point it didn't even sound like an actual saying anymore.

Peter's hand wasn't being held anymore. Victoria Smith's eyes were shut, blissfully, as if she was in a deep sleep that she wouldn't wake up for, but then again, that is one way to describe death. She spent her last moments with her love and she couldn't have asked for anything more.

The last thing she remembered before it all went black was him saying he loved her while memories of them played in her head. She loved him too and she was glad he knew.

The end

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