Chapter 49

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                                                                RAW 2/13/23

                                                         In the middle of it all

"Speaking of which how's The Wild One been handling all of this?" he asked. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my other big problem. The Wild One who's been sizzling to the surface so often, it's like she's constantly close by ready to leap at a moment's notice.

"I used to be good with managing it but because of current events everything's been a trigger for her. I feel her constantly over my shoulder. Sami was texting me yesterday morning and I ended up leaving the bus and beating up some equipment before Solo stopped me. He said I needed to get it under control, to find someone or something to help with it," I explained.

"I thought Roman was your anchor?" Jey asked.

"He is, but I also need to find one in myself. When she gets out, I know Roman can help me get her under control but it almost seems worse when she's just sitting there constantly on the edge of coming out. Like I told Solo I'll figure it out, something will help me understand what I need to do, I just hope it's before something really bad happens," I said.

"I got you Little Uce, whatever you need me to do, I'll do it," he said with sincerity in his voice and I could see it in his eyes.

"Thanks, but the only thing you can do for now is be here, with us," I told him.

"I'm not going anywhere," he assured. We were silent for a minute before I spoke up again.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything," he said.

"Out of all the places in the world you could have gone why did you go to my house?" I asked. The question had been plaquing me from the minute I heard he had gone there.

"I don't know, I just wanted to go somewhere where no one would think to look. All I wanted was peace and quiet and that made me think about your house and walking the trails of the woods. The second I thought about that I was on the plane."

"Even though you knew Linda would inform me of where you were?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean I knew until you guys knew where I was, you'd be worried. But this way I knew Linda would tell you and I wouldn't have to."

"So not only did you leave me in the ring, put a hole in my wall, but you also told me to stay away from my own house," I said making sure I got all the facts correct. Jey looked down but I saw a smile on his face.

"I guess so, I'm sorry I just....," he said.

"I'm messing with you, I'm not mad," I interrupted him putting my hand on his arm.

"So let me ask you a question," he smirked at me.

"Alright," I said suspicious.

"How big of a blow up did Roman have about Sami kissing you on live TV?"

"I don't know," I answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"We haven't talked about it, or anything else that happened last night," I said. Jey didn't say anything just looked at me. "I tried to talk to him about it but he didn't want to, said we'd talk about it later, he was too mad. I'd never seen that look on his face before, it even scared me. So, I didn't try to push it."

"Wise choice. When Roman gets mad enough to not even speak, it's bad Little Uce, really bad."

"Thanks for making me feel so much better about it," I stated.

"I'm sorry, but Sami better enjoy his last week on earth because he won't make it past Elimination Chamber. Fitting name, elimination."

"I don't know what to do or say to Roman to make it better for him," I stressed.

"If I were you, I'd keep a low profile, don't do anything on your own, just do whatever creative comes up with and ride the storm out."

"Easy for you to say, you're not locked up in this room with your other personality waiting to come out," I said and he looked at me with question marks floating around his head.

"I saw that possessive look in his eyes, I was glued to him all night and he wouldn't even let me come out to eat breakfast with you guys. He almost threw a fit just because I wanted to go take a shower."

"Little Uce you're in the deep end," he said shaking his head.

"And you kind of saw last night but security has been following me and everyone else ever since the whole Sami thing went sour and I already know it's going to be doubled by the time we hit the Canadian border," I explained.

"Yeet," Jey said.

"You agree?" I questioned.

"This Sami Zayn thing is real, those Canadians look at Sami like a hero, we The Bloodline are the biggest enemies of those Canadians right now so of course security is going to be tight. Montreal is going to be insane; I'm surprised Roman is even letting you have a match there."

"Right now, so am I, so am I," I said and there really wasn't anything he could say about it. What's going to happen in Montreal is going to happen and there was no backing out of my match anyways. Not that I wanted to because now that Shayna put me threw a table all I can think about is getting my hands on her to return the favor.

"Are we good then Little Uce?" he asked. I looked into his eyes and I saw worry floating around like he was afraid I'd say no.

"Yeet," I answered smiling and he busted out laughing then pulled me into another hug. He got up to leave a few minutes later but he stopped at the door to look back at me.

"By the way watching you come out to Roman's entrance music by yourself, one of the greatest things I've ever seen," he commented and I grinned. He winked at me and left the room just as I felt the bus come to a stop. I had no idea where we were or even what state we were in. I wanted to go out to see what was happening and to get more ice for my back but I heard Jeys words repeat in my head. Keep a low profile and ride the storm out and walking out into the middle of the storm probably wasn't a good idea. So, I stayed in place and waited not something I was good at but if it was what I needed to do I'd do it. I gripped my Roman necklace and wished for him to appear. It was about ten minutes after Jey left that Roman came back in and it was like he knew. He had an ice pack in his hand as he came over sitting down next to me again handing the pack over.

"Where are we?" I asked taking the ice pack and placing it on my back.

"Brooklyn, New York," he said and I shot him a look.

"Brooklyn isn't that where RAW is going to be?" I asked.

"Yes, it is," he said not giving any explanation.

"The Bloodline is going to be on RAW?" I asked.

"Not The Bloodline but you are, well and Solo because after what happened on Smackdown you're not going anywhere without him if I'm not there," he said and I was so confused I had no idea what was going on.

"I'm going to need more than that," I said.

"I guess the interaction between you and Cody last Monday got a lot of views and comments so they want you to get involved in a segment in the ring between Cody and Sami," he said and I could see he hated that.

"Sami and Cody are going to do a segment on RAW together?" I questioned surprised.

"Apparently they have something in common," he half heartly answered.

"You," I said and he nodded.

"It's the only thing the three of us have in common then," I told him. He barely nodded to that. "You don't want me to do this do you?" I asked.

"Personally, I don't, but business wise I see why they want to do it," he said. I saw then what he really needed, reassurance from me. I leaned forward and reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. He moved forward so I didn't have to stretch so much and placed his hands on my hips. I looked him right into his eyes.

"You don't have to feel jealous or insecure Chief. My feelings for you are solid and unmovable. I belong with you no one can get in between us no matter how hard they try. I know you just want to protect me and keep me in here away from everyone, but I promise you at the end of the day you're the only one I want next to me always," I said to him. He leaned in and kissed me.

"Always," he said pulling back and leaning his forehead against mine.

"If they want me to get involved in the segment I will, for you, because besides Paul, who can give compliments about you better than me," I said smirking.

"Alright, alright I'll let you do it, but never leave Solo when you leave this bus," he said.

"No problem, but come Friday my focus will be on Shayna," I told him.

"You got it Wildfire," he said. "You know when she put you through that table, I have to admit I was worried, I always worry more when I'm not there."

"I know but it's part of the job," I said.

"It is but what Sami did was definitely not part of the job. I don't even know how I'm going to keep myself in control at Elimination Chamber."

"He asked for it," I said.

"That he did."

"So, you know in order for me to do my job I'm going to have to leave the bus, Chief you're going to have to let me leave this room," I told him. His eyes definitely told me he didn't want to but he nodded.

"Alright, but for the sake of my health can you please keep my stress to a minimum."

"I always try my best Chief, but you know most of the time it isn't because of me, it's other people's actions that mess things up."

"I know."

"By the way what did you think of my entrance last night?" I asked and I saw the change in his eyes a glimmer of pride shinned in them and then he smirked.

"You couldn't have done me prouder," he said and I felt a happiness I hadn't felt in a long time when he said that. I leaned into him again and he pulled me closer.

Roman told me Paul was on a creative call but when he was done, I could go over things with him. Roman left the room to take his own phone call while I pulled out some paper and a pen to write down some ideas for what to say to Sami and Cody. Depending on what they had to say I found the promo easy to write and I could adjust according to what they'd have to say. An hour later I was finally leaving the bedroom and went to the table where Paul was to talk business. Roman and Solo weren't on the bus and Jimmy and Jey were in the lounge watching matches. I could tell they very much missed each other. Paul went over a rough outline of what Cody and Sami were going to do and I handed my notes to Paul for him to look over.

"You know when it comes to promos, I never really have to worry about yours, they are usually spot on," Paul told me.

"Thanks," I said.

It was a peaceful Sunday and later that evening it was the first time in weeks we all sat down to eat dinner together. The rest of the evening and Monday morning it was a lot of going over what was planned for the week since it was a Live Event week and constant security measure we had to go over once we got to Canada.

Around three pm on Monday Paul, Solo, and I left the bus. Solo and I went to the locker room and Paul to creative. I only left the locker room to go to hair and makeup and everyone was looking at Solo and I as we walked the halls. The Bloodline was involved in a lot of storylines right now and we were a hot topic on gossip so they were curious as to why we were there. Paul came and got us when it was close to our time. He'd wait in gorilla while we went out. I stared at the monitor in the interview area watching Baron Corbin just a few feet away giving an interview when they cut in the middle of it to go to the ring where Sami had taken over and the crowd is going crazy for him. He says he's not here to stop the show but he has something to say to someone and he might not get the chance to say it after Elimination Chamber. Then Sami calls out Cody Rhodes. Once Cody appears on the monitor I look to Solo and Paul and we make our way into gorilla. Everything The Bloodline does is usually limited to a few people knowing what's going to happen. And it was clear when we stepped into gorilla hardly any of them knew we were going to be part of this segment. I moved my title to around my waist as we looked on from the monitor. Cody got his entrance out of the way and was now standing face to face with Sami.

Cody welcomes Sami to RAW and then asked him what he wanted to talk about. Sami brings up Cody's conversation last week that he had with Paul Heyman that set the world on fire. I looked to Paul to see it playing over in his eyes. Well so far Sami wasn't wrong, I was still digesting it and one week ago feels like a lifetime ago for me.

"But there is one thing that you said that has been replaying in my mind over and over and over and I can't stop thinking about it. And it is when you said it is looking more and more like Cody Rhodes Vs. Sami Zayn at WrestleMania," he said and the crowd cheered, of course this was about him, I rolled my eyes. "So, I came all this way Cody to look you dead in your eyes and I want to hear it straight out of your mouth and you tell me man to man if you actually believe I can beat Roman Reigns."

"For god sakes really, he needs reassurance from someone else," I spoke and I moved over to the curtain I was so ready to go out there.

"Easy Briar, this is a talking segment not a fighting one," Solo said putting his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I listened to Cody talk.

"When I said that I think you can beat Roman Reigns that you will beat Roman Reigns I meant it," Cody said and I again rolled my eyes. "But it doesn't matter what I believe, what is it that you believe Sami? Do you believe you can beat Roman Reigns?" he asked. Sami looked like he was about to cry.

"Do you want the truth?" Sami asked.

"No dumbass we want you to waste our time and blow smoke up our ass," I stated.

"Brair," Solo warned again. I was starting to wonder if it was really going to be a good idea for me to go out there. The crowd started singing Sami's stupid song and I felt The Wild One creeping up on me.

"The truth is Cody I don't know," Sami said. Well at least he can be honest about something. "You haven't seen what I've seen, I've been in the trenches with The Bloodline, I've stood shoulder to shoulder with Roman Reigns for over nine months. I have been in the dugout with them making game plans. I've seen it, I've seen it they always find a way, Cody they always find a way. And this thing about him being in GOD mode it's not just a catch phrase he actually is as good as he says he is. He actually is operation on a level higher than he's ever operated on before and I have seen it. I have seen guys bigger than me, stronger than me walk into matches with Roman Reigns full of conviction, fully believing in their hearts that they were going to be the ones to take down Roman Reigns and every single one of them went down. So now I'm supposed to believe that after all this time, after almost nine hundred days that Sami Zayn is going to be the one to take down Roman Reigns. If you're asking me if I believe I'm capable of beating Roman Reigns, yes, yes, I believe that. If you're asking me if I think I'm capable of become undisputed universal champion yes, I believe that! If you're asking if I believe I'm worthy of being WrestleMania main event material, yes, I believe that!" Sami shouted his whole face turning red as I looked back over to the monitor. "I have to believe that, I have to, because if I don't believe that no one else will Cody. But if you're asking me if I actually think that I'm going to be the one walking out of Montreal as the new undisputed universal champion I don't know," Sami said with such pain in his voice.

"So, you don't know? That's what you're saying to me, is you don't know, seems like everyone here knows," Cody said looking around at the audience as they once again got loud. "I haven't been where you've been. I haven't watched Roman up close but I've been watching from the sidelines. I've been watching from when he became champion till now and you're right everybody has fallen. But here's the other thing there's descension in The Bloodline and that's because of you. There are cracks in the armor, holes in the scales and that's because of you. The idea that the greatest champion of our generation could possibly be dethroned, becoming a reality is because of you," he shouted. I reached over to the table and picked up a mic. "You want to say that Roman Reigns is GOD mode well put it on a t-shirt, print it, it looks really good there but Roman Reigns is a man Sami," he said and I was done.

"Hit my music," I shouted as Cody was telling Sami to finish the story.

"But it's not...."

"NOW!" I shouted at the music guy and he flick the button and my music went. Cody and Sami stopped talking and turned to look up the ramp. I stormed out with Solo behind me. We stopped at the top of the ramp and I was half booed half cheered like I knew I'd be. I eyed both of them as they looked surprised and confused.

"Cut the music," I said and the music stopped and I started to walk down the ramp, Solo right on my heels.

"I hate to interrupt your pep talk Cody but I was in the back listening to this little talk the two of you were having and you just said something that didn't sit right with me," I said jumping up onto the apron, Solo following suit as we got into the ring.

"You just said that Roman in GOD mode looks really nice on a t-shirt but he's just a man. I was just wondering who you were trying to convince that to, to Sami or yourself? If I had to guess I'd say both, because it's easier to convince yourself that he's just a man on the same level as you to give yourself the confidence to get in the ring with him. But the reality is and this is coming from someone on the inside, Roman Reigns is the definition of GOD mode and I assure you; you will find that out very soon. And you two have actually got yourselves convinced there are cracks in The Bloodline?" I asked looking to Solo then laughed. "If that's what you need to tell yourself then go ahead. The truth is the two of you can stand here all night trying to convince yourselves that you have the slightest chance at beating Roman or become Champion but, in all honesty, and I know the truth hurts so I'll say this slowly...neither of you...has a chance against your Tribal Chief," I stated smirking. Cody leaned over to whisper something to Sami.

"Cody, I told you last week that I respect you, I respect your story and what you're trying to do with your career so let me give you some advice. Stay away from this one," I said pointing to Sami. "One thing I've learned about Sami Zayn is he tends to leave a bad taste in your mouth," I said and the whole crowd sucked in a collective breath.

"What are you even doing out here Brair, Roman needs a woman to fight his battles for him," Sami spoke trying to get my comment out of everyone's minds.

"I assure you The Tribal Chief will take care of both of you, but you two are the ones

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