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As I half crawl, half run through the allies, I pass body after body of people lucky enough to die, their bodies laid peacefully, but chewed and torn. The stench of rotting flesh fills the air, the same bitter-sweet smell I've already encountered at least 5 times today.

It makes me sick to think of what's going on in the more densely populated areas, like London, it must be hell on earth, I push those thoughts to the back of my mind as I wipe a droplet of sweat from my scorching forehead, I'm sweating all over, it's summer and it's hotter than usual, not good if I need to run.

I hear a moan to the right of me and jump to the left, I look in the direction of the moan and see a zombie impaled, the pole going through its stomach and caught in a crack in the floor.

Did I just call it a zombie?

It seems absurd, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

I'm in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

I start to panic as I think of the rest of the world, how to get food, clean water, medicines.

The zombie moans again and it brings me back to my senses, I do the same swing with my crowbar and wrench it out of the lifeless body's head, I say a silent prayer for the man it used to be and move on. Already I'm used to killing, I'm used to smashing a head open like an egg, but it's for my survival, what else could i do?

I keep walking on my toes, I don't want to draw any unwanted attention to me, I come out of the alleyway into an open main road, the area is flat,with no buildings in front of me, I can see for miles.

I look at the hills in the distance and I see a massive muddy patch, almost the size of an entire field, it must have been trampled.

I turn around to look back at the alleyway, and find a zombie about three feet away from me, I panic and kick it's knee, and hear a snap, I cringe and the zombie falls to the floor, apparently feeling nothing.

I bring my boot up into the air and force it down onto the head of the creature, I hear a gargle and the noises stop.

I see binoculars on the zombies neck, must have been a tourist. Poor guy didn't stand a chance.

I pick them up and I look through them at the hill.


There's no mud on the hills, it's, its bodies.

There's a horde, there must be at least a thousand, I wouldn't stand a chance if it came this way.

I look at it again.

It's coming for this town.

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