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Sucrose returned earlier than expected today. Panting and grasping for some breath. She left under urgency and returned as a mess. Only to find a semi recovered Venti. She sighed, her hardened expression softened, and she smiled. "You're okay.. that's good-great! I was worried someone would-" she breathed in and shook her head.

I smiled towards Venti and smiled too. "Yeah, he's okay, it's great."

When I turned back to Sucrose, she looked away, her face flushed, but then she looked back between Venti and me.

"I shall get Albedo right away." she said. Her footsteps echoes faded in the corridor.

Venti and I didn't speak for a while. We were only looking at each other.

"So.." he said, I looked towards him. This was confusing. Why was it so confusing?

"Yes?" I turned to him. He didn't continue, and it was annoying to have someone not continue what they said.

"About the thing you wanted to say?" he asked. My eyes went wide. Oh.. that, yeah, well.

I didn't remember what I was going to say. I decided to sneak in a half assed apology.

"I was going to apologise for accusing you of being a pest, a pathetic and ignorant excuse of a being. I shouldn't have overreacted as much as I did, and I won't repeat the same mistake I have in the past." Well, yeah, I guess it makes sense that I would have felt guilty? My conscience isn't anything false or nonexistent. At last, I was still human.

He looked at me, "Ouch, that hurt, being called those names by my beloved friend." he rested his chin on my shoulder. He nuzzled my neck and felt my cheeks burning, "You smell sweet as the morning dew, teuerste."

"Also, don't coax me up to get your hands on my blood, sneaky bastard." I muttered, rolling my eyes. I didn't know why, but his little chuckle made me feel lighter. I had a hard time concealing the fact that he made a smile inch up.

"Your blood is akin to that of a goddess." he shrugged, "it wasn't my intent anyway."

"How do you know how it tastes?" I ask. I deadpaned when he smirked smug, "Be quiet, no way. You're, you're not that old."

He pursed his lips, "I am."

"You're ANCIENT." I said. I felt the surprise sink in. It was so eerie. He had so much more experience in everything than I would ever get. I was a fraction of him, no more than a passing experience. If only he weren't a vampire, then we'd be able to spend the rest of the days together.

"Now you make me sound like an old man." He smiled.

"Well, yeah, but you're centuries old-" I argued, my eyes drifting towards him.

He shrugged and left.


Later that week, I met up with Sucrose. She looked around the infirmary while she checked the recourses. I watched her scoot around, which became more confusing when she seemed to find one object, and then she would shook her head. The object would be cast aside, but they were put back in place by me as far as I was able to recall.

"What are you searching for?" I asked. She remained quiet. Strange, usually she didn't react that way. She wasn't the most talkative, sure, but her focus seemed scattered across the room like the items.

"Nothing big, only desinfectant," the mint haired apprentice muttered. She corrected her gloves and pushed them on her fingers.

"Oh?" I smile, I bring up the bottle from behind her shoulder and present it like a trophy.

Her eyes went wide, and she smiled, then I dropped the bottle in her hands. Sucrose caught it somewhat clumsily and hummed a small thanks.

I nodded and remained quiet and seated where I was. As I watched Sucrose look for clean gloves, she came towards me.

"You got bitten," she frowned, "give me a moment." The desinfectant that stood beside her made sense now. The small winces that came up as soon as she treated my neck stung. Like tiny needles prickled into my skin.

These gloves felt weird on my skin, but I didn't question it.

We remained silent. She didn't open the conversation about who bit me, and neither did I. It seemed like a conversation we'd have-it was my own solitude-I concealed most of my life anyway.

Meanwhile, as she treated me, I reminiced about the bite and the tender affection, which followed from Venti back then. It was quite cute. The affection, unlike the bite, was pleasant. However, I have to add that he was gentle while it stung. It wasn't nearly as painful as when the other vampire injured me a few months ago. I didn't realize how fast time had passed until I looked towards the clock. I had a lot left to do. "Hey, do you have paper and a pen, perhaps?" I smiled.

Sucrose smile was eager and warm. I thanked her and took the paper as soon as she returned with it. Soon after that, I was alone in the infirmary. Left alone in my own silence and solitude to write.

I wasn't sure what to write. I could talk about the progress—nonexistent, if I were to mention it—and continue with moving on from this mission.

I'd return to my old life sooner or later, and that was going to be my final scheme, my return safe and sound.

A few days later, as the weeks began to feel like clouds passing by in the sky, I sent the letter off. It was an easy decision. Without hesitation, it wouldn't harm anyone.

I sent off a confirmation and went over to Venti. He hung out with Diluc. Who denied him a drink at this hour.

"Stressing over beverages already?" I asked, my curiosity leading me to places. Diluc stood behind the counter and hid a tiny smile beneath his hand. I felt a little reassurance through that. Making Diluc smile was no easy task.

"Hey- no, I wasn't drinking already.." he whined. He pointed at the glass, "look, just apple juice." he made sure I took in the smell. Its fragrance was sweet and refreshing. Diluc nodded too and affirmed it.

"Right," I said, "what were you arguing about then?"

Venti looked back at me, but his cheeks turned red. I exchanged a look with Diluc, who cleaned the glass and came back to me.

The redhead walked into the storage room. With Venti and me left in the shared silence, the shared awkward moment didn't hold back. I could swear I felt my heart jump out of my ribcage. It was awful. We didn't speak for a while. Moreover, we went to the garden and without a warning he turned to me.

He inhaled once, then turned his gaze focused on me. "There is one thing left I have to trust you with yet, but I need time for that."

Time was the thing we'd never have. In the blink of an eye, for him, a year, a century, and a decade passed.

"Time.. you say," I said. He looked at me, we both knew, time was an issue between people like us.

"I am, not this old because I'm a vampire alone."

Wait. What?

Hold on, this can't be true.

"And I trust you. You're my life essence, my protector, my eyes and ears. Not a day shan't pass where the winds won't bless your safety." He held my hands. It was warm and comfortable. Venti embraced me and smiled, "You know already who I am, don't you?"

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆

Did I edit another time? No, I didn't, but did I deliver a new chapter? Yes, sir, also doesn't it sound lovely to feel dumb because there's some huge family event and I forgot to get shoes... and probably getting a few different dresses because I only have one that fits for family celebrations, and I feel like uncomfortable in that one 👍🏻🫥

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