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Y/n's POV

God, he looks so damn tired. That's all I could think about you for the entirety we'd been in your house. My head was still a little fuzzy from smacking my face on Twice's bedroom floor, and you'd been taking care of me since then, but you looked exhausted. A nervous laugh erupted out of me after you'd said 'it would be nice'. "My hair? Or a, a partner you can trust?" It came out in a stutter, but the feeling of your fingers running down my cheek took my breath away.

The fact that you were so confused as to why your past partners fell for you blew my mind. Not that I'd say it out loud unless I was messing with you, but you were so handsome. And rude in the nicest way. The way you didn't let a single thing bother you was super attractive. Your sighs, your glares, the way you looked at me when you tossed a sarcastic comment my way, everything about you was dreamy. I wasn't one to fall for people I worked with either, but the moment you got irritated with me just outside my own classroom, I couldn't help it. Not that I'd be telling you that either. Don't wanna feed that smirking ego of yours.

Lost in my own train of thought while staring into those beautiful dark eyes, I barely noticed your voice when you responded to me.

"Both." You mumbled, standing up and moving around me to make toward the door.

"Shota, I-"

"Eraser." A quiet sigh left your lips as you turned around to look at me, raising your eyebrows. I stood up as well, straightening my back. It was getting a bit warm in here. "You should get some rest. After checking you out, I think you'll be okay to sleep." You tilted your body to the side, grabbing the door handle.

My eyes widened slightly as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Here? Sleep here?" Scanning back through the conversation, a smirk widened across my face. "Oh, I get it." I spoke. "You were checking me out so now you want me to stay the night."

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you whipped open the door with a heavy sigh. It's not like you were actually irritated with me; I saw the hint of a smirk cross your face before you used the door to block it from my view. "No." Your voice came out deadly serious, but I knew that wasn't the case. "I figured tomorrow we could report to Hawks together, then we could train you a bit more with that scarf if he wants to pair us up again."

This time, instead of shock, relief flooded my brain. "So you do trust me as a partner?"

"Quit stating the obvious and get out of my bathroom." The door creaked open a bit more, you holding it so I could walk out. Your scarf covered your mouth, but you were glaring at me. Cute. A low grumble came from behind your scarf. "It's hot in here." I wasn't sure I was supposed to hear that so I strolled out of the bathroom and toward the living room. You grabbed my shoulder. "Uh, uh. You're sleeping in my room, I'll take the couch." Something like surprise must've crossed my face because you smirked at me, pointing toward your room. "There are pajama pants in the second drawer from the top, mens, I hope you don't mind." Shaking my head quickly, I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I needed to get away from you. I was far too flustered.

"Uh, goodnight then, Mr. Aizawa." My tongue over pronounced every syllable in your last name as I sped toward your room, covering my cheeks with my hands. I swung the door open and slammed it shut behind me, leaning my back against the wood. Thank god I got out of there. I thought I was going to lose it.

For a moment, I just stood there listening to your footsteps slide down the hallway and away from me. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the sudden bright light when I flicked the switch next to your door, but once they did, I was amazed. Maroon paint covered the walls, a large glass door leading to a balcony stood directly across from me. Your bed blocked the path to it, which was perfectly made with black sheets, a black comforter, and black pillows. Unsure of what I was expecting to find in here, I blinked a few times. The place was spotless. There were no photos of you decorating your dresser, just of Eri. And I noticed there weren't any little trinkets either. No sign of what you liked at all.

Making my way to your closet across the hardwood floor, I slid it open slowly just in case it was loud. I didn't want you to know that I may slightly be snooping through your things. A sigh escaped my lips and my shoulders drooped. All there was to find was a suit and about ten of your hero costumes. Is that all you wore? A couple of sets of your goggles hung in the back of the closet on silver hooks. This was a bust. I slid the door closed and turned my attention to the dresser against the wall to my left.

Striding toward it, I opened the second dresser from the top. Pajama pants and sweatpants in all different dark colors. I grabbed a pair of black sweats and slipped out of my jumper, sliding the pants on. My fingers gently pushed the drawer closed, quickly opening the third one. Tank tops. Thank god. Walking around the house in my (cutest, mind you) bra didn't seem like an option. I grabbed a white one and shoved it over my head, straightening over my stomach. After closing that drawer, my eyes fell on the top one for a split second. That's probably where you kept your underwear. I shook my head and walked away, laughing quietly at myself. That wasn't something I needed to see.

My feet left the ground about six inches when a knock met the door. I cleared my throat and froze next to the bed, sinking onto it. "Yeah?" I called out. The door opened a crack, allowing light to flow into the darkness of where I sat. I could hear your snoring from where I sat, it wasn't loud or anything, just little fits of snorts. I giggled to myself and tilted my head to the side when Eri poked her head in. "Hey, Eri. You alright?"

The girl made her way into the room with a shuffle of her feet. "I can't sleep, Ms. Chika." She twiddled with her fingers then looked up at me through her eyelashes. Puppy eyes. Oh, great. "Can I stay here with you?" Eri whispered, moving closer to me.

I nodded quickly and opened up the comforter for her, laying myself down on the side next to the balcony. "Of course, honey." I patted the bed next to me, watching her run up and climb into bed next to me. Pulling her close to me, I slipped my arm over her shoulders and stroked her hair gently. Her lids were already heavy when she'd opened the door, so Eri fell asleep rather quickly. A small chuckle left my mouth as I closed my eyes in hopes of drifting off just as fast.


Dreams had never been a friend of mine, but this one was my worst yet.

The League stood around me, threatening me with death if I spilled any of their secrets. A dark figure stood in the far corner of the room with a wing shielding his face so I couldn't see it. As if I didn't know who it was. Hawks. The person who dragged me into this mess in the first place.

A giant spotlight hung over me, making me blind to anyone who wasn't standing in the light with me. My hands were tied tightly behind my back. That would leave bruises for weeks. When I tried to speak, I choked on the words.

Curse the dream gods.

An elbow met with my rib, a loud cracking sound ringing in my ears. I winced, unable to cradle the pain with my hands. I glanced behind me in anger. A mass of black wavy hair greeted me and my eyes grew wide. How could Hawks let all of this happen? My chest started to rise and fall rapidly, breaths leaving my lungs at a rate much too fast to be considered normal. Yellow goggles crashed to the floor behind me causing me to jump as far as I could.

"You know she betrayed you, right Eraserhead? You allowed yourself to trust her only to be let down again." Shigaraki's voice echoed through my skull. I shook my head at his words, feeling my world start to crumble around me; darkness crowding my vision due to hyperventilation. Sweat dripped off of my forehead as I hung my head, gazing at the pool of blood surrounding my feet.

"Y/n?" Aizawa's weak voice was the last thing I heard before the last of my consciousness slipped away.

"Y/n!" You screamed again, throwing me out of my dream. Your fingers were gripping my shoulders as you shook me back and forth, worry holding your eyes tightly. "Hey, it's alright. Wake up!" My eyes fluttered open while my hair whipped in front of my face. "Oh my god." You breathed, pulling me into your chest and stroking my hair. Sweat was still dripping off of my forehead. I looked up at you in confusion, my eyes falling to a frightened Eri behind you. I whipped my head toward the balcony. It was still dark. "It's 6:04. I came to wake you up, ran into Eri on my way out."

Finally, I nodded, coming to completely. Looking back up at you, a small smile reached my lips. "I'm okay." I choked out. You were still holding me tightly with your chin resting on my head. "You called me Y/n."

Of course, you ignored me completely in your very own 'you' fashion. "You're burning up. Let's go on the balcony." Your words came out in a grumble. Eri tugged on your elbow, staring at me. "Ms. Chika's alright, sweetheart. Why don't you go watch some cartoons, okay?" She nodded when you patted her head. Then she trotted herself out of the room and down the hall. Returning your full attention to me, I felt your grip loosen as you looked into my eyes, burning into them with worry. "Can you stand? Are you sure you're okay?"

A quiet laugh rose from my chest. "I'm fine, Mr. Aizawa." I poked fun, pronouncing your last name sarcastically. When I moved to get off the bed, you slid a hand under my arm to help me up and walk me over to the balcony. The cold greeted me kindly as I stepped outside, my smile growing more as if I wasn't burying that dream deep down to where I couldn't find it again.

Tiny beeping noises went off behind me and I tilted my head to the side to see you leaning against the doorframe, going through your phone. I allowed my eyes to linger for a while, observing the way your hair fell over your shoulders. Flashes of my dream blurred my vision again; the blood flowing across the cement floor, your goggles falling off of your face, how weak your voice had sounded when you called out to me. My hand met the railing behind me, keeping me steady.

"Hawks. It's Eraserhead." You paused, rolling your eyes and putting the call on speaker. Immediately Hawks' sly voice came through. "Jinx is here too."

"Awww, hey guys! Glad you get along so well." You scoffed. "I heard from the Commission that it was a job well done, so thanks for that."

"No problem, talk to you later."

"Wait, wait!"

"What?" Your voice came out stern and annoyed as you raised your voice slightly. "What else could you possibly need, Hawks?"

"I've got another job for you two. Two weeks from now. I'll text you both the det's later. See ya." He hung up, and you growled.

What followed after you shoved your phone back in your pocket was a long, drawn-out silence. The peaceful kind. I took the time to turn back around and gaze out at the beautiful view you had of UA's campus from your balcony. There were rather large trees decorating the ground outside of it, stretching toward the sky on the right. The sky itself was still dark, but little paint splotches of light blue could be seen reaching toward the stars. Daybreak was on its way. A sigh escaped you as you moved to stand next to me, leaning on the railing with your elbows.

With a glance over at you, I met your eyes. They looked like they were waiting for me to ask about your little fit over the phone. I, however, couldn't work up the courage. Just hearing Hawk's voice had me on edge. That dream came with more harm than good, so much so that looking at you now, I could only see your yellow goggles hitting the concrete floor.

After what seemed like hours, but was only mere minutes, your voice broke the quiet of the morning. "What were you dreaming about?" It was scratchy and deep; sent shivers down my spine. That was a hell of a morning voice.

My voice came out with a shaky breath as I dreaded reliving my nightmares. I decided that maybe it was best not to share them with you just yet, running a hand through my hair and shifting my body to face yours. "Um, you know how you wake up and forget your dream immediately? Yeah... that's what happened to me." Mindlessly playing with my fingers, I snuck a peek at your eyes. You didn't believe me, that much I could see, but I could also see that you didn't feel like pressing the issue on.

A shrug met your shoulders. "Happens to the best of us." You sighed and scratched the back of your head, still worrying without trying to show it off too much. "Are you ready to train with that scarf?"

"Uh," I glanced back out at the horizon. "There's not a whole lot of light in the sky, and we need to eat first. After that?" A smirk played with the corners of your mouth and you nodded down at me, walking back into your room. I followed closely behind you, my gaze meeting the bed to our right. There was a huge spot of sweat on the left side, the one I'd slept on. Subconsciously, I rose a hand to my forehead to check my temperature. It was the same as my hand. At least I'd cooled off a bit after my night terror. The heat was probably what worried you the most. "Was I that bad?" The words flew out of my mouth before I could catch them, and I whipped my head over to look at you.

You were biting your lip and messing with the back of your head again, your chin tilted down like there was a scarf around your neck to hide behind. Our awkward pause gave me the time to really, and I mean really, look at you. God, you were built. We were basically wearing the same thing, except your tank top and sweatpants were black. Scars coated the muscle on both of your arms and there was a small one below your cheek; exactly where mine was. Maybe I hadn't noticed it yesterday because it was dark the entire time we were together. Plus, my minor concussion. Your hair was long, about as long as mine, and perfect. How was it so perfect. Every time you moved, your arms flexed perfectly. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

That scar on your cheek had me in a trance. Without realizing it, I had moved so close to you that I could feel the heat of your breath on my cheek. I reached up, grazing the scar with my fingertips. Your arm snapped up reflexively, gripping my hand. I flinched in response but your grip didn't hurt. It was more like you just wanted the touch to stop. "I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out in a whisper, shaking my head.

You simply stood there, frozen. "It's from the attack on USJ. I'm sure you heard about it." When you finally spoke up your voice was flat and your eyes were squeezed shut.

"I did."

Your grip loosened and you dropped your hands down to your sides, shoving them in your pockets. "Two broken arms, skin disintegrated off of my elbow, and my face smashed into concrete multiple times."

"I heard you were a true hero to your students that day."

"Well, I am a pro." You smirked, strolling out of your bedroom and signaling me to follow. It was as if that conversation didn't exist in your head. You didn't want it to. As much as I wanted to hear more, it was a subject I wasn't willing to push. That, and the topic of a student of yours being kidnapped by the League. Everyone knew about it, no one dared to talk about it.

We strolled down the hallway together, again succumbed to silence. This time, however, the silence was comforting as our feet met the floorboards in sync. I could hear Eri watching her cartoons from down the hall.

"What're you watching?" I asked as soon as we entered the living room, peering at the TV over the recliner where Eri sat.

She looked up at me with a toothy grin. "Cartoons!" My heart swelled at the look on her face before she hit me with a question I wasn't quite prepared to answer as a teacher. "Ms. Chika, am I your favorite student?"

The sound of your stifled laughter in the kitchen brought a smirk to my lips. "Now, Miss Eri," I put my hands on my hips as she climbed up the back of the recliner, staring at me with her big eyes. "I'm not allowed to have favorite students. But if I did, it would definitely be you." I poked her nose then bent over to whisper in Eri's ear. "Just don't tell the other students, okay?" She nodded quickly, spinning back around to continue watching her cartoons.

A chuckle left my lungs as I slid into the kitchen, staring at your back. That was built well too. The muscle on your shoulders flexed as you cracked eggs into a bowl. It was so weird to see you in such a domestic light, especially out of your hero costume; not that I minded. Leaning against the counter, I moved my eyes away from your shoulders and glanced out the window. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. You'd probably wanted to start training hours ago, but I was a pro too. I got a say in things. That probably irked you in the cutest way. I bit my lip and stepped around the counter, brushing up next to you and sliding the bowl out of your way. "Let me show you how a real pro cooks."

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