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We ended up walking for an hour. Apparently mom's dress was sold out. Her disappointment raiding off on me.

"I'm so tired. Mom I want some yogurt." I almost cried. My feet were hurting. My stomach was grumbling.

"Please just be patient. You are old enough to control your behavior. Lets just try one more store then we can head over to yogurt land,okay?"

"Fine. Don't take too long. I'm sure you look beautiful in all the dresses that you try on."

"Aw. Honey I'm flattered, but we all know that isn't true."


"Alright. Alright. Let's go inside. I think I see something I like." She gushed and I was really hoping it was some clothing and not a human.

"Here what do you think Of this?" she asked as she placed the dress in my hands.

"Pretty." I stated feeling the fabric of the dress.

"Awesome! I have to try it on. Its only fifteen dollars!"she exclaimed.

"Go on. I will wait here. Don't take too long staring at the mirror. I'm hungry."

Mom scoffs.

I stay put in my place hearing the chit chatter around me. Not paying any attention to the others I decided to clean my glasses.

I carefully take them down and clean them with the hem of my shirt. I stare forward at nothing as I always tend to do so.

Footsteps were approaching me, as I placed my shades back on.

"Hey do you have a problem with me?" A girl with a high-pitched voice said.

"Huh?" I said confused at what she meant.

"Do you have staring problems or something because you haven't stopped staring at us since we got into the store. What the fuck." The same girl said.

"Oh I'm sorry you see I'm---" I was caught off by another girl saying.

"Eww! She's probably a fag."

"Shut up Corinna no one asked for your opinion."

"Well that's tots gross. oh my gosh Avery look is she crossed eyed!" Corinna exclaimed

"Oh my gosh I think she is." Avery agreed.

I couldn't take it any longer these girls were annoying the hell out of me. Talking as if they knew the condition I am in.

"Aww...Are you going to cry because you are a one crossed eyed fag?" Avery I'm guessing said in a baby voice.

"Shame on you! You girls have no respect for others nor for yourselves. I'll make sure your parents know of what you have done. Bullying someone isn't right. I want you all to apologize."

I'm sure we had gathered a crowd.

"Mom it's okay. I'm fine." I stated. I really was.

"No. It's not fine. Situations like this should not be something to make fun. "

"We are sorry." The girls stated simultaneously.

"For?" Mom asked patiently.

"For calling you names and judging you."

"Yeah what Avery said."

"Alright now go home." Mom shooed them off.

"Little bitches." She whispered, yet I heard it making me laugh. I didn't bother accepting their apology. They didn't really mean it anyway.

"Can we buy some yogurt now?"

"Of coarse, but first let me pay for this gorgeous dress."

I groaned.

After hours of waiting in line mom finally took me to the yogurt shop.

"The same?" She asked referring to the flavor and toppings.


"Let's go home. Your dad is probably home by now." She told me handing me my yogurt and walking me to the car.

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