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Cory told me to stop dying my hair a while ago.

I dyed my highlights purple today.

The bleached highlights are more to the ends now instead of the roots. But I can't afford to bleach my hair again so it'll have to do.

I slipped out of the bathroom and down to the small kitchen in our tiny apartment. It was big enough for me, Cory, and Kacy to live in, though me and Kacy did share a room. But I didn't mind, Kacy was like my little sister, she is 13, and I'm 20. But she acts and looks older than her age.

You see, when I was younger my parents abandoned me and Cory found me and took me. That was 16 years ago I think. The only thing we know about my parents is that my father was named Elijah Fen, I don't remember too much from that long ago. But Cory has been a great father figure. He's taught me how to do my job. Which is of course being an assassin. It makes good money and I like the feeling of adrenaline.

"V? There's a letter for you," Cory said and handed me a crisp white envelope. Fancy, might I say, I took the envelope and began to read aloud, "Dear Viola Fen," This is already weird. I haven't been called by my actual last name in years. I continued on, "You have been invited to the Fens and Bels families gala on September 16th of this year. Please dress nicely and no weapons are allowed. Thank you and I hope to see you soon." Kacy gasped and squealed, Cory stared at me shocked before smirking. "Congratulations, V. I hope you don't mind breaking a rule. I have a mission for you."


I walked through the crowded streets and into a small dress shop. I smiled at the lady behind the register and walked over to a few dresses. I picked up a sparkly red dress, a light purple dress, and a soft white dress before going toward the dressing room. I closed the door and hung them up on the nearby hook. I stripped and put on the white dress first. It hugged my curves in all the right places, but I didn't like how the white looked on me.

Next was the red dress. I liked everything about it, the way it hugged me, and the color. But it was a bit too sparkly for me, I didn't want everyone's eyes to be on me. And finally, the light purple dress. It was perfect.

In a few minutes, I was back in my clothes and setting the other two dresses on the rack outside, the cashier waved, and I set the dress down, and pulled out my money as she rang me up. "$225 please ma'am." She said and I handed her the cash, she smiled and handed me the bag. I waved goodbye and exited the shop.

A few people smiled at me as I walked by, I returned their smiles and waved to a few others. I both waved and smiled at the few kids I saw. You don't see many people in this part of the city. But it has recently become more populated for some reason. I guess the danger level has gone down since I've last been here. The last time I was here, people wore hoods and avoided everyone else at all costs. I don't blame them, I did the same thing.

But it is nice to know that it's safer here now. I always tried to avoid this area because of how dangerous it was, but so many stores were there so it was hard to avoid.

And honestly, I go to the stores here super often. It was worth the risk if it meant that it would keep me, Cory, and Kacy all alive. Me and Cory would often take turns coming here most of the time. The other would babysit Kacy, I enjoyed babysitting Kacy more than going to the shops. She was a fun kid to be around. I honestly wish she was my biological sister, she deserves to be with her actual family. It hurts to know someone abandoned her just like they did me. For all we know, she could be my biological sister. But I doubt it. There's no resemblance. I have ivory skin, light brown hair, and light hazel eyes. Kacy has light brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes.

I don't think it matters, but Cory has pale skin, black hair, and brown eyes too. I'm trying to convince him to bleach his hair and let me dye it hot pink. It'd look great on him! But he keeps refusing, but I'll probably do it while he's sleeping and he won't know until morning.

A few hours had passed, Kacy was upstairs in the room doing whatever she was doing. Cory sat across from me, his head in his hands. "V, are you sure you wanna do this? It could be pretty dangerous-" He mumbled and looked at me, I sighed. "Cory- the gala said no weapons, there can't be violence. I'll be fine. Stop worrying about me. I'm an adult. It was his turn to sigh, he nodded, "I trust you, V. Be responsible. And complete the mission." I nodded. "I will, Cory. I will. I'm ready, I promise." And with that I walked upstairs and to my shared room. "Hey Kacy, what have you been doing up here?" Kacy looked up at me, her eyes wide and she had a big smile on her face. "Oh! Hi V! I was just cleaning up a bit." I nodded, Kacy for some reason enjoyed cleaning. Which was really weird. At her age I was probably the reason behind the mess instead of cleaning it up. "Oh, okay." I said and walked past and toward my bed. Kacy continued to tidy up as I leaned against the pillow. I watched as she put her stuffed animals on her bed, all of them organized in color order. Neat freak, if I may say.

I mean, it is great to have her around. Cory isn't the neatest person either. But Kacy doesn't mind cleaning up after me and Cory, kind of shocking to be honest. She keeps saying it is because we are helping her out by providing her with food, water, and shelter and wants to feel useful, Cory and I keep telling her that she is useful no matter what but she refuses to listen to us. "Are you excited that you're going to the gala tomorrow night?" Kacy turned to me and I looked at her, "Yeah, I guess I kind of am excited."


"Kacy- I think that's tight enough-" I basically gasped for air as she tightened the corset. I finally caught my breath when she finished and zipped up my dress. "Okay! Oh, Viola. You look stunning, like a princess." I did a small spin and chuckled, "I do, don't I, KayKay." I watched as she squealed and handed me a bracelet, "I made it, will you wear it? For me?" I slipped the bracelet on and watched as she lit up, "Of I course I will." I grabbed my silver dagger and slid it into the dagger garter on my thigh. "Kacy, if I don't make it bad. Promise you'll take care of Cory? And if I die, you have my permission to dye your hair." I smiled, "Oh, V. You won't die. You're too good to die, now go! Have fun!" She said as she shoved me out of the room and I chuckled. I waved goodbye to Cory and left the apartment.

I'm ready, I will succeed in this mission. Wish me luck.

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