Chapter 10

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     "Why would you even say something like that!" Jin yelled at the two younger members who were currently sitting in front of him. Taehyung only rolled his eyes.

     "Don't you da-" Jin's rant was cut of by a large crash upstairs, making all the other members flinch out of shock.

     "What the hell was that?!" Yoongi exclaimed, already heading towards where the alarming sound had come from.
Namjoon just shrugged his shoulders and followed him, curious as to what had caused the noise.

     Jin was freaking out, worried for his baby's heath as he shoved the two rappers out of his way and sped up the stairs.

     He burst through Jungkook's door, shocked by the sight he saw.

     The maknae stood in the center of his room with a broken mirror in front of him. His fist was bloody, and he was staring off into space, not acknowledging the fact that his door had just been knocked of its hinges.

      "Jungkook?" No response.

      Jin was worried now. "Kookie, baby? Are you alright?" Once again, he did not receive a response.

      At this point, all the other members had made it to maknae's room, wondering why he was staring into space.

      Jin continued to call the youngest name, hoping to snap him out of his unresponsive state. Finally, Namjoon stepped forward and walked over to the maknae, gently grabbing his shoulder.

      This seemed to snap him out of his trance as he turned towards Namjoon with tears in his eyes. The rapper immediately pulled the maknae into his arms, heart breaking when he began to sob into his chest.

      The leader help the youngest tightly as he rubbed soothing circles on his back, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he tried to calm him down.

     The rest of the members looked at each other knowingly, silently agreeing to have a family meeting after Jungkook had calmed down.

     The maknae's sobs slowly turned into cries, and finally reduced to sniffles as he calmed down and eventually fell asleep.

     Jin frowned. "Take him to my room, Joon." The leader nodded and stepped out of the room, heading down the hall. Jin walked out after him, calling out last minute instructions.

     "Yoongi, I need you to bring me the first aid kit please. Hobi, come with me to treat his hand. Tae and Jimin, this is your fault, so clean up the mess."

     As soon as the other members had walked out, Taehyung began to complain.

     "Why do we have to clean up the mess that the brat made?! It isn't our fault that he's stupid enough to punch a mirror!" Jimin frowned a bit at the stupid part.

     "Well, I think maybe that we were too harsh on him..." He mumbled, trailing off towards the end.

     Taehyung scoffed. "No, we weren't! He deserves all of the hate that he gets!" Jimin flinched at the tone Tae was using.

     "Let's just clean up the mess, ya?" Jimin timidly said, trying not to anger Taehyung anymore than he already was.

     "Whatever." Tae mumbled in response.

     'Taehyung was one of the kindest members in the group, why was he being so horrible to Jungkook?' Jimin thought as he picked up glass carefully.

     The answer...

     Taehyung was jealous of the maknae. 


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