(Y/n) pov
This new power has been super helpful these past... months? I've lost track of time. But because of it, I've been able to tell what berries would make me sick or in pain, avoid danger from Grimm, which involves me running until they get interested in something else, but recently I've wanted something more than just berries.
I head to a river full of fish. I take a stand in the middle and wait. I see one about to leap, and I grab at it, but it slips out of my grip. I try again and again but never catch anything.
I storm out of the bank but slip and fall into the water. I try to calm myself down and think. That's when I spot a fallen branch and grab it before sharpening it on a rock. Once I see me catching a fish, I actually attempt to, and I stab right through a fish.
I put it off to the side and prepare to catch another when glowing lights fly off my body, and I'm immediately nervous again. Whenever this happens, I stop seeing what's about to happen. Besides that, I heal slower, and things hurt more. Sleeping in trees makes it a bit safer, and I can see forever in every direction and hear a lot, too.
I start a fire to cook the fish before climbing up to keep a lookout.
* * *
I've finally made it to a city! No more sleeping out in the woods and no more being chased around by Grimm. Life will be a bit easier now. I'll still have to fight for food, though.
By this point, I can see up to a day into something's future. I'll hopefully be able to use it to get food and make make some lien. I'll have to prove it's real, though.
The first few weeks are uneventful. The most superstitious and desperate people come to have their immediate "fortunes" told, but they pay pretty poorly. Makes sense if they're going to a kid for fortunes.
When I don't make enough to buy my meals, it's not exactly hard to tell when someone will be distracted enough that I can take a thing or two. And if I do get caught, I lose them because I already know where they won't be looking for me.
At night, I only have my cloak for warmth, but I can at least find more secure places to rest. Overall, life in Vale is much better as long as I don't get caught.
I was doing my usual fortune teller shtick when I spot a woman who would drop her wallet later, so I tail her as best as I can take it. It's not exactly my fault if people can't keep their stuff in their pockets.
A few seconds after it fell, I grabbed it when she suddenly turned around. I hate it when people are more observant. They are constantly changing the future. I was about to return it when I see her immediately turning hostile and kicking me.
I jump back and dodge her kick. Her pink and brown eyes widen in surprise as I slip into a nearby alley and book it. I thought I was in the clear, but I somehow run into a dead end. I try to run back, but I'm grabbed by the woman.
Listen, I was going to return your wallet, but you were going to kick me, and I didn't think you'd just stop.
She doesn't respond, but she does take her wallet back
Can't we just, I dunno, talk about this? You don't have to... take me to that Torchwick guy. Wait, you're mute? So that's why we're not getting anywhere.
The rest of the kidnapping is silent, and we reach a secure location. As the Torchwick guy comes out of hiding
And why, pray tell, did you bring some kid here? ... She took your wallet, so what? That's your own fault. ... What do you mean she knew my name? ... And that you're mute. I guess she does deserve a bit of attention. So kid, he approaches me, you got a name?
I do. Still don't understand how you do that trick with her.
Guess we both want answers, so let's trade. I'll go first. How did you know about Neo and I?
No, I'll go first. What do you want with me?
Depends on your worth. How did you know about Neo and I?
It's my power. How was there suddenly a dead end?
Neo's semblance, I imagine. What is this "power?"
Do I look like a teacher to you? What do you mean "almost perfect?"
I asked my question. I'm not answering until I have it.
You have guts, kid. If I were anyone else, they'd be spilled on the floor. It's a unique ability people with aura can get, and that's what your power is. Now, what do you mean "almost perfect?"
Some people can change it the future really quickly, so I have to play catch-up consistently. You're both that kind of person, by the way. How did you do that trick with her?
Of course, I am Hang out with the psycho for long enough, and you'll learn.
He pauses to think.
No, I don't want to join you. My life is stressful enough without being a criminal.
Don't do that. How about this, I call you when I want a fortune or two, and I pay you decently well. Then we can forget about you trying to rob Neo here.
I guess that would be nice.
Good. Neo'll find you when you're needed. I guess you're free to go. And it goes without saying that you can't tell anyone about this.
I get out of there as quickly as possible.
1023 words
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