Or just a general restart/remake, whatever the hell you wanna call it. Looking back on it, idk where my 16 year old self was going with this slight mess lol, but hey, clearly a lot of you enjoyed it. Unfortunatley, looking at it now, Id like to restart this, make it better, and remove a few "unecessary" elements from the story. Instead of this big ol anime crossover nonsense I was trying to do with it, Id much rather focus on what it is, a CROSSOVER for LOZ and KH. So thats precisely whats gonna happen. So what this means is, this version of the book is finished, donzo. A lot of this may be re-written in a certain way in the newer version I'd like to start but we'll have to see. So sorry anyone who enjoyed this, im gonna try to improve it, and also sorry to those who thought adding stuff like Ryuko and BLS was dumb, removing that little aspect of it entirely. Anyhow, thanks for stickin around (for those who did) and I'll see you guys for the re-vamp! Thank you all again!!!
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