Part 4

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As the late afternoon approached the blue haired boy groggily woke up, yawned, and stretched. He looked over at Pico who was still fast asleep. Keith squinted as bright sunlight peered through the window.

Keith immediately began to bug Pico to wake up and help him plan for his date with his girlfriend.
Keith shook Picos shoulder and patted his head in an attempt to wake the ginger up.

" picooo, come on help me with gf pleaseee" Keith whined like a child. Picos chest became tight, he didn't wanna get up and he sure as hell didn't wanna help Keith with a date, even though Pico came up with the idea.

Pico shifted and pulled Keith to lay back down.

"Ack! C..come on dude! Please help meee!" Keith barely attempted to fight back to sit up.

The blue haired boy grumbled and felt around for his phone. He was met with no texts or calls from his gf. Keith frowned and began to call gf while Pico still had one arm around him.

Once she picked up Keith's face brightened up a big, " h..hey gf!" Said in a bright tone.

" oh hey b! Why'd you call?" She responded.

" well, I wanted to see if you wanted to go on another da-"

" oh no sorry! I was gonna spend tonight with some of my gals" she cut Keith off quickly.

Keith frowned, " alright, well I hope you have a good time babe!" The blue haired boys voice slightly cracked in the middle of his sentence.

Gf simply hung up on him without saying goodbye.

Keith's throat was dry and he felt like he wanted to cry, but he came to the conclusion that she just needed space and some fun with friends.

Pico pretended to be half asleep through most of there conversation, but he was very pissed off on how Keith's girlfriend treated him.

Pico gave the other boy a gentle squeeze with his arm. Keith was on the verge of tears, so he turned to look at Pico. Keith's face was slightly red and his dark ebony eyes were watery.

Pico was nearly at his breaking point of calling back his girlfriend and cussing her out for making Keith feel like shit.

The ginger simply patted the other and sat up. " hey.. dude you wanna hang out tonight instead?" Pico said in a sympathetic tone.

Keith sniffled and shook his head. " I should go... home" Keith mumbled out.

Keith got up to put on his clothes that got soaked from last night though they dried since then. Pico picked up Keith's phone and turned it on to reveal Keith and an auburn haired girl. ' probably his girlfriend..' Pico thought to himself.

Pico handed Keith his phone, and both of the boys walked to the front door to say goodbye.

" well..Keith call me if you ever feel lonely and wanna hang out" Pico said with a light smile. Keith's cheeks lightly dusted with pink and he smiled back at Pico. " ok Pico, see ya" Keith simply said before walking out the door.

Pico sighed and walked back to the bedroom, he flopped on the bed. The sheets and blanket still smelling like Keith, Pico groaned and blushed as he curled up.

The ginger was contemplating if he should call up Nene and Darnell to go to club tonight, just to get his mind off of Keith.

Pico called Nene and not even a second later she picked up. Like she was waiting for him to call her.

" oh? What'd you call me for Pico?" She questioned.

" well just to see if you and Darnell wanted to hang at the club or not" Pico simply stated.

" ok.. you just wanna get blackout drunk like last time, don't you?" Nene replied unamused.

"What! No..I just need to get my mind off of something" Pico sighed in annoyance.

Nene giggled and smiled, " whatever you say Pico, But if you get shit faced drunk again me and Darnell aren't dragging you home"

" what even happened last time?" Pico questioned Nene.

" oh well it wasn't that bad last time because some blue haired kid claimed to know you and he offered to take you back home" Nene said proudly.

Pico was silent for a minute, " so you just handed my passed out ass to a stranger"

" He said he knew you!" Nene said defensively.

Pico shook his head even tho Nene couldn't see him, " whatever, but are you down to go tonight or not??" Pico asked.

" oh yea sure I'll called up Darnell!~" she said happily while she hung up on Pico.

The ginger sat up and decided to shower and pick out something to wear for the night. ' hopefully something interesting happens' Pico thought to himself.


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