The secrets

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Apologies for the shortness.

-Yours sincerely Blackheart.[Blackheart is my real nickname so feel free to call me that.]

I wake up, thoughts of objectives from dreams fade away as I return to reality. I shuffle around in my bedsheets, all messy now from my insomnia tossing and turning. The clock on the wall states a horrible number 10:00 AM. Is that all I get? Grumbling, I get out of bed. Powered  y my anger my right hand begins to flare up, becoming engulfed in flames. That was the dark side of me, just another reason to avoid human contact. I clench my fists and sigh, shutting my eyes. I become calm and the fire diminishes.

I had become accustomed to this, remaining calm was the only cure. This was never a rare occurrence to me. I have had these gifts since I were young. Being a secret all these years I learn that It is better off to just stay away from others, fear not for I am certainly glad about that.

Stumbling out of my bedroom I venture towards the kitchen. The tap began to release a downpour of water. I moan in annoyance, it is rather frustrating to influence the elements. Water here, fire there, it becomes so irritating having to fix all the mess I make constantly.

I got some breakfast and pulled up a chair from the table to sat down.

I had a small flashback. "Claudia! I told you to stop playing about with the wires you're breaking the electricity line by interfering like that, old billy the electrition received an enormous shock. It's a good thing he made it to hospital fast. What you did was extremely dangerous, get out! Return to your room and only come down for supper " Complete an utter fool, I muttered to myself, I didn't mess around with the cables. My power had just become a little uncontrollable that is all.

Growing up in my childhood wasn't so great. I had no potential in this world, that was made obvious to me by the sheer lack of attention.

I walk among people, I am never seen. I stare into emptiness and it stares back at me,  emotionless. Occasionally I think for even the smallest minute that someone is looking at me, a man. Perhaps he sees me? I stand there in shock, whilst he then turns back to the woman he is sitting besides on a park bench. He smiles, then kisses her lovingly. He discusses something about a sign, it is in my direction. Of course, that was it. It was never me, he was just merely staring at the sign besides me. To even think for a second that I had been noticed. It was briefly hurtful, a sharp pain in my chest. I am merely a ghost in this world. Ignored by the masses, I lead a lonely life.

After finishing breakfast I felt the urge to go outside. I shoved on my leather jacket and skinny jeans. I walk after locking my door, stopping momentarily to appreciate my view. I felt the soaring heat layer down onto my pale skin, it was comforting. I could smell the air, it was hard to describe and unique only to Texas, it was an old smell, antique even with the faint smell of dessert sand blending with it. The faint sound of crunching becomes audible as I walk over the sand.

I loved living in the middle of nowhere, the part I loved the most was the sweet stories of the bikers. Down the dirt road with all their stories. I worked in the bar just around the corner from my apartment, it was supposedly named after fallen angels. However that was unlikely to me, I wasn't a gullible person. I felt liked going in today, so I did. I walked over and opened the door. I could hear the doorbell ringing as the bell above me shook.

It was Natalie on shift today, she was a mutual friend. We had exchanged rough smiles, she had blood red hair and a black bandanna. Natalie also had one of her ear plugs in, it was black and the ear plugs that you need stretchers for. She was a little chubby but it in a way in which suited her, she had large eyeliner wings like Amy Whinehouse with the fringe included. Natalie greeted me with a cool smirk.


"Nothin much" I replied, I could see she was dying inside.

 "I'll take a shift for you its cool, I have nothin better to do" I offered to her.

The grateful look in her facial expression told me everything I needed to know. She was now just in a rush to get her things and leave. The last thing I saw was Natalie running out.

"See ya" she muttered with her head not turning back to face me even once

"Uuhhh see ya....I guess" I replied a little dazed, to a long gone Natalie.

I honestly don't think I've ever seen a girl in such a hurry. I poked my head to the side so that I could see the window, I had my suspicions. And it seemed I was correct. There Natalie was, jumping on to the back of her boyfriends bike and being driven off. He was always an odd man, nice enough though. Gressil, his name was. I wonder what it's like to have a boyfriend.

I took some glasses off the shelf to re-wash them, the place was empty, and I never trusted Natalie with washing up. As I was washing them I saw a black shadow in my hands, I thought it was just a corner of your eye occurrence but as I left it I saw it turn into more of a smoke. It was smoking from my hands, turning the glass into crystal black instead of it's clear crystal. I was the darkest of all my powers, my dark power, it was nerve wrecking for me. I tried not to use it. It was the one power that I couldn't grasp control over. To be completely honest I wasn't sure I wanted to use it at all, it dangerous that was for sure, as previous experiences had confirmed. It gave off a bad feeling. An ache spread across my head and fell to the floor.

I let out a pained groan. I sat on the floor with my head downwards, it helped ease the pain. My long black hair hung down before of me and reached the floor. Even through my pain I could admire it.

I flinched, I swore I heard a noise and so I turned around. My eyes met with a tall, man. Something about him seemed cold. His hair was as black as night itself, I admired that too.

He appeared to be my age and his cheek bones were perfectly chiselled. He also had this, interested glancing face, the type that when you stare down with curiosity your lips go down wards and brows lower. I got a little spooked but the strongest feeling that clouded my mind was paranoia, did he see my powers?

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