Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Looking at the door that is close at hand.

He Jun was a bit self-defeating, thinking that as long as he crossed this threshold, everything that happened today would be regarded as a dream, and the day would be the same tomorrow. He didn't know his own thoughts, and he acted as if nothing happened.


fingers stroking his chest, his beating heart seemed to be telling himself that he was just deceiving himself.

"He Jun?"

Xu Fuhuan stepped forward suspiciously, his bony fingers raised his drooping jaw, and his bright eyes gently looked at the hopeless He Jun.

"So you really like me!"

Xu Fuhuan sighed.

But he couldn't respond!

This world does not belong to him, he is just a passerby, rashly using the original owner's body to develop a relationship, after he is gone, will the original owner accept it? So what should He Jun do?

Xu Fuhuan didn't know if similar situations had happened in the previous few worlds, and how he made his choice back then.

He Jun wanted to shake his head and deny it, but in his heart he acquiesced.

He is expecting his feelings to be accepted, but at the same time he is afraid of being rejected.

Really contradictory.

"If, if you can't accept it, you can pretend that nothing happened, I... I'm fine."

He Jun twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to show Xu Fuhuan a reassuring smile, but how to pretend, Still somewhat reluctant.

Xu Fuhuan narrowed his eyes slightly, retracted his fingers, and lowered his eyes to stare at the temperature on his fingertips.

Thinking about it carefully, these eight years are actually not without flaws. For example, when he asked He Jun to borrow money, He Jun took out all his belongings without saying a word. You must know that their relationship at that time was not even considered friends. .

For example, Mother He urged He Jun to get married many times, and He Jun would secretly ask him for his opinion every time.

For another example, sometimes he is tired from rushing to finish the manuscript, and falls asleep directly on the table. Every time he wakes up, he will have an extra coat or thin blanket on his body, and He Jun will always be by his side just right.

For another example, when someone introduces him to someone, He Jun always looks preoccupied.

Thinking about it this way, I have liked myself for eight years, but worried about my own feelings, and never said it out, and never put pressure on myself, and even paid for myself, but never thought of paying back.

Well, Xu Fuhuan had to admit that he was actually a little moved.

If in his own world, there is such a person who silently likes him, and he accepts it, it doesn't matter.

But at present...

His task is almost finished, and he will leave when the time comes, so what will He Jun do? When he returns to the system space, he will forget everything, forgetting that there was such a person who silently liked him, and forgetting that he was moved by this feeling, and he will not even remember that he has experienced all this. How unfair that is to He Jun!

Xu Fuhuan was silent for a long time, and then said lightly: "You go back first."

He still couldn't give people hope, and finally made people despair.

The original owner likes women, and it is impossible for him to change his sexual orientation just because of his arrival. When he leaves and the original owner comes back, even if the original owner has his memory, he and He Jun will not have a good result.

The feeling of waiting is very uncomfortable. Although he said that Xu Fuhuan pretended that nothing had happened, he was still suspended in the air. As long as Xu Fuhuan said a word, he would either be sent to hell or enter the world. Heaven.

After getting the expected answer, He Jun thought he could bear it, but he still overestimated himself.

He took every step in a daze, not even knowing how to get home.

That's the best outcome, isn't it? Although Xu Fuhuan didn't accept it, but at the same time he didn't refuse it either!

Does it mean that as long as he is working hard, there will be good results in the end?

The moonlit night was deserted, as if a layer of tulle had been sprinkled on it, and the moonlight poured in from the window, filling the room with coolness.

Ning Qian stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with the peculiar childishness of teenagers. The incongruous cautiousness and imminent fear are all on the tender face.

Today is the last day of this week.

"Is the monitoring and inspection done?"

Ning Qian asked worriedly.

Bodyguard A wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Yes, Mr. Ning, the inspection has been done."

Ning Qian was still worried.

"You go to the other side to check, and you must catch the person who sneaked up on me tonight."

Ning Qian said the word 'sneak attack' very emphatically.

For eight years, this has been like a nightmare, every week he will be beaten up for no reason, although there are no serious injuries, but does he still want to lose his face? !

The pointer on the wall had just reached twelve o'clock in the morning.

A cool, cool wind suddenly blew into the closely monitored room, and the cold wind blew up the curtains that fell on the floor. Before Ning Qian could take out the gun he had prepared earlier, his neck hurt and he fell into a coma again.

A group of bodyguards watched with trepidation that their employer was suspended in mid-air as before, and then walked straight towards the door as if he was carried on his shoulders by something.

"Team, team leader, chase, or not?"

"Chase, chase, chasing! Mr. Ning has even hired a lot of Taoist monks, have you caught it? What should happen, doesn't happen as usual." "

Then Tomorrow, Mr. Ning asks and we answer?"

In order to prevent inexplicable disappearances every week, Ning Qian spent a lot of money to hire a lot of experts and bodyguards. Don't look at these people as cowards, but they are all very skilled. If it wasn't for Xu Fuhuan from the system He asked for some invisibility charms, but he might not be able to deal with them.

"Go back and take a cold shower as a group."

Continue to pretend to be sick tomorrow.

The captain of the bodyguard couldn't deal with that 'ghost', but he had his own way of dealing with Ning Qian.

Xu Fuhuan carried Ning Qian out of the Ning family's compound openly and aboveboard.

The captain of the bodyguard wiped off his cold sweat and shook hands. The hand of the gun trembled and trembled non-stop, until the person disappeared into the vast night, and then it became limp. Leg fart. Butt sat down on the ground.

Xu Fuhuan looked back playfully at the closely guarded Ning family. It was removed after making sure no one was following it. With the invisibility amulet on his body, he opened the car door, threw Ning Qian on the back seat, and drove towards a certain place.

This should be the last time.

These years have scared Ning Qian enough.

If it's just a simple beating, it doesn't matter, but the key is that Xu Fuhuan is a villain, and every time he takes him away in front of everyone with the invisibility talisman. It made people panic, and everyone was so frightened that they were rumoring that there was a ghost in the Ning family.

Xu Fuhuan drove the car to an abandoned factory, and Sheng Nian, who couldn't wait, had already run out of the factory at this moment, and went directly to the deserted path outside to wait.

Seeing Xu Fuhuan, Sheng Nian walked up enthusiastically, and praised: "Dad, you are really good .

" "If you want to do it quickly, this is the last time. I will go back to the countryside tomorrow. Your grandma has been in poor health for the past few years. I plan to hand over the shop to your uncle Ergouzi. When your grandma gets better I'll come back again." As early as last year, the task reached 90%, and the remaining ten points, no matter what, there was no way to progress.

After Xu Fuhuan thought about it, the last point should be the happiness in his prime.

In the plot, Shengnian can only hold on tightly because of his tragic experience. An Xia, who lived with him in the same illness, even after An Xia's death, overly beautified that innocent feeling.

As a result, he later discovered that everything was fake, and all the good things were imagined by him. He couldn't bear it, so he committed suicide.

But now -

Sheng Nian has a very good relationship with An Xia, and the two of them were also childhood sweethearts, but after so many years of getting along, the two of them didn't spark the slightest spark, and instead directly raised An Xia as a younger sister.

Xu Fuhuan was also extremely depressed.

Why not follow the script!

If Shengnian liked An Xia as much as in the plot, he should have left last year, at least he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Thinking that this time, in order to avoid He Jun, he had to find an excuse to hide in the countryside, it was quite aggrieved.

"Dad, don't think that you are my father, you can talk nonsense. I called my grandma today. She is in great health. Who are you fooling?

" He continued to stab him with a knife and said, "Is it because of Uncle He?"

Xu Fuhuan was surprised. "how do you know!

lie down. groove!

This little bastard dared to talk to him.

Hearing this, Sheng Nian smiled wickedly, winking at Xu Fuhuan with an 'I understand' expression on his face.

"Dad, did Uncle He confess to you?"

No wonder when I went to find my father after school, I saw Uncle He's distraught face. It turned out that I couldn't bear it after holding it in for too long.

Tsk tsk tsk, look at the disappointed look on Uncle He's face, could it be that he was rejected by his father?

Confession? !

Xu Fuhuan couldn't help being stunned.

Why didn't he know what even Shengnian knew?

Is it really because his EQ is too low?

It shouldn't be! He felt that his emotional intelligence was quite high.

"How do you know?"

Xu Fuhuan glanced at Ning Qian who was about to wake up from the corner of his eye, slowly took out a pack of powder from his pocket, and blew it gently on Ning Qian, the trembling eyelashes instantly recovered Calm.

Sheng Nian opened a pair of bright eyes.

"Dad, where did you get so many strange things? Do you have any more? Bring me a few packs. By the way, and your invisibility charm, give me a few dozen too." "While

playing Go."

He was reluctant to part with half a bag, how many more? Don't even think about it.

Just such a small package cost him five blackening points, and it was produced by the system, so it must be a high-quality product. This is a super fan. soul. Medicine, as long as a small fingernail, even the gods can be stunned.

He had to use it sparingly, it was the best weapon for Yin Ren.

"Stingy ghost." Sheng Nian pouted. Mouth, muttered dissatisfied.

"Don't think I can't hear you. Also, don't change the subject. How do you know that your Uncle He...that, ahem," Telling an underage child that he likes this topic is indeed a bit embarrassing. with.

"You just want to ask me how I know that Uncle He likes you, so it's necessary to say so implicitly." Sheng Nian said contemptuously.

"I really sympathize with Uncle He. He is too pitiful. He likes a piece of wood like you. After so many years of hard work, even a child like me is touched. You haven't found out yet." Hey

! Brat, big or small. He even dared to teach Lao Tzu a lesson.

"I see that you seem to be very busy tonight. Forget it. I'll send Ning Qian back. If you want to beat him up in the future, do it yourself."

Xu Fuhuan picked up Ning Qian expressionlessly, intending to send him back.

Shengnian can't do it now.

Shengnian's face has been thicker than Xu Fuhuan's over the years. He first pulled Xu Fuhuan to flatter him, and praised Xu Fuhuan with all kinds of words of praise. The school is blatantly harassing Xia Xia, if I don't give him some flair today, I won't be called Shengnian."

Harassing An Xia?

No way?

Xu Fuhuan cast his eyes on Ning Qian's face. These years, he has been the same as Shengnian. Looking at his haggard face and the blue shadows on his eyelids, it can be seen that he has passed through these years. How pinned it is. Hun, and, he remembered that these two people didn't seem to be in the same school, right?

Could it be that the relationship between the heroine and the heroine is doomed to continue?

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