Chapter 16

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Laurence's POV

I chose to be a ninja for this war. Mostly because I used to be one... What I mean is that I would play with Caleb as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (FOR REAL XD)

Now that I think about it, I hope he's ok.

Anyways, I went through the the yellow door with my sword in hand. Inside there was a training area.

(MORTAL KOMBAT!! *insert mortal Kombat theme song* >:D)

It was huge!

The star flickered and Kawaii~Chan was on the screen.
"In this training room, you will train hard to become a ninja! I'm sure you all chose your weapons, so let's begin!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.

Suddenly, pillars, spikes, and other obstacles came out of no where.

"These are holographic obstacles that will help you train. Level one: I will be testing your strength. Seeing how much exercise you would need would help me and you to make sure you are ready for the day we leave. Now, START!" She says flickering away.

We started training right after, we aren't going to leave this place without a fight! WE ARE GOING TO DEFEND OUR FRIENDS- NO, FAMILY! I ran to one of the pillars, slicing it with my sword seeing it not doing almost any damage. But I'm not going to give up easily.


Jay's POV

There were very few people wanting to be speed fighters, yet the training room was so big!

The star flickered and I saw Kawaii~Chan.

"As speed fighters, the main pointers are speed and strength. You will be training on how to become the fastest, strongest, yet stealthiest speed fighter there is."

A track with obstacles appeared out of nowhere, and there were punching bags and a giant timer waiting for us to start our training.

"You will start off by running and seeing how fast you can go. NOW START!" And she flickered off.

Not going to lie, I was nervous.

I'm guessing PF saw because she instantly went by my side. "Wanna race?" She asked with enthusiasm.

Now that, that brought my spirits up! "Let's do it!" I said getting in my running stance.

A bell rang and we were off!



Kawaii~Chan's POV

I turned off the communicator for the Assassin Training Room. Everyone would be training for two hours, take a rest break, and continue for one hour.

3 hours all together. Tomorrow will be 30 minutes more, and it will increase everyday.

I stood up from my seat, and walked over to the tiny kitchen.

It was quiet, many people would probably think the war is over, but I doubt it. Before I told everyone what to do, I told Zane to wait in the kitchen.

He seemed to be deep in thought. I snapped my fingers in front of him sending him jump a little.

"So, did you pick out your weapon?" I asked in my serious tone. He picked upĀ  the sword laid next to him as he got up. He nodded as I took him to a private training area, it wasn't as big as the rest but it will help him be the stealthy ninja he wants to be.

Yes, he could have trained in the other ninja training room, but I feel like there would be something he wouldn't learn in there.

I smiled as I picked up both my knives, as I showed him the right fighting stance.


We trained for about 1 hour already. He was tired, really tired. I handed him a water bottle as he drank half of it instantly.

I trained with him on balance, strength, and strategic maneuvering. The holographic obstacles proved to be good use. We jumped over alleys to roof to roof. Making sure we would be ready for the day.

He placed his water bottle on the counter, and walked over to the punching bag. It would test his strength with every punch and kick. The highest level is 100, and his highest was 36. I saw him punch the bag only to get a 24, but that was because of a flaw.

I walked over to the bag next to his, keeping my body straight as I punched it as hard as I could to demonstrate. It was a 79. He stood there shocked.

"So Zane, when you're punching or kicking, you have to keep your body straight. If you don't, then it won't give your arms and legs the power they need." I demonstrated again, this time receiving an 81. "You try."

He then this time kept himself still, punched, and received a 53. I could see him smiling under his mask with his small victory. We kept practicing until a bell rang all throughout the basement. Signaling us that we can have a 30 minute break.

We walked out the small training room seeing everyone at their beds whining.

"Everything hurts!!"

";-; owie."

I walked over to the tiny kitchen, deciding to make breakfast for everyone. It was 5 am and I knew everyone was tired. But we have 1 hour left of training ahead.


Garroth's POV

I woke up with a huge head ache, and it hurt a lot. ;-;

I looked around and I was on a bed, Gene was also on a bed next to me with cuts and bruises. It was small and cold here, where am I?

I got up and walked around, I heard voices in one room and walked in.

Laurence's POV

Everyone was talking, we were having a good time with the breakfast Kawaii~Chan made. We tried to forget about all the lives that are lost and anything depressing for that matter. I heard footsteps in the door way of the beds, and I saw Garroth.

Soon everyone looked at where I was looking at and we were all quiet.

"Uuh... hey guys!" Garroth said smiling and a little nervous.

"GARROTH!!" We all screamed running towards him. I was the fastest though as I gave him a bear hug.

"You're ok!" I said looking at him, grinning broadly. I started crying as he hugged me back, he was alive! Alive! And I couldn't be happier.

(1028 WORDS!! OMI!! I WROTE THIS MUCH :3 not including this message tho. HOPE YOU LIKED IT!)

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