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One summer's day,
I took a break from reality
and chose to draw castles in the sky.
Unfortunately, the castles weren't clear enough,
the sky must have been a blinding blue and all I needed was a whiteboard.

Later that day,
I entered an art supply shop
and got myself a brand new canvas and some paint, and I was set.
Oh Lord, I was ready to paint!!
I was ready to get back to my own reality
and fetch all the beauty wandering in my mind.
Oh Lord, I was ready to have me a time!
I was ready to put it all in front of me for the world to see.
Most importantly, I was ready to live my destiny.

I got home late that night,
after a day of negligence and avoiding my daily grind.
I decided to paint anything and everything I felt.
I decided that today was the day that art would come to life.
And if it meant war, I was ready.

And so,
With colour and canvas, my paintbrush as my spear, I went to war.
With colour and canvas, I was ready to fight the good fight
and all was fair and bright.
With colour and canvas, I went to war,
all geared up and ready to bring life and light back into the world.
With colour and canvas, I went to war against everything bad and untrue
and, in the end,
beauty was created.
In the end, I gave the universe
a masterpiece.

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