Chapter 164: Extra (5)

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"Your friends?" Mingshu hesitated: "Can I go?"

Among Sang Yin's friends, he had only met three people from copy one. I want to go out to eat, probably because Sang Yin finally came back and wanted to get together with friends.

In this case, you don't need to bring Mingshu.

"Want to go?" Sang Yin led Ming Shu to sit down and brought him a small bowl to serve porridge. "There aren't many people, about five or six. We just want to have a meal together."

He put the bowl and handed him a spoon and then said: "They want to see you."

Mingshu's movements froze, and he couldn't help but squeeze the spoon: "Want to see me?"

He and Sang Yin were lovers, and Sang Yin was in love for the first time. His friend was interested in him It's normal to be curious.

Just the thought of meeting many strangers made Mingshu inexplicably uneasy. He has a quiet and introverted personality and doesn't like to be in the spotlight.

But it doesn't seem to work if he doesn't go. If he wants to be with Sang Yin, it's impossible not to go out and meet people forever.

Sang Yin saw Mingshu's hesitation and nervousness, and touched his black hair: "As long as I'm here, we'll come back after dinner in the evening, so we won't waste too much time."

Besides, his friends are all very discerning. Yes, I guarantee that Mingshu won't feel any discomfort.

Mingshu lowered his head and took a sip of the porridge, put down the spoon and leaned into Sang Yin's arms: "Okay."

He suddenly became more clingy. Sang Yin picked up the spoon and fed him a few mouthfuls himself: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Mingshu said vaguely. He said "It's not uncomfortable" and drank the porridge with Sang Yin's hand.

At this time, the little mushroom jumped up on the table, looking forward to it: "Can I go?"

Sang Yin said coldly: "You can't go, stay at home."

The little mushroom suddenly withered: "Why?"

It looked down at its still tattered body: "Is it because I don't look good..."

When he received the purple gem in the morning, the little mushroom was very happy. The door was polished and installed at the first time, but later he found that the gem and other The parts are too different, and it looks awkward. It looks like it's installed with something that doesn't belong to it.

"No," Sang Yin said in a softer tone when he saw its frustrated look, "If you are obedient, I can take you there. "

There are many people outside and the "obedience" he requires is that the little mushroom disguises itself as a relatively ordinary intelligent AI and cannot let others discover that it is a small system.

As a system, it is actually not suitable to be around players. It's not good for too many people to know. At the moment, only the five people who first entered Dungeon 1 know about Xiao Mushroom's true identity.

Xiao Mushroom nodded quickly: "I have no problem! "

It doesn't want to stay at home, it's too boring, and it has watched TV all over.

In order to go out with Mingshu smoothly, the little mushroom reluctantly replaced the purple gemstone on its head and returned to its original simple and shabby appearance. It would be too eye-catching.

It sat on the armrest of the sofa, holding the purple gem and sighed.

Mingshu came over and squatted in front of the little mushroom: "Guji, do you want to replace other parts of the body? "

Little mushroom said distressedly: "But, I don't have money to buy it. "

Many people in the community have household mechanical butlers, and various parts and decorations are available in shopping malls. Unfortunately, they are too expensive.

The purple gemstone was obtained by doing work for Sang Yin. In a short time, Sang Yin didn't seem to need it anymore.

Mingshu touched its umbrella cap: "I'll buy it for you. "

However, when Mingshu opened the mall under Xiao Mushroom's expectant eyes and looked at the prices and balances of the decorative parts, his expression was a little embarrassed.

He didn't have many points, and in the end he only had enough to buy four small black crystal stones. They can be used to make the palms and soles of the little mushroom.

But even so, the little mushroom is very happy. If the points are not enough, it will slowly save up. It can also work in the dungeon to make money, and one day it can replace the entire body.

Of course. There is also the fastest way to find Sang Yin.

But the little mushroom follows Mingshu, and Sang Yin may not be willing to spend money on it to buy these flashy things.

So Mingshu just buys what he can. Looking at the empty balance at the door, he turned to look at Sang Yin who was cleaning up the dishes in the dining room.

It hadn't been long since they were really together, and he didn't have to do anything while living here. If he had spent Sang Yin's money to buy things...

Mingshu doesn't have any more experience in love, so he intuitively feels that this is not good.

Mingshu turned off the panel and comforted Xiao Mushroom: "I will buy you something else when I make money in the future."

It's been a while since the previous dungeon came out. He can recently start to pay attention to what dungeon tasks he can accept.

The address for placing orders in the mall is located, and the black crystal stone was delivered quickly. Sang Yin opened the door to sign for it..

After the mechanical delivery man left, Xiao Mushroom ran forward excitedly: "What's mine is mine!

Sang Yin handed the box to it: "Did you buy it yourself?"

Little Mushroom opened the box with her thin arms, took out a small black round stone, held it in her arms and smiled: "Shu Shu bought it for me!

Sang Yin asked: "How much? "

He looked at Mingshu behind him, and Mingshu told a number honestly.

"It's so expensive," Sang Yin frowned, watching the little mushroom run away holding four black crystal stones, "What can it be used for? "

Hearing him ask this, Ming Shu felt guilty for no reason.

"Gu Ji likes it," he pinched a corner of the pillow in his arms, "Anyway, I... I don't have anything to buy. "

Sang Yin probably knows Mingshu's situation. He is still a newcomer and has probably used up all the points he has saved.

He is here.

He sat down on the sofa, reached out and pulled Ming Shu over and held him in his arms.

"It's so expensive," Sang Yin pinched Mingshu's cheek gently, "Why don't you ask me for it?"

Mingshu didn't expect that he would say this. He was caught off guard, but also a little surprised and happy: "I..."

Suddenly, he received a system prompt.

[Your friend [Sang Yin] initiated a transfer to you, the amount is [10000000], do you confirm the receipt?]

Mingshu was startled, and the pillows in his arms fell off: "What are you doing?"

With such a long string of 0s, he didn't care at all. Dare to click to confirm, for fear that Sang Yin clicked wrongly or added a few extra 0s.

Sang Yin picked up the pillow and put it aside, hugging Mingshu affectionately: "Take it first, buy whatever you like."

Mingshu came in, and Sang Yin mentioned buying some things for him, clothes or supplies, but Ming Shu Shu refused, saying he didn't need it for the time being.

It was his negligence and he forgot that there was a small mushroom. Moreover, when Mingshu needed money, he would probably not ask him for it, such as Guji's four black stones. He had to take the initiative.

Mingshu looked a little uneasy: "You don't need so many..."

Sang Yin said: "Not much."

The points obtained in the copy are money. As Sang Yin is the first on the list, he is far ahead of the second place. Of course he is the richest one. If he were not worried that Mingshu would not accept it, he could transfer more at once.

In the end, Mingshu was almost coaxed into accepting it. He said tangledly: "You seem to be supporting me..."

He said that word in a low voice, and his ears were a little red.

Since living together, Mingshu has not gone out. He stays with Sang Yin every day, like a canary he keeps at home.

"Of course not," Sang Yin said, "Who will cook for the person he supports every day?"

Mingshu thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it might not be possible. "And take a shower and blow dry your hair," Sang Yin continued, squeezing Ming Shu's soft palm, "We are lovers, this is what I should do."

He finally fell in love with such a person, and he took the initiative to enter the dungeon. It was also to follow Mingshu, otherwise what if something unexpected happened and he was spotted and abducted by others.

Mingshu nodded obediently and finally mentally accepted the huge sum of money he had just accepted.

He took the initiative to kiss Sang Yin's lips, and his eyes dimly lit up: "Then I want to buy something for the little mushroom. Its body and limbs have not been replaced with new ones."

"Okay, let it choose by itself," Sang Yin said. He put his hand on Mingshu's waist and asked, "Did you not apply any medicine today?"

He hugged Mingshu and walked to the second floor.

Early the next morning, the mechanical butler delivered new ironed clothes, which Sang Yin bought for Mingshu yesterday.

The time gate for going out to eat was set in the evening. Mingshu had been looking at the time gate since noon, clasping his fingers nervously.

He knew that most of Sang Yin's friends were the same as Sang Yin. They were high-scoring players at the top of the rankings. They were completely different from him, a newcomer. They definitely had nothing in common in the dungeon.

If asked about the process of their acquaintance, it seems that they cannot say too much, as it will involve a confidential copy of the trial run.

Sang Yin comforted Mingshu: "I said hello, we just wanted to have a meal, they don't dare to bother you."

With his words, Mingshu felt more at ease and patiently waited for departure.

Little Mushroom hid in the utility room door and worked all night, and finally appeared in front of Mingshu with a new set of equipment.

It circled excitedly: "Look, Shushu!"

Yesterday afternoon, Mingshu let Xiao Mushroom choose the products he liked. Because he had enough balance, he also bought beads of different colors to make shoes.

The little mushroom put on the amethyst umbrella cap again, its thin white limbs were smooth and flexible, its palms and soles were made of black spar, and its body was made of a milky white soft shell with a small lavender gradient on it. Set with a pair of black glass eyes.

Little Mushroom bought several colors of eyeballs, but he still likes black the most, as it is most similar to the ones in previous copies.

It even made itself a small vest, which was cut from leather. It was small and very delicate.

"It's so beautiful." Mingshu picked up the little mushroom and helped it pull up its little vest, "Would you like another one?"

"Sewing buttons? "

Little Mushroom thought for a moment, turned around, jumped to the ground, and ran towards the utility room door: "I'll go right away! "

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