Chapter 106: Halloween (10)

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Mingshu only has 10 points. Shan Qi has no doubts at all. 10 points is a perfectly normal figure. Mingshu looks weak on the outside and does not look like someone who can complete the task in a short time.

He nodded: "We are all pretty far behind. The mission is due tomorrow morning, why not act together?"

Xia Zhu told everyone last night that doing missions at night is more effective, but the other teammates are not sure about this. , and I don't want to wait around, I have to make preparations during the day.

All the players present share in the increase in the value of the NPC when it is frightened. They previously underestimated the townspeople's endurance. Now there is not much time left, so acting together is the best way.

Moreover, there are no more than five people in the ready-made team, and it would be more troublesome to find other people.

Everyone had no objection to Shan Qi's proposal. They discussed it and quickly divided the tasks.

Mingshu and Xia Zhu were the two who seemed to be the weakest, and their costumes were more "reserved" and didn't look scary enough, so they were responsible for luring the townspeople to a remote place, and the rest was left to their three teammates.

The remaining three costumes are headless ghost, skeleton ghost, and chainsaw massacre respectively. From the appearance, they are indeed more impactful.

Mingshu also put on his dark red robe and hood. Unfortunately, in broad daylight, his attire had nothing to do with ghosts.

Xia Zhu was breaking off his fangs and said in confusion: "I remember that I didn't stick it too tightly, so why can't I take it off..." Yesterday, for convenience, he left it alone. When he went back in the evening, he found that he still

couldn't take it off. , and it hurt my teeth when I picked hard.

He had no choice but to give up and eat and sleep with the fang in his head, thinking that the glue would loosen a little after he slept.

As a result, when I saw it this morning, not only was it not loose, but it was even stronger.

The more Xia Zhu thought about it, the more something was wrong. He came closer to Shan Qi and said, "Brother Shan, what did you mean by what you said last night?" Shan Qi glanced at

him and took out a chainsaw from a simple wooden box: "I'm just guessing. That's all."

He held the chainsaw in his hand, and Mingshu found that there was some fresh blood on the blade of the chainsaw.

Shan Qi noticed his gaze and took the initiative to explain: "I killed a town citizen yesterday."

He said that he was forced to do so. Others could complete the main mission, but he could not do it even after he got the supplies. Later, he asked another person who also had the same problem. Players dressed as Chainsaw Massacre realized what the problem was.

The chainsaw must be stained with fresh blood to complete the task, which is a hidden condition of this costume.

Seeing that the time limit was approaching, Shan Qi had no choice but to stop a town citizen near his home just before dark.

His original intention was to injure the other person, but when the chainsaw cut into the townsman's arm and the blade was stained with blood, and the townspeople begged him for mercy in fear, an uncontrollable impulse arose in his heart and he used the chainsaw to directly cut the town people's arms. The people were hacked to death.

This move also caused Shan Qi to receive 15 fear points.

After killing the townspeople, he fled back to his residence, looking at the blood-stained chainsaw in trance, and recalled the first night he got the chainsaw, the real murderer who broke into the house and took away the chainsaw.

This feeling was so subtle that Shan Qi couldn't describe it, but he was sure that he must have been affected by the chainsaw at that time.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it," Shan Qi suddenly started the chainsaw and showed a sinister smile, "It's okay to kill all those townspeople, they are all very strange."

For the mission, in the dungeon Killing NPCs in the game is nothing unusual. It's just system data, not real people.

But at this moment, Shan Qi's state was really weird. Xia Zhu and Ming Shu looked at each other and quietly moved back, farther away from Shan Qi.

The other two teammates remained silent. They seemed to be frightened by Shan Qi and put on their clothes silently.

Xia Zhu and Mingshu were going outside to find suitable townspeople. They said goodbye first. Xia Zhu took Mingshu and walked outside for a while. He stopped and said anxiously: "Please help me see if my teeth are normal." Can't you get it out?"

He tried his best to expose all of his upper row of teeth. There was a pair of canines on both sides, which looked like they were born.

Mingshu looked at it carefully, his heart sinking slightly.

Xia Zhu's two teeth were glued together, but now he can't find the gap between the two teeth. No matter how he looks, there is only one canine growing there.

Mingshu's silence made Xia Zhu feel cold. He put away his teeth and rubbed his face, feeling uneasy: "These teeth have become one with me? I won't really become a vampire, right?"

He looked at Shan Qi's state, It's as if after getting a chainsaw, he really turned into a murderer.

Xia Zhu was frightened and recalled whether there had been anything strange about him recently.

Mingshu comforted him with a few words: "I can't take off my tail anymore, just take it one step at a time."

Thinking on the bright side, if they really become monsters, then... they have a skill, right? After all, the townspeople are afraid of monsters.

And if there is a problem with the supplies, all players will suffer, not just them.

Xia Zhu sighed: "I hope there won't be any more problems... By the way, has your hair grown longer?"

Even he saw it, and Mingshu touched his hair: "It should be one of the changes."

They are all slowly approaching the monster type to which the supplies belong, and they don't know to what extent they will reach in the end.

The task still had to be done, so the two of them came to the streets where various small shops were located, looking for their target.

Mingshu was wearing a long robe, which was different from the attire of the people around him, but the temperature was just right, and he was pretty and delicate, so he looked good no matter what he wore and didn't feel out of place.

The two of them walked around in a circle, and Mingshu caught a glimpse of a familiar figure standing in the corner, looking at him silently.

Mingshu's eyes lit up and he whispered to Xia Zhu, "I'll go over there and have a look."

He looked around to make sure no one noticed him, and walked quickly in the direction of Sang Yin.

It is daytime now, and Sang Yin has returned to the shell of a town citizen. He is not wearing a mask, and his handsome features stand out among the surrounding townspeople.

Mingshu almost ran over and threw himself into his arms: "You're here!"

Sang Yin hugged him, took his hand and looked around him: "Why are you wearing it again?"

Mingshu said as a team He told him about the mission, including what he and Xia Zhu were worried about just now, the strange behavior of the players, the new plot and the mission.

"Become a monster?" Sang Yin pulled up Mingshu's hood, and a few strands of long black hair were exposed from the edge of the hood. His delicate little face looked indistinguishable from male to female.

He pinched Mingshu's cheek, lowered his head and kissed her: "Little witch."

Mingshu blushed and tried to make a serious expression: "I'm talking about business."

"Don't worry," Sang Yin said sternly, " How far are you still short, can I help you?"

He asked about the numerical value required for Mingshu's task. This change seems to be unstoppable and irreversible at present. We can only pay more attention to it and complete the tasks that need to be done first. .

"The branch line is only 10 o'clock away," Mingshu replied, "For the new mission, we have to kidnap an NPC first, and we'll see about it then."

He hasn't told Sang Yin yet that there are three categories of numerical values. He can kidnap Sang Yin, but if the 60 in the new mission only contains fear value, then... his mission must be a bit difficult, and Sang Yin cannot be kidnapped by him. Scared.

"Only this little?" Sang Yin was slightly surprised, "When did you catch up on the progress?"

Ming Shu said honestly: "I got it from... you."

Sang Yin raised his eyebrows: "Me?"

Why didn't he Know? Mingshu asked twice how he felt when faced with this wizard's costume, but Mingshu didn't mention anything. He thought it was just a question and there was no progress in the mission.

"It's just..." Mingshu explained vaguely, saying that he was not sure what the asterisked value represented, but it was just an increase.

He hesitated: "I think maybe...maybe..."

Mingshu was embarrassed to say it. If he understood it wrong, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?

"What is it?" Sang Yin asked. He recalled every time he got along with Mingshu, especially last night, and guessed something from his reaction.

When Mingshu asked him last night, he pinched the tip of Mingshu's tail and just wanted to hug and kiss him, take off his clothes and take him to bed.

This kind of value is rare in game copies, but as long as the task can be successfully completed, there is no need to care about the difference in the process.

Not many people were walking around, and Xia Zhu consciously stayed not far away. Sang Yin took Ming Shu and retreated to a more remote corner. He pressed him into the corner and kissed him. He opened his robe and hem and touched the skin on his waist. .

"Is it going up?" Sang Yin asked while kissing her, the hint was very obvious.

[The [** value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 2 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! ]

Mingshu's hood slipped down and he replied intermittently: "It's gone up..."

It's just that it's gone up a little less. It was at least 5 o'clock last night, maybe because it's still daytime.

The tail was also pinched by cold fingers, and the coolness came in. Mingshu was a little hot, and there was a little sweat on his forehead.

"The little witch with a long tail," Sang Yin breathed heavily, teasing Mingshu in a playful way, "Who can you scare?" The

fear value was too difficult for Mingshu. He was beautiful, weak, and not aggressive. With this It is more appropriate to complete the task in this way, but the target must be him.

Mingshu blushed and pushed him: "It's not going up now... let me go."

It's not easy to continue during the day. The task will end tomorrow morning, and there is still time tonight.

"Let's stay with Xia Zhu first. I'll come to you in the evening." Sang Yin let go of Mingshu and touched his hot face. "Do you like wizards or demons?"

He will go to the Devil City in the afternoon to kill those who escaped last night. Devil, the rest is much easier.

Mingshu thought about it seriously and buried his face in Sang Yin's arms: "I like wizards."

Xia Zhu waited nearby for a long time, touching his teeth until Mingshu finally came back and Sang Yin had left. .

"How is it?" he asked, "He should be able to help you with the task, right? Try intimidating him?"

Mingshu then told him that his side task was almost done, but it was a pity that his method... Xia Zhu and other players cannot use it.

He said it very tactfully, and it took Xia Zhu a long time to react, with a subtle expression: "... outrageous."

He even suspected that the asterisked value was a system vulnerability specially prepared for Mingshu. Others might be able to use it, but he anyway If he doesn't dare to use it, is it possible that he also wants to find a town citizen or monster from a strange town to fall in love with? I'm afraid that my life is too long.

After experiencing two copies, Xia Zhu had already realized the gap between himself and Mingshu.

As for the true meaning of the asterisked value, they discussed concealing it, otherwise it would be difficult to explain how it was discovered.

It was almost noon, and the two of them searched the surrounding area again. They spotted a lone town citizen and lured him to the agreed-upon location.

The three teammates were already at the same spot. Shan Qi was pressing forward step by step with a chainsaw in his hand. There was also a headless ghost covered in white sheets and a huge skull monster beside him.

The town citizen who was deceived was a woman in her thirties, thin and with curly hair tied back.

She stood there without moving, looking at the three of them expressionlessly, with a strange look in her eyes.

"It's not Halloween yet," the woman's eyes passed over them one by one, "I'll be honest, it doesn't look like the acting."

Shan Qi was holding a chainsaw and was irritated by her words. His face was slightly ferocious: "Catch her." Get up!"

Xia Zhu realized something was wrong and tried to stop her: "Wait, let's try someone else..."

Shan Qi didn't listen at all and ordered the other two teammates to hold the woman down, tie her hands with the prepared rope and throw her away. in the corner.

The high-speed chainsaw was close to the woman's cheek. Even so, she was not afraid and looked at Shan Qi calmly.

Shan Qi still had some sense and stopped before the blade was about to cut.

Xia Zhu immediately stepped forward to untie the woman, said sorry to her, and asked her to leave quickly.

The woman turned her wrist, stood up and left.

The remaining five people stayed in place, and the teammate dressed as a headless ghost pulled off the sheets: "Why is she so brave..."

Just now, the chainsaw was just a little bit away from the woman's face, and he was scared to see it.

"No, it's not that she is brave." Shan Qi shook his head and looked at Xia Zhu: "You said before that missions are most effective at night?" time, and the risk is too high at night.

Combined with the fact that their first attempt to scare a town citizen failed, it would be too slow for Shan Qi to react.

Looking back at the values ​​he had brushed yesterday, it was indeed true that they had increased when it was almost dark.

There is indeed something wrong with the townspeople here. Their tolerance is different from that of ordinary people, so players can only do tasks at night.

There will be blood monsters at night, and other unknown creatures may appear.

Everyone's mission values ​​​​are still very different, so we must find a way to give it a try.

So the entire afternoon was almost wasted. The five of them found a location with the most suitable distance to ensure that everyone could get back in time before dark.

They also bought some self-defense weapons and tools from the store to deal with emergencies.

At about 6 p.m., two townspeople were blocked by five people on a dead end road.

It was still dark, so the townspeople were not afraid. One even looked at Shan Qi's chainsaw curiously, wanting him to give it to him to play with.

There were still bloodstains on the chainsaw from last night. As night fell, Shan Qi gradually became anxious. The townspeople in front of him didn't take him seriously. In his opinion, it was simply a provocation and insult.

He tried his best to endure it, raised his head and glanced at the sky: "Wait

a minute." Time passed by, and the townspeople finally panicked.

"It's getting dark, why don't you go back?" One of the townspeople asked uneasily, "The bell is about to ring."

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 2 points, please keep up the good work! ]

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 2 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

The fear level of both townspeople increased, and the five people present received system prompts.

Shan Qi sneered: "You know you're afraid now?"

He fired the chainsaw, but because other teammates were around, he could restrain his urge to attack the townspeople.

Mingshu and Xia Zhu stood outside, and not long after, they received another system prompt.

A total of another 10 points has been raised, but it is not enough. They must complete the task tonight.

There was other movement not far away. Xia Zhu turned his head and lowered his voice and said: "There are others too."

It was another wave of strange players. They must have discovered the pattern. If nothing else, tonight Most players go out at night.

According to what Sang Yin said before, the number of blood monsters is based on the number of people outside the house...

Xia Zhu quietly tugged on Mingshu's sleeve: "Will you go back first?"

Mingshu's side mission has been completed, and he doesn't need to Stay here.

But the other teammates didn't know and had to find another excuse.

The two of them were whispering behind each other, and suddenly heard Shan Qi's voice: "What are you doing?"

Mingshu raised his head, and Shan Qi was looking sideways, with suspicious eyes.

The chainsaw was still ringing, and the fear level of the townspeople continued to rise. Seeing that it was getting dark, Shan Qi became more and more irritable.

"We are teammates, what can't we discuss together?" He turned around and pointed the chainsaw in his hand at his teammates, "Or do you think I'm not good enough and want to do it on your own?" The five people in the team

are indeed intimidating. Shan Qi played the biggest role. Now the progress of the mission is slow. His irritability and various inexplicable emotions make him suspicious, and his sanity is also losing little by little.

Xia Zhu secretly thought it was not good and retreated calmly: "Brother Shan, don't think too much, we don't mean it."

Unconsciously, the bell had rang twice and the sky began to darken.

The two townspeople were still blocked in the alley. Seeing Shan Qi diverting his attention, they quietly moved towards the exit, hoping to take the opportunity to escape.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 15 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! ]

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 15 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

Suddenly increased by 15, the total of the two townspeople is 30. Adding the previous 14 points, the mission value of the five people in the team is enough.

The townspeople looked terrified and shivered against the wall. However, their eyes turned to another place behind them. The fear value did not come from Shan Qi or anyone in the team.

The sound of the system prompt also made Shan Qi regain some sense. He glanced at Mingshu and Xia Zhu and stared behind them: "Who are you?"

Mingshu turned around and saw a man standing not far away.

He was dressed in pitch-black clothes, but it was not a robe like that of a wizard. He was also different from the residents of the town. He looked more like an older man. His coat was buttoned to the top button, and he had a mysterious and noble temperament.

He stood under the street lamp, his face shrouded in

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