V. Stages

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Your POV
"I don't want it to be true... He ordered my family to be killed.... I can't..... I can't love him.... He can't be my.... Soulmate.... It can't be true no...." I muttered as tears streamed down my face. "I don't want to..." I continued. The door behind me opens. "You're still denying it aren't you." Marisol's voice says from behind me. "Denying what? There's nothing to deny." I respond, my voice uneven. "Okay, even if there was something to deny, I suggest you accept it, or face the consequences." She says. I raise my brow. "What consequences?" I asked

Marisol's POV
"After meeting your soulmate there are five stages. The first stage is feeling cold. The second stage is feeling hot. The third stage.... Is where things get a little.... Tough... Stage Three: you start to feel slight pain all over your body. Stage Four: the pain intensifies. Stage Five: is pain no one can bare, eventually your body will just give out be cause it can no longer fight the pain. In other words... You. Will. Die. But I guess since you have haven't found your soulmate we don't don't have anything to worry about do we?" I explained. "I-If I have found my soulmate.... Is there a way to prevent all of this?" He asked, still turned away. "Yes. You both have to kiss and mean it or it won't work." I tell her. "Good thing I don't have anything to worry about right?" She asks with a nervous laugh. "Right..." I respond and leave.

Taehyung's POV
I missed her. I missed her a lot. I had spent so much time with her for those few weeks and now everything seems quiet and boring. I need to see her.... I know she doesn't like the idea of this... But I need to see her. I get up from my bed and I head out. I need to see her.

~Time skip brought to you by 3 dollar chains~

I arrive and knock on her window. I haven't been caught. She opens it. "Taehyung? What are you doing here?" She whispered looking around cautiously. "I missed you." I replied bluntly and honestly. She turns her face to the side her face turning pink. "You shouldn't be here." She said still trying to hide her blush. I only smile. "But I missed you.... Can I come in?" I asked. Her blush grew brighter. ".... F-fine...." She mumbles. I smile bigger and climb into her window. She sits on her bed staring at her feet. I sit next to her. A moment or two passes and I place my head on her shoulder.

Your POV
"Hi." He says adorably causing me to blush and I attempt to hide my smile. "I really missed you Fangs." He says lifting his head from my shoulder. I turn to look at him, he placed his forehead on mine. "Why aren't you okay with this? You know nothing can be done about it. Why can't you just except it?" He asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes. You make this so hard... I look away. He places his hand on my chin and makes me face him again. His forehead the rests against mine. "Why?" He asks again. I avert my eyes and look anywhere but him. "(Yn)..." He trails, his voice uneven. I look at him and see tears forming in his eyes. "Please... Tell me why...." He begged. Stop... You can't be doing this to me. Tears began to fall from his eyes. "I-it.... It's not right... I-I...." I stuttered, now trying to fight back my own tears. "Is it because you think it's not right, or you're not ready to accept the reality?" He asked, tears still streaming down his face. I stayed silent. "I'm... Not ready..." I responded  honestly. He nods against my head. He kisses my forehead. "When you're ready. Come find me, but we don't have much time before stage five. I love you." He tells me, and brings his lips down to mine. My eyes widen, but eventually they close. He pulls away and I keep my eyes shut before opening them again. I feel the weight of the bed shift. I look and see him leaving from the window. Oof.

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