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(Bn) - Brother's name (if you don't have one make one up)
Your POV
"Cordelia, were you able to figure out who killed them?" I asked as I sat on the 'throne' that officially belonged to me. She nods, an evil smirk makes its way to my lips. "Then I guess we have someone to visit don't we?" I said with a chuckle. "What's the name?" I asked. "Lily Pawson." She replied simply. I nod. "I'll be there in ten, you and Kc come with me. Tell her to be ready in two." I said before leaving. She nods then leaves the room. I know exactly who Lily Pawson is, she is Taehyung's love interest. I smirked. Say goodbye to your love Taehyung. She's gonna be gone in the blink of an eye. The girls come and tell me they're ready. I nod and we speed to our location.

Taehyung's POV
I was sitting, waiting for an attack. One that I never thought would come until I heard a scream in the distance. "Finally." I muttered and went to fight, but they were gone. Curse their vampire speed. I look and see who was killed. "Ah, that makes sense." I point. My boys appear from behind me. She was the one who killed her parents. "I'm not sure if we should be mad at Fangs for killing her or happy because she disposed of a pest." JungKook said. "We can do a little bit of both. I'm glad her relentless flirting is and rumors about her being my romantic interest will stop." I said then returned to my 'throne'. Her mangled body flashed through my mind. Her right leg, bent in an inhumanly possible way. Stab wounds and bite marks everywhere. Her head severed from her body. Her head, scalped. Her eyes cut from her skull. Toenails and fingernails ripped from her skin. Her tongue must've been what they cut first after her scream.  If it wasn't for her scent I would've have been able to recognize her. I shake my head. "I'm going for a walk! Alone. Yoongi, you're in charge while I'm gone." I shout. They nod their heads. As I'm walking I hear footsteps in front of me. "Well, if it isn't Fangs." I said leaning against a tree. "How ya doing Claw? Did ya like my gift?" She asks a sinister grin on her face. "You think I'd be upset?" I asked. Her grin faded. "You're not?" She asks. "In fact, I should thank you." I replied with a smirk. "What? Why?" She asks getting frustrated. "Because, her constant flirting and rumors about being my romantic interest were becoming tiering." I answered with a sigh. She groaned. "NO! You're supposed to be--" She gets cut off by thunder. She freezes. Her hand begins to shake slightly. "I-I go-gotta go. T-this isn't--" Another clap of thunder cuts her off. She shakes her head and speeds away. I raise my brow. What was that about. I shake my head, and head back to the pack.

Your POV
I run straight to my quarters. Hyperventilating. More flashes of light and claps of thunder are seen and heard. I grab my dresser in a death grip. Memories of storms flashing through my head. One strokes right outside my window.
"(Bn)! 'Ts too dangeuas (dangerous)! We could get stwuck by wightning." My three year old voice said. "We'll be fine Fangy! See I'm not--" He starts. "(BN)! Wook owut!"!i shouted but it was too late as a struck tree crushed him to ash.
~Flashback End~
Cordelia rushes in. "(Yn)! (Yn) it's okay, we're here you're inside... You're safe. It's okay." She says hugging me. I hated storms. It was the only thing I truly feared.

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