Just By The Sound

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Taehyung's POV
I don't know what to do. I can't force her to love me, it doesn't work like that. I don't wanna live without her either. Not that I would be alive long anyway. She come to me with a decision to love while I'm on the brink of death... Would she? "Please... (Yn) for the sake of our sanity, please accept the fact that you might love me." I whispered before closing my eyes to sleep.

Klaire's POV
Is it possible to fall in love someone just by the sound of their voice? Because I think I have. Everyday for the past few weeks I've sat behind a tree and listened to the mystery man sing, and it's absolutely gorgeous. I don't know any of the songs he's singing but either way they are absolutely beautiful. I want to know who he is, but I'm also afraid. I'm scared to find out who is behind that angelic voice. I must've been thinking out loud. "Hello? Is someone there? I can smell you, just show yourself." He says. My eyes widen. I know that voice. I stand up and show myself. "J-JungKook." I asked. "Klaire?" He responded. I nod. "How long have you been there?" He asked, his gaze narrowing. "I.... Uh.... You see.... Umm...." I stuttered. "Klaire." He questions walking closer as his gazes turns darker. I continued to stumble over my words until I was trapped between him and a tree. "Are you going to answer me, or are you gonna stumble over your words like  love-struck school girl who is trying to talk to her crush who just so happens to be her lab partner in science?" He asked, his voice deep like a low growl. I keep my mouth shut, not trusting my voice and he chuckles darkly and I could practically hear his smirk. "So you're just not gonna answer me?" He questions, I can feel him glaring at me with a dark glare. I avoid eye contact, my heart pounding in my chest. I hear a dark chuckle. "You're terrified... Aren't you, princess." He says in a terrifyingly deep voice, an even bigger smirk on his face. "Now answer the question Klaire." He says venom dripping in his voice.  I could hear the anger and irritation slowly rising the longer I took to answer him. What could I say to him? That I've been sitting behind trees everyday for the last few weeks listening to him sing and that I have been slowly falling in love with the man behind the voice? No! I can't tell him that! That's more embarrassing than this. "You're never going answer me are you?" He asks, and I see his hand ball into a fist. My eyes widen and I freeze. My eyes not leaving his fist. "Hello? Klaire, you in there?" He asks. He follows my gaze which is locked in his fist. He looks back at me. "Are you... Scared?" He asked. Any tone of anger or mock completely gone. Flashbacks of my last run through my head. Flashbacks of bad relationships that never ended well, not for me. Flashbacks that reminded me why I have scars and fading bruises on my body. Bruises that will never truly fade. Tears well up in my eyes. "Hey, hey..." He says his tone much softer. His hand, no longer in a fist, comes up and cups my cheek making me face him as tears stream down my face. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm sorry I scared you, I just wanted an answer and you not responding made me irritated. You're okay. You're safe, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you okay?" He says and pulls me into a hug. Instantly my arms wrapped around his waist to return the hug. "But seriously, how long were you there listening to me?" He asks. "I uh.... I've been coming here to listen to whoever it was, or you sing for a few weeks." I responded. It muffled because my fave was buried in his shirt. "Really?" He asks pulling away to look me in the eyes. I nod. "You're voice is amazing and I... Couldn't stop coming to listen." I told him. "Thank you. That means... A lot." He says with a small, shy smile. I look down and smile, while hiding a blush. "Why are you looking down?" He asked. I look up, my face redder. Which causes him to smirk. "N-no reason." I stuttered. "You're lying." He says, his smirk growing more. "Wh-what no... I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about."  I responded trying to get away, but he only held me tighter. Caught in a lie (I did that on purpose. Caught in a lie~), and I can't run (dasi run run run, okay I'll stop now. Sorry). "Why are you blushing?" He questions, the smirk and mischievous glint in his eyes never leaving. "I-I'm not!" I squeak. He sucks his face down close to mine and I freeze. My heart pounding in my chest. My face feeling extremely hot. His smirks grows even more. "You fell in love with me. Didn't you." He says. My eyes widen. "N-no. No I didn't, I did not." I respond. "Then why is your heart racing faster than normal. I can see it in your eyes Klaire. You fell in love with me." He argues. "No, no. I-I think you're hearing and seeing things JungKook." I argue back. He hums in doubt. "We'll see about that." He says, but before I can say anything he crashes his lips onto mine. I feel him smirk against my lips and he pushes me up against the tree. He kisses me harder. I tried not to kiss back, I didn't want him to know but after a while I have in and kisses back. He smirked more and pulled away. "Yeah. Sure, you're totally not in love with me. I'll see you later... Princess." He says with a smirk and walks away. "I'm screwed." I whisper as I collapse to my knees.

Your POV
"A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening?
'Cause up 'til now I've walked the line
Nothing lost but something missing

I can't decide
What's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh, if only
If only [2x]

Every step, every word
With every hour I am falling in
To something new, something brave
To someone I—I have never been

I can't decide
What's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh, if only

Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen
Will you still be with me when the magic's all run out?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh...
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh...

If only, yeah [3x]

If only [3x]." I sang. This was how I felt. It didn't know how to feel.

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