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Your POV
I look at him wide eyed. "Yo-you're the....." I trailed. "I'm the werewolf to break this. You're the vampire. I'm gonna be honest... I'm not complaining." He says with a smirk. I was able to wriggle out of his grip. I shake my head ignoring the fact that I am now cold. Which I will have to look into later. "No... This won't work! What about... What about your mate?An-and my bloodmate?" I asked quickly. He stands up, his face dark. "What? Fangs, we're the ones to break it. What makes you think I'm NOT your bloodmate?" He questioned trying to hold back his anger. "Cause bloodmate are only vampires. I can't bloodmate with a werewolf! And-and you can't mate with a vampire!" I replied. "You have no idea how bad that sounded." He said making me tilt my head in confusion. Suddenly I'm pinned to the wall. "You know... Your denial, makes you hot." He whispers. My eyes widen and my face heats up. "W-what?" I stuttered. "I said, that your denial is making you hot." He whispered again. "I heard you!" I said and started to desperately search for an escape. "I know you did sweetheart. And your innocence, makes you hotter." He growls in my ear. "Um.... GOTTA BLAST!" I shout and run out into the snowy storm. "(YN)!" I hear him shout behind me. I hear bones breaking in the distance. No.

Namjoon's POV
No! No no. You cannot do this Paw. "Is everything okay Paw?" JungKook asked walking in. I shake my head. "What's wrong?" He asked. I go up to him and grab him by the shoulders. "You, can't tell anyone!" I says wide eyed. "I won't. But you're scaring me." He replies. I look around. "Not here." I say and started dragging him to my quarters. I shut the doors and locked them. "Okay.... So what's up?" He asked. "I may or may not.... Have a crush one someone." I said. He began to smile. "That's great! Who?" He asked. "No... It's not great..." I trailed. "Why?" He asked confused. "It's.... Black...." I trailed. "Bla--- no.... You mean Marisol Black. THE VAMPIRE?!" He shouts. "Shut it! I know! It's bad!" I said. "This is why you can't tell anyone. Taehyung will have my head for this! He hates the vampires as much as we're supposed to!" I replied.

Marisol's POV
This... Is not good. "So.... Who's the boy?" Klaire asks scaring me. "Oh geez.... Hi.... Ummmm.... Come with me." I said as I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to my chambers. "You can't tell anyone." I said. "My lips are sealed. Even from Khloe." She replied. I take a deep breathe. "It's... Paw... Namjoon Paw.... The werewolf." I said slowly. She stays silent before glaring. "(Yn), is so gonna kill you." She said. "That's why she can't find out." I replied.

Your POV
I was starting to shiver more. I had been running for hours. Trying to get away from Taehyung, I would've broken had I stayed. Suddenly my vision was going hazy, my head started to pound and I started to hear ringing. I was passing out. "(YN)!" I hear, before my world... Goes dark.

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