Chapter 41

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Chloe's pov 

We got to the road and we rested on the side and caught our breath and got our strength.

''are you okay'' i said 

''me don't worry about me what about you you're bleeding chloe'' he said 

''im fine'' i said 

''you are not don't lie to me'' he said 

''it only hurts a little okay'' i said 

''yeah whatever anyways any idea where we are'' he said and i looked down and i saw a yellow flower.

''huh'' i said 

''what is it'' he said 

''that flower'' i said and i got up and i touched it and it burned me.

''wolfsbane'' i said 

''how its not purple'' he said 

''there is different species my dad talked about them in a story he told me when i was little before he fake died'' i said and i looked at him.

''i know where we are'' i said 

''sadly its very far from home'' i said 

''exactly how far'' he said 

''well brother we are in dallas texas so pretty damn far'' i said and sighed 

''TEXAS!'' he said and i shhed him 

''yes now shut up'' i said and we walked the road until we found a little store that had clothes and stuff.

''alright lets go'' i said 

''and scare the whole store'' he said 

''would you shut up'' i said and we walked in and there was no one at the counter we took the clothes and went to the restrooms and i washed my face and wiped off all the dry blood off me and i changed. When i walked out cameron was waiting for me and he was dressed and cleaned up.

''lets go'' i said 

''something's not right'' he said 

''don't say that last time someone said that we ended up at that place'' i said 

''its just where is the counter clerk'' he said 

''i don't know but i would love to get out of here'' i said and we got to the front door and the glass blew up and the gun shots came in and we jumped over the counter.

''this is why we don't fucking jinx it!'' i yelled 

''im sorry!'' he said and i growled 

''close your ears'' i said and he covered them and i jumped up and i screamed and pushed the bullets away from me and back out side. When the guns stopped firing i helped cameron up and we peeked outside and saw the guys get up and take out the ear plugs and i growled.. 

''enough is enough'' i said and i walked out and i pushed my highest scream to them and their heads blew up. 

''that was badass'' cameron said and i got to the car they were driving and grabbed the keys and we hopped in and drove off. 

''so how are we gonna get home'' he said 

''before i became a werewolf i was an FBI agent theres a station not far from here i can get in contact with my old chief and he can get a flight for me and you'' i said and he nodded 

''so is this how your life is everyday'' he said 

''to be very honest i would prefer this than my human life'' i said 

''why'' he said 

''you saw my memories'' i said 

''i saw your memories but not how much it affected you the painful ones with that guy oliver you made him run for his life'' he said and chuckled 

''cameron you have had it better than i have had my whole life you went to harvard you had parents even if they were foster parents you had parents who loved you more than anything'' i said 

''my dad wasn't always like this he was a good man before that night happened he loved me more than he loved my mother and he made it known for everyone to know and i loved them both equally'' i said and smiled 

''they read me stories i cooked with my mom my abuela taught me spanish i had a good five years after that i lived with my abuela for fourteen years went to the police academy and i made it my life mission to find my parent's killers i went from being a police officer then promoted to detective then promoted to being an FBI agent within five years i was so good because i was just so determined when i became a detective i met oliver i was twenty the relationship started off like every relationship does the lovey dovey crap then he hits you for the first time he gets drunk and everything changes he says he is sorry and he would never do it again'' i said 

''then it was like it was having to forgive him every other month every other month turned into every other week and then it turned into every day'' i said 

''literally any reason he could find he could used it sometimes used it more than once anything he could use to hit me he used it'' i said 

''to wire hangers to beer bottles to cigarettes and knives'' i said 

''knives'' he said and i lifted up my shirt to where the tally marks were.

''he used the knives to mark every time i acted up'' i said 

''that must have been horror'' he said 

''it was'' i said 

''it was a million times worse than what the hunters did to me'' i said 

''thats why i said it didn't hurt that much'' i said 

''how are you so calm'' he said 

''because i cried every night for five almost six years and every night since the last time i have seen him he is worried out of his mind wondering when i will come and kill him'' i said and smiled 

''okay my sister is a psycho'' he said and sighed and i chuckled 

''not psycho just patient on getting revenge'' i said and smiled 

''yeah thats a psycho'' he said and laughed 

''whatever anyways the only people that knew was my friend amanda and my chief'' i said 

''and they didnt arrest him'' he said 

''i told them not to the night i left was the night i took my life back out of his hands'' i said and smiled 

''also the night i got bitten and you know went through the shift'' i said 

''thats when i met henry and dan and they helped me and i swear my life was so much better then my abuela died and it just became complicated again'' i said 

''im sorry'' he said 

''its okay she wouldn't want me sad she would want me to be happy that i have you and my mom back'' i said and smiled 

''i can't wait to meet her'' he said and smiled 

''well i would love to take a few days away from her even though i just got her back'' i said 

''why'' he said 

''she kept you from me didn't ever tell me about you she had all this time she was here with me to tell me and she didn't'' i said 

''she claims she was protecting us but rather its the truth or not she doesn't get that i grew up with just my grandma i didnt have any other family and just to think that there is another person out there that is apart of my family and i never knew about them makes me mad cause i never had a big family like other people growing up you hear when you get back from thanksgiving everyone had a big family dinner all i had was my grandma and don't get me wrong i was so grateful but it would've been nice to have a family like everyone else had and now i do'' i said and smiled 

''well im not going anywhere you are now stuck with me'' he said and chuckled

''oh the joy'' i said and smiled and he playfully hit my arm and i chuckled.

After ten more minutes of driving we finally got to the agency building.

''we are here'' i said and smiled and we got out and i wiped down the fingerprints and stuff and then went in the building and i called the chief and he said that they had a jet that was heading over there anyways so i could get on with them.

We got on the jet and we ate some food that was there and we took a nap because it was a long ride over there..........

If you saw Chapter 40 being posted alot I'm sorry I was having trouble with wattpad and it kept deleting the chapter from my phone and computer and I guess it uploaded when they fixed it for me and the reason there was so many is because I wrote them over and over again because I kept thinking they were deleted so sorry if you got the notifications again and again.


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