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Your pov~

I had probably been sat on this fucking toilet seat for at least an hour now. I had cried a little bit and now returned to my rather pissed off self. I hadn't left the bathroom because; lets be honest, I was kinda scared to face the music. And by music I meant dark. I couldn't be dealing with his machinist behaviour, it irritated me beyond words could explain.

However I couldn't keep getting like this, getting stroppy with him, otherwise my plan wouldn't work. I decided to quietly head to my bedroom hoping dark wouldn't hear me. I opened the door to my bedroom and flopped back down onto my bed. Arms and legs sprawled my eyes staring at the grey ceiling. I quickly started getting bored after ten minutes which was bound to happen. I decided to rifle through the draws and cupboards.

The draws where pretty empty just the underwear and a few tees that dark had given men. There was also a hairbrush and a few hair ties. I walked to the cupboard and flung open the black wooden doors just a few jeans, skirts and shorts. Their was also a black dress which I hadn't noticed before. It was elaborate, off the shoulder style with some lace decoration. It seemed almost ceremonial.

I hunched it off and noticed a small row of books behind the clothes. I scanned the rack and saw one that caught my eye.

"The separation and binding of souls..." I said aloud to myself. It intrigued me so I snatched it from the shelf. Propping my legs up against the headboard of the bed and my back on the mattress part. I was holding the book above my head hoping not to drop it on my face which would probably cause some pain.

The book was split into two parts, binding and separation, and smaller chapters within the two sections. I decided to start on the binding section which was the first section then separation. It just said some stuff about how it couldn't be forced unlike separation. the strongest method of binding was love. It couldn't be unrequited , the love must be between two people.

"So that means mine and marks soul must be bound..." I hummed to myself. It was pretty cute to be honest, it put a faint smile on my face. I was about to turn to the separation of souls sections which I was most excited for when suddenly my bedroom door was flung open. It startled me so much that I dropped the book on my face causing me to groan slightly.

" Y o u s h o u l d n ' t b e r e a d I n g t h a t . " he removed the book from my face. He looked down at me with no emotion shown in his eyes. I don't see how I could read his eyes anyway. They were just black. I went to see where the book went but it just vanished into black smoke in his hands.

"Hey! I was reading that!"

" I k n o w " his attitude didn't falter. I turned my body around to sit normally and dark sat beside me, our backs against the bed head. I tried my best not to shuffle away from him. I needed to talk or at least say something for my plan to work.

"Sorry about this morning. I guess its just a bit strange, this situation..." he sighed slightly and I could feel his dominance fade slightly.

"Its fine, is there anything that you want to do? To settle in?" He fidgeted from foot to foot, stumbling over his words. I guess even demons could become uncomfortable or stuck over their words. I had no idea why he was keeping me here and not just using me for whatever I needed to be used for. Why is he waiting? But for now I decided to go with my plan.

"Well you could show me around, all I know is where my bedroom, the bathroom and the kitchen is" he nodded and stood up. He held the door open, letting me go through.

"Thank you" I smiled, he gave me probably the smallest smile possible.

"If you ever need me, this is my room." He took me left to his room, not showing me inside.

"And opposite it is my office. You must knock before you enter. Thats where my private work is" I nodded, understanding his need of space although he didn't seem to understand mine. He led me downstairs.

"You've seen the kitchen, the living room is through the kitchen and through this door" once again he pushed the door open and let me through first. At least he had some kind of mannerisms. There was a tv and some black leather couches. It seemed pretty average.

"And thats it" however a smaller door in the corner caught my eye I walked up to it and placed my hand on the handle.

"Where does this go" rather than painfully grabbing my wrist like last time he simply just placed his cold, soft palm on top my hand.

"I don't want you to go in here. Ever" I looked up at him, I could tell he was trying to be as gentle as possible. I appreciated the thought so decided to just agree with him.

"Ok" I nodded smiling.

"Do you want to watch something? There isn't much but I have a few films"

"Yeah sure" he brought over his small DVD collection. They were dark films like a clockwork orange, shutter island and begotten the only film that wasn't very twisted was pans labyrinth. I remember having to study the music for A levels. He put it into the DVD player and grasped the remote pressing play.

Lifting my legs onto the sofa I decided to make a bold move and rest my head on his shoulder. It released a bit of tension in the room and I could feel his body relax into the sofa beneath my cheek. The weird creature appeared and I grimaced slightly. Its eyes in its hands and a cyclops eye on its forehead. I decided to try make a joke with dark, so the tension between us could loosen and maybe if he wasn't going to use me, we could become friends. Maybe he is just a lonely demon in need of a friend. Yeah, lets decide on that for now.

"Ha ha. Its you" he looked down at me frowning. Obviously not understanding my joke. It only caused me to laugh even more. I erupted into fits of giggles, this man had no sense of humour and the stunned look on his face spoke a million words.

"Its called a joke dark" I said playfully rolling my eyes. He relaxed again but seemed unsure.

"Whats a joke?" I suddenly sat upright, my eyebrows raised.

"Wait you've never heard a joke before?" I was rather shocked yet understood by his dull character.

"No, how do you do a joke?"

"Its called telling a joke, look heres one. Why did the skeleton not go to the party?" He just seemed to stare at me still not seeming to understand a thing.

"Because he had no body to go with him!" I waited for a reaction and his blank features soon spread into a smile. He chuckled, I wasn't expecting him to actually laugh. I don't really know what I was expecting. He paused the film with a smile.

"Tell me another"

"Ok, um... whats white and 'red' all over?" He sat expectantly for the punch line.

"A newspaper" he let out another low voiced laugh.

"Your joke sounded different though. Was it different kind of joke?"

"Yeah I guess it was. Its called sarcasm. Where you say the opposite thing for comedy. So say for example it was raining outside, to emphasise the horrible weather I would maybe say... 'well isn't the weather amazing today'" he seemed even more confused than when I told him the joke.

"But rain is nice weather"

"Oh my god..." I face palmed knowing that we would never tackle the art of sarcasm today.

"Ill explain it to you later, its a tricky task" he nodded and smiled directly at me before playing the film again. For the first time I had actually felt like me and dark had bonded a bit without me having to pretend. It felt nice; to settle in more. I returned my head to its resting post.

Darks pov~

We finished watching the film, her head was rested on my shoulder, her (h/c) hair sprawled on over my back.

"Im just going to my office for a bit, is it ok if you put on another film and I join you in a bit?"

"Sure, have fun" I got up and let her put in the other film: Unfortunate Events.

I slumped a t my desk feeling rather soft after my laugh with (y/n). i'm just using her to get to mark. I started to think of possible solutions to this problem. I sighed, propping myself upright in the chair again and doing some work and writing. It was just some stuff on the development of my spells that I would sometimes use. They needed improvement all the time. Suddenly a thought came to my mind about (y/n) again.

I quickly scribbled notes onto pieces of parchment paper. I looked out of the window behind me. My room and my study were the only rooms with windows. The sky in this world constantly stayed a neutral grey, the weather: neutral, the dirt: grey, tree trunks: grey.

The only thing that wasn't grey was the tree leaves. They were a stunning shade of red but each leaf varied in this colour red. I knew (y/n) would want to go outside soon so I decided that I would show her the garden outside. It was peaceful there, and because of the temperature of this world it wasn't hard to grow a variety of plants. After about half an hour of work I decided to join (y/n) again.

Slowly walking downstairs I saw that the credits were rolling. She was asleep her lips slightly parted. Placing my hands on her shoulders I gently shook her awake. My hands on her reminded me of the beautiful blood that once ran from her nose and wrist. That beautiful, crimson shinning colour. I would only crave more over time.

"(y/n)... (y/n)... wake up..."

"Huh?... oh sorry dark, I didn't mean to fall asleep" she rubbed her eyes and dozily stood up.

"Do you want to go outside?" I asked, she seemed slightly shocked at first but quickly nodded her head with enthusiasm.

"Yes please! Id love to!" I chuckled at her eager response. And took her hand. She progressively became used to my softer touches and didn't flinch so much this time. Leading her out the back door I swiftly took her to see the outside world and I really should've been prepared for her reaction.

"What the ever loving fuck..." her reaction to things never seemed to bore me.

"Welcome to my world love"

"This is so weird, but I like it, how everything is red but in different shades"

"I need to go out and get some food for you seeing as I can't let you starve-"

"That would be a could idea" she laughed making me roll my eyes.

"I'll trust you not to leave?"


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