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After walking back through the corridors, with her in my arms and putting her back to bed, I went to have a shower. Frankly I reeked of sex. I headed towards the male bathroom. Upon entering I took of my clothes and turned on the hot water letting it scorch my body. I poured some body lotion into my hands and scrubbed myself clean. I thought back on the past events that had just happened. It couldn't of been any better. It was better than I expected, especially seeing as she was a virgin. It only made me want to crave her more. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. But just before stepping out of the shower curtain I heard someone else enter the room. I stepped out curious as to who it was. It was Thomas. He was washing his hands and he glimpsed back at me through the mirror .

"Hi Thomas" I said with a friendly greeting. He looked me dead in the eyes and said nothing.

"Umm ok...." I rolled my eyes and picked up another towel on the rail to rub my hair dry with, after so I grabbed the spare shirt I had and slipped it on with a pair of plain beige khaki pants.

"So, where were you and (y/n) today?" He said dryly.

"well we agreed that we will be spending as much time together as possible before she leaves." I thought we said that, and he agreed on it.

"Yeah, sure spent as much time fucking each other that is " he hissed spinning around finally facing me

"Excuse me?" His words completely stunned me. Did he see us or something, how fucking he dare he talk about me and (y/n) that way.

"Oh I know what you two have been up to, Screwing each other over. You know when I was taking her blood, she sat there so... obedient. And her skin, her skin was as smooth as melted chocolate, I could touch and rub it all day. And you know what she told me? 'Mark is so overprotective, he's so annoying! I wish I wasn't-" I wasn't taking anymore of this completer and utter bullshit. I punched him square in the jaw as hard as I could. It even caused my knuckles to bleed slightly. He stumbled backwards grasping the sink. He spat out some blood and sloppily wiped some blood away from his nose. He just cunningly smiled at me.

""And the way her (e/c) eyes sparkled at me, it drives me crazy!" He cackled manically, he must've gone insane.

"It's so lonely here mark, being trapped by the virus. But I'd never be lonely with (y/n), oh no, never! We'd be together every night, her skin touching mine..." he let out a shaky breath.

"You're fucking wrong in the head" I looked at him slightly scared myself. Did he try to touch her while I wasn't there but (y/n) didn't tell me? Or even worse? I stormed up to him, giving a right hook punch which sent him falling to the floor. He tried getting up only to lie there looking up helplessly at me. I crouched down at his inferior height.

"You can either leave (y/n) alone and continue to help take the cure from her as much as I hate it, or I can knock your lights out. Forever" I don't usually threaten people it felt wrong, yet I would do anything to stop this sick pedo from getting to her.

"I-I'll leave you... you a-alone, I swear" I seemed to have knocked some sense into him.

"Good, and I don't think I need to tell you what the consequences are if you touch her again" he scrunched his eyes tight and nodded. I felt bad for beating Thomas up. It was just the rage I felt, the disgusting way he was talking about my (y/n). It made me sick. I stood up and extends my hand to him. He hesitated but took it, I pulled him up and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched to quickly relax, I gave him a look for him to understand that I didn't want him near (y/n) again but it was all fine now.

"I'll see you later, you might want to wash" I then swiftly left the bathroom. I guess us guys have always solved our problems differently to girls. We'll have a punch at each other then it's over. Best buds again. Don't get me wrong I'm real mad at Thomas but I'm just willing to give him a second chance. I take a glance at my knuckles and realise how bloodied and sore they are. I wipe them on my pants so (y/n) wouldn't notice anything. I went to the sleepy quarters. She was fast asleep anyway, i decided to not disturb her and I went and joined the group in the living area. They were having a chat about the past and their YouTube careers.

"Remember my whole Gloria Borger thing I did, I never expected her to actually notice though" felix laughed. His channel was just full of dead people now.

"Oh my god, you guys remember the Paul brothers?"

"I don't think I really want to remember that" Tyler shivered

"Let's just hope they're dead rather than a Grabber" felix mumbled, we all hummed in agreement. I'd rather be dead than a Grabber. We continued to talk reminiscing about the past and taking the piss out of each other.

Time skip~

Your POV~

I woke up very sore down below and stiff. I groaned and winced when I tried to get up. Thoughts of what happened about 5 hours came flooding back to my mind. Damn. That was more than I ever expected. I stood up wobbling a bit before searching my bag for some fresh clothes. I pulled out an old top that belonged to mark which was a bit tattered but incredibly comfortable and I also slipped on a pair of black leggings, just to feel even more comfortable. I assumed the others would be in the living quarters. I wandered down the hallways giving myself a chance to wake up a bit. I pushed open the glass door and saw the others happily laughing and chatting.

"Hey (y/n)" mark greeted me, pulling up a chair next to him. I sat down and Ethan practically bounded up to me.

"Hey (y/n)! I missed you today, how was you-" he suddenly stopped talking and looked perplexed at my neck.

"(y/n) whats this on your neck?" He touched one of the purple bruises and I flinched.

"Did someone hurt you?!" Ethan said worried. I peered over his shoulder and saw the rest of the group snickering and Felix had to clamp his mouth shut with his own hand.

"Its fine Ethan, mark did it" I whispered to him, hoping he would understand. He turned to mark about to shout at him until he finally released what they actually were.

"Oh" the group couldn't hold back there giggles anymore and the room suddenly burst into laughter as Ethan sat there with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

"Damn mark, looks like you tried to choke the poor girl, go easy next time" Felix chuckled

"That might be easier said than done" mark winked towards me

"So did you guys?..." Felix started, he looked at me wriggling his eyebrows

"No no no, nope, enough of the sexual innuendos. I have had enough, and its not like I was ever gonna tell you" I say flapping my arms almost turning as red as Ethan. I huffed, sitting down, crossing my arms. But before I could plonk my self down mark grasped my hips and guided me to his lap. I tried standing up again but he had a strong grip on me.

"I hate you" I whined.

"Love you too" he smirked. We continued to talk as a group until I started to complain that I was hungry and so were the others. We head to the kitchen and start making some simple food. Baked beans, some homemade bread and potatoes. There was some mashed and I decided to make some of my special baked fries. It was quite the feast tonight, especially as it was my last night. The food was laid out before us gloriously and as soon as everyone had sat down we tucked in quickly, dishing food onto our plates. Halfway through our dinner Thomas walked in with a few cuts and abrasions on his face.

"Hey are you alright Thomas?..." I said quietly as he sat opposite. He quickly glanced at mark besides before stumbling over his words.

"Um... y-yeah, I just um, yeah" he didn't finish his sentence and decided to start eating what was left of the food. He took some of my chips and I decided to make conversation with him to try perk him up.

"What do you think of the chips? My special homemade recipe" I said proudly. I saw him become a little more settled.

"They're really lovely, do you cook lots?" I nod continuing, to talk although I could feel his glare piercing me and Thomas. Did he have anything to do with Thomas' cuts?

"Yeah, well when I was younger my mum always put me on these fad diets which meant I cooked a lot." He nodded seeming to understand. We ate in silence for the rest of the evening just enjoying each others company. We decided to play a game of truth or dare in the living room.


im gonna post 2 chapters as this is very late

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