We travelled for many more days and nights conquering many Zs and obstacles like forests and more rivers. After five days and nights we finally neared our destination, a small ghost town. We were due to meet up in the pub called 'the hand and crown'. I walked beside mark and Sean.
"We are almost there now, apparently the pub is only about half a mile away according to this map" mark says. I peer at the paper taking in the markings.
"All we need to do is go straight then right" he adds
"Or we could take the diagonal street that could save us about ten minutes?" I point out the line and he chuckled.
"What would I do without you (y/n)" he places a hand on my shoulder and looks deep into my eyes. I smile and face straight ahead.
"I'd probably find you with your head stuck down a toilet if I left you for no more than a day" we followed the directions I pointed out. We soon came across the pub. Sharpened wooden spikes had been placed in front of the big double doors to prevent Zs from entering. We walked up to the front door and mark opened the letter box.
"What are you doing?"!I whispered
"It's a secret code" mark replied I silently 'ohed'
"England is my city" I frowned in confusement until a voice replied
"Identity password?" Mark sighed loudly
"I wish I was an engineer" he droned. The doors slowly swung open to reveal a guy with bleach white hair and stunning blue eyes. He had a handsome smirk struck across his face and was rather tall. He also had a bit of a beard. He had a black pug at his side which immediately leaped and bounded up to Chica, licking and playing with her. A golden coloured pug waddled out shortly after, she was missing an eye. She joined in with the reunion.
"Mark!" They gave each other a firm man hug, slapping the other on the back.
"Long time no see huh?" The man who I assume is Felix says.
"Yeah I've missed you bro" Felix greeted everyone else. He seemed to get on with Sean well.
"It's ma main man! Jackspedicy!"
"Still keeping up with that ol joke ya lil shit" he laughed, telling jack: 'it never got old'. Lastly he turned to me
"Who's the pretty girl mark? Haven't seen her around with you before but your face seems familiar" he twirls a bit of his brown facial hair pondering.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you" he goes in for a fist bump which I return
"It's a bro fist" he winks
"Still quite the player aren't you Felix you've already got marzia" mark shakes his head disapprovingly.
"Heyyy~ it's a zombie apocalypse no one gives a damn! And Marzia is out getting firewood and food at the moment with Brad" he once again; winks at me. I sigh and face palm. He laughs back.
"Any way come in before you become zombie brunch" he ushers us in before striking his finger up, remembering something.
"That's where I've seen your face! You're that singer (stage name)! I know you from mark, he doesn't stop talking about you" Felix laughs while mark blushes looking at Felix angrily.
"So PJs on look out at the moment, he'll be down once Marzia and Brad come back."
"How is the gang?" Sean asks smiling
"Good actually, PJ and the others are still a bit sensitive around the topic of Ken... but everyone's happy other than that" Felix went a bit quiet after the mention of this so called ken. I can only imagine the worst, mark places a hand on Felix's shoulder.
"You did the best for him" mark solemnly looked at him while Felix simply nodded.
"the past is the past, he's in a better place now. Anywhere is better than earth. We should be celebrating, you've just come back to us healthy and alive and with another member; I'll crack out the beer" felixs mood changed suddenly, although for the better I can't imagine him sad. He walked off to behind the bar
"Dump your stuff anywhere guys and choose a spot to sleep we can supply bedding and mattresses" he shouted from the distance. I chose the corner furthest away from any doors or entrances. Like felix said I dumped my stuff on the floor.
"Mind if I join you?" I look over my shoulder to see mark smiling at me.
"Go ahead" he puts his stuff next to mine and finger combs his hair back. Felix comes over and gives us two mattresses and blankets for sleep, we thank him gratefully.
"So guys, toilets and showers are round the corner!"
"Showers?!" We all exclaim.
"Yup with warm water" Felix says happily. We all rush to the shower block. It had been months since we last showered. I went in the girls room obviously, it was nice to be alone for a bit. I quickly stripped down, rinsing my dirty clothes in a sink full of hot water and leaving them out to dry. They'd be dry by the time I was finished in the shower. I stepped into the delightfully warm water letting a pleasured sigh release from my lips. I scrubbed my scalp and body clean, singing while doing so. Singing in the shower is something I find rather ironic but I do it myself.
(This is not the TOP version, it is the original Elvis Presley version)
Wise men say, only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay would it be a sin,
but I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Something's are meant to be
Take my hand
take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Something's are meant to be
Take my hand
take my whole life to
Cause I can't help falling in love with you
Oh- oh- oh
I can't help falling in love with you
Marks POV
I had just finished showering when I heard a sweet singing voice from the female bathrooms. Of course it was (y/n) but I couldn't help but just walk right in the the room, in a trance from her voice. I peeked round the door and saw her silhouette behind the shower curtain. Her voice was so familiar to my ears, it reminded me of home. The amount of times I would often sit in my room, after stressful days, and listen to her albums was too many times to count. Her music was everything to me, but now that I've met her in person.... I don't know how I feel....
Do I feel the same way about her as before? Caring, kind and talented or when I first met her in person? Curious, annoying and brash. I've grown to know (y/n) now and realise her stage persona is much different to her real one. I can't decide which one I prefer. Before I was spotted I left the room, leaving (y/n) be. I went back to the main entrance bar area.
"Hey, bro, can you give these spare clothes to (y/n)? They are just some clean jeans and a baggy knitted sweater, I'm pretty sure (y/n) would appreciate it" Felix smiled handing me the neatly folded clothes
"Sure" I took them from his grasp and went to the female bathroom. I walked in assuming (y/n) would still be showering to actually find her standing in the middle of the room drying her hair. A singular small towel was wrapped round her chest. I felt like I'd just been sunburnt
"Oh, um.... hey mark.... how can I help?" She asked cautiously approaching me she seemed a bit lost, like she was thinking deeply about something.
"Felix wanted me to give you these fresh clothes" I sorta thrusted them into her arms, trying to control the colour of my cheeks due to embarrassment. She chuckled and elbowed my shoulder
"Thanks" I quickly left the room, speed walking as fast as possible. But before I did I spun around looking at her again.
"Are you alright (y/n) you seem a bit.... lost...." She smiles sadly at me before nodding. I let her be and left. I turned the corner to see Felix with a sickening grin.
"You did that on purpose you dipshit, didn't you?"
"Totally worth it though. Your cheeks are as red as a rose" I growled at him, sitting down on my mattress and sharpening my pen knife.
I've actually finished writing the book now in my notes so hopefully updates will be weekly xx
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