"(y/n)!" He turned around surprised by my presence.
"Hey big boy" he took a glimpse and me gripping Thomas' arm.
"She felt a bit dizzy and nearly fell over poor sod" he laughed.
"I'll carry her"
"Wait mark, you don't-" seconds later I was scooped into his muscular arms. I sighed looking at Thomas and rolling my eyes. He just seemed to nervously chuckle. Mark walked off ahead as Thomas put his lab gear back.
"Ill meet you back at the main office, I'll do the testing now" Thomas said waving, I waved back and focused on mark.
"You get far too jealous mark"
"Only because I love you" he seemed happier now we were on our lonesome.
"Promise me you won't get too close to him (y/n)"
"Mark he's a really nice guy we're just friends" I sighed with slight attitude. He suddenly dropped me to my feet and pinned me to a wall.
"You're mine and only mine (y/n)" he obviously let his dominance take over, I could see fire raging in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, again.
"Sorry, I just- I just don't like him being so friendly with you"
"Its fine mark, just know that I would like to make friends with these people" he nodded but I was still trapped between his arms. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips as bribery to let me go.
"Can you free me now?" I whined
"Not yet missy" his lust filled eyes gazed into mine and he roughly placed a kiss on my lips. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I let his wet muscle explore me. His soft lips were almost an addiction to me and there was never a time I didn't miss his lips on mine. His hands pinned me roughly to the wall as he started to kiss my jaw, down to my neck line. Finding my sweet spot I let out a subtle whimper.
"M-mark..." he sucked and nibbled on the flesh around my neck and collar bone, knowing he has probably left a reddish, purple mark. I knew it was going to show. his hands let go of my wrists and caressed my curves and hips. His hand started to slide up my top but I quickly stopped him.
"Mark, now and here is not the time," he chuckled rubbing my curves.
"Babe now is the exact time; its finally clean enough, there is no one around, and everyone thinks you're having your test done" he kept touching me: stroking my cheek, rubbing my forearm, grasping my waist.
"Mark someone cou- !!" He roughly groped my ass making me squeal.
"Please~" he whined like a kid. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"Maybe tomorrow, ok? I'm not really In the mood right now" I nervously rubbed my neck. He smiled understanding
"Of course babe" I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding. And he took my hand squeezing it slightly. It only took a minute to get back to the main office where we saw the others socialising with the new guys.
"How did it go?" Ethan quickly jumped up and hastily asked me.
"Well thanks, I feel a bit dizzy but I'm okay. I think I'm gonna have to lie down for a bit" the girl called Laura approached me over hearing my words
"That can often happen, here I'll take you to the makeshift sleeping quarters" they were just in the room next door and much like they were back at the pub; the beds were mattresses.
"Pick which ever one you want, we set this up for you guys" I nodded and thanked her and like before I picked the bed in the corner. Changing into a baggy red shirt and a fresh pair of plain high waisted knickers I collapsed onto the bed. Resting my head down I let my eyes shut and tumble into a peaceful slumber.
Time skip~
The next day...
I woke up and mark was next to me, watching me.
"Did you watch me sleep?..." I chuckled rubbing my eyes.
"Only for the past 6 hours... nah, just kidding. I woke up about 5 minuets ago. You slept right from 7:00 last night to 8:00 this morning. How are you feeling though?"
"Better, not so dizzy and a bit livelier today"
"Good good, so I was looking around...."
"Oh no, what have you done"
"I may or may not if found some condoms" he wiggled his eyebrows at me while I laughed in disgust.
"Ewwww mark!"
"Hey! You said tomorrow, and tomorrow is today"
"I have just woken up you prick" I lightly punched his shoulder while he just sighed and pouted.
"Maybe this afternoon ok?" He suddenly sprung to a grin and quickly kissed my lips.
"Thanks babe, I just feel that we've finally found a nice place and you do not realise how much I've been holding back"
"I can tell" I say with a hint of sass then looking down at his progressive boner.
"You're too sassy for your own good (y/n)"he collapsed back down onto the bed and I rested my head on his chest.
"Thomas will have the results today..." mark said with a nervous tone, stroking my hair.
"What's worrying you about it?"
"Well what if you have to.... You know..." he couldn't seem to just spit out the words.
"Sacrifice myself?" He sighed heavily, seemingly irritated, almost like I had called him something offensive.
"Yes, I can't see myself in this world without you" he cupped my cheeks and stared glumly into my eyes
"Well just think: because of your courageous actions you saved the girl with the cure which restored humanity. I can see it on papers everywhere" I visioned
"But I can't do that without you, it would've felt like I'd done nothing at all"
"I never thought of you to be such a pessimist" I shook my head quite disappointed in him. I stood up, looking down at his soppy face.
"The mark I know is bubbly and always looks on the bright side of life" I tutted wagging my finger at him.
"(y/n)! Sit down you've only got a shirt on! Its a great view from here... b-but still!!" He tried to pull me back to bed but I continued to stand there, diligently telling mark off. I could tell how overly animated I was being, I could feel my (h/c) locks bouncing upon my shoulders and my forehead started to hurt from the amount I was frowning. Felix who was a few beds down from us woke up and saw the kerfuffle and started quietly laughing at us.
"Mark tell your girlfriend to put on some clothes!" He whispered to mark
"I-i'm trying!" He continued to tug on my shirt trying to pull it down as more people started to wake up.
"And you should realise that the fate of humanity basically rests on my hands! I may be the only person to restore..." I continued waffling on and on.
"Yes dear, yes dear I get it now sit your ass down!"
"Oh, umm I can come a bit later if you guys aren't ready yet..." Thomas had walked into the room the test papers in his hands.
"Oh your perfectly on time Tom! I've just been giving mark a good telling off." I jumped into some peach gingham shorts and bounded up to Thomas.
"Its alright if I call you tom, right?"
"Sure, thats cool with me" he smiled
"Come on mark, hurry up!" He was sluggishly tumbling out of bed grumbling under his breath. He stomped up to me and I linked arms with him. Thomas was taking us to the main Lab where everyone was. Kevin and Laura where already up and talking to each other and Felix had followed behind us.
"Some of the others have woken up and they're heading here in a tick. They'll probably want to hear the results" He said to me. I nodded. I sat down at a table as I waited for mark to bring me back a hot (tea/chocolate/coffee). He placed one in my hands and I thanked him. We made small talk until everybody else joined us for the results. Ethan had come to join us with me and mark. I happily appreciated his friendly company.
"If the cure works what do you think will happen afterwards?" Ethan said thoughtfully. It was a question I had never thought about to be honest.
"I don't know honestly" I looked to mark for an answer. He seemed too stumble over his words as well.
"Um, well maybe we could find other people, repopulate, start a society... like yeah, I don't really know" we continued to sip on our drinks waiting for Thomas to join us. Everybody had also joined us. I engaged in conversation with Felix and Marzia everyone and then. Roughly ten minutes later Thomas entered the room with the test results and took a seat on a high stool.
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