Chapter Ten

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  I could feel Teddy trembling as she clung to my back while I was staring the punk down.

  "I'm not leaving without Teddy," he said glaring up at me.

  "She's not going anywhere with you," Brooks yelled and I spun around to face Teddy when I heard her whimper, cursing under my breath I catch her just as she collapsed.

  "I'm taking her to Doc," I said to Bullet before rushing Teddy to the medical building hoping Doc was there.

  "Hacker," Mama Wolf gasped jumping up leading me to a cot. "Lay her down here and I'll call Doc."

  "Thanks Mama Wolf," I smiled brushing Teddy's hair out of her face rubbing her cheek softly. I stayed beside Teddy barely acknowledging Colt coming and telling me the punk was gone or Willow saying that Angelica and Tanker were on they're way back.

  "Hacker," I looked up after Doc was done looking Teddy over. "Teddy will be okay, she just passed out from shock. I want her to stay here until she wakes up, just so I can do a once over to make sure she's going to be a hundred percent okay."

  "Sure," I mumbled sitting back in my chair grabbing her hand intertwining our fingers. I sat with her until Mama Wolf forced me out of the clinic to shower, change of clothes and eat before she let me back in with Teddy.

  Groaning I sat up blearily when I felt something shaking my shoulder, blinking I looked up to see my father giving me a look that I knew all to well.

  "What are you doing here?" I grumbled rolling my neck hearing it pop before standing up. "What time is it?"

  "I'm here because you've been avoiding my calls," he said. "It around nine in the morning, now you are going to come eat something and tell me why you've been ignoring me."

  Sighing I followed him out of the clinic and into the clubhouse, nodding at the old lady who placed at cup of coffee in front of me.

  "Who is she?" he asked.

   "Her name's Teddy," I said with a small smile. "She's smart and talented. Doesn't care what people think about her and I..."

  "She sounds like a sweet girl," dad chuckled. "You love her."

  "I don't know," I sighed. "Honestly, she'd be better off away from me. She's hurt because of me."

  "No," I jumped when Tanker spoke. "No one knew that she was going to be attacked at you're house."

  "What?" Dad asked confused. "When did this happen?"

  "About two weeks ago," I sighed dropping my head on the counter. "She fell off the roof trying to get away from Blood."

  "My god," dad gasped shaking his head. "She must be a strong girl to be able to go through all that without going into shock."

  "Yeah," I smiled shaking my head. "Tank, how'd you're trip with Angelica go before all of this happens?"

  "Fine," he growled annoyed.

  "What happened?" I laughed.

  "Tanker Hacker," one of the prospects yelled running up. "Ms.Harrison and Teddy left the compound."

  "What?" Tanker growled angrily causing the kid to back away slightly.

  "She said give this to you," he gulped handing him a peice of paper before running off.

  "That's it," Tanker snapped pulling his phone out and typing before holding it to his ear.

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