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Then a goon snatches gun from an army officer and flees.

Piyush runs after him. The goon fires the gun in air.

Goon: Move back, soldier. Or ELSE.........

Piyush: or else what ?? Keep gun down and surrender.

Goon: I will kill you!!!

Piyush: I am ready to die for my country but i will never let you flee...... SURRENDER!.....

All the soldiers reach by then. The goon gets scared and threatens to fire the gun at them.

But the army does not budge. The army surroundes the goon. Then a sound is heard.


It was a firing sound. The bullet hit Piyush. He collapses down on the ground. The army caught the goon. Some soldiers lift Piyush and head to the hospital.

The soldiers admit him in the army hospital. The doctor takes him to operation theatre and starts the operation. Meanwhile, the soldiers decide to inform the news to piyush's family. But they couldn't reach them.


Ruhi: Mumma, when will papa come home?

Prisha: He will be on the way, child.

Ruhi: Mumma, this time I won't let papa go. I will play and enjoy with him.

Prisha: (pretending to be sad) then who will play with me?

Ruhi : ok then you, me and papa will play.......Yayy!!!!!!


It was morning but there was no sun shining.

It was all windy and cold. When Prisha woke, she heard a sound outside her house. Prisha went to see. But what she saw made her frozen in her place.

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