Chapter 6: Lovely Sunday

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Meanwhile. Hiro was at the armour room checking and a few adjustments for hero work. Somehow Hiro was working on Gogo's armour for some reason which makes him slightly blush.

"Me and my subconscious tells me to work on it"Hiro thought.

"Hiro, why your working on my armour?"Hiro flinched and turns to see Gogo standing by the doorway.

"Uhhh... just working on adjustments the armour suits that all"Hiro nervously said.

"Uh huh"Gogo raise her eyebrow.

"So what's up?"Hiro asks.

"Just telling you that Wasabi and Honey Lemon are here, we want to chill at the Fred's theatre room, you know to watch a movie"Gogo exclaimed.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute"Hiro said.

"Alright see you at the theatre NERD!"Gogo teases.

When she went out Hiro scoffed"Nerd"and smiles.

Few minutes past Hiro had finished up his work and locks the armour for secure reasons and went to the theatre.


[At the Theatre]

"What's taking Hiro so long"HL whines, holding a bag full of popcorn.

"Be patience"Wasabi snapped"he's a stubborn dude anyway".

Gogo slaps Wasabi's head"ow! Okay I was only kidding".

"Oohh, someone is protective"HL grin.

"Oh shush"Gogo glare at HL.

"It's cute though"HL squeals"Hiro and Gogo what a match!".

Gogo rolls her eyes and blushes"don't embarrass me Lemon".

"What did I heard!"Fred pops out by the door"Hiro and Gogo dating?! Was waiting for it to happened?!".

"What! No! You did not heard anything"Gogo frown"we are not dating okay, period".

"What ever you say"said HL smirking.

"What are we watching?"Gogo asks.

"We're watching the Monster Furious"Fred shows the film in his hands.

"Well that's a stupid movie name in my point of view"Gogo mumbled.

They waited for Hiro in 5 minutes until he finally shows up in time before the movie was beginning.

"I'm back"Hiro said"what are we watching?".

"Monster Furious"said Gogo.

"Well that's a awesome movie name"Hiro mumbled.

"Oh for heavens sake"Gogo face planted.

3 hours later......

"Okay"said Wasabi"I gotta to admit that was interest".

"I told you dude!"said Fred with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Awe Gogo is sleeping"said HL"we should get her to bed".

"Yeah, she could sleep on the guest room"Fred stretches out of the seat.

"Good idea"said Hiro.

When everyone gets up, Hiro somehow carries Gogo bridal style and go to the guest room, HL smiles that he did that"they look so cute together"HL whispers to Wasabi.

Hiro walks to the guest room couldn't open the door but he use his hand under Gogo's knee to open the knob and gently quietly open the door and lay her on the soft bed, Hiro looks at her and smiles wondering what he'll do if she's not around like Tadashi.

Hiro went to the living room where Baymax was charging up"hey Baymax?"Hiro asked.

"Hello Hiro what is you need?"Baymax ask.

"Define dating"Hiro commands him.

"Dating, when you love an individual person and you ask her or him on a date or such love reflection to each other company"Baymax shows Hiro the info.

"Huh. Well time to ask her out"Hiro cracks his knuckles.

"Cracking your knuckles is a bad habit Hiro"Baymax exclaimed"it causes pain-"

"I know"Hiro groan.

[At the Guest room]

Gogo was sleeping peacefully under the soft fleece blanket ever wondering what is she dreaming about.

Her dream world, are that her and Hiro were getting married happily ever after, like the fairly tales of that her Omma and Appa when she was 4 years old.

"I do"said Gogo smiling.

"And I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride Hiro"said the Priest.

Once they were few inches to kiss someone awoken her peaceful sleep.

Gogo quickly open her eyes and see a dark silhouette at the room watching her. She blink her eyes to be sure it's not, then it's gone.

"Must be the popcorn"Gogo mumbled.

Gogo got up and head to the living room to see if they're still here. When she got to the living only Hiro and Fred were there.

"Ah look who woke up"said Fred.

"How long I was sleeping?"Gogo ask.

"About 2 hours"said Hiro checking his cell phone.

"It's evening time"Gogo palm her head"ugh, why did I have to sleep".

"Meh"said Fred looking through his comic book.

"Where did Honey Lemon and Wasabi go?"Gogo ask.

"Honey Lemon went to the mall and Wasabi went to visit his grandma"Hiro chuckles.

"Grandma's boy"Gogo scoffed.

"Hey I love my grandma too"Fred exclaimed.

Half hour past they were bored except Fred who was concentrating reading.

"Wanna go to the mall?"Hiro breaks the silence.

"Sure"said Gogo getting up the cushion.


"I'm in let's go dude"Fred gets up and quickly runs to the front door.

"Baymax tag along".

[The Mall of San Fransokyo]

They were looking for Honey Lemon around the first floor.

"If I were her where would I be"said Gogo looking around.

"Why not call her"Hiro grumbled.

"Okay smarty pants"Gogo said sarcastically.

Gogo calls HL to know where she is now"hello bestie!"HL said loudly.

"Ugh, not so loud and which floor you are at?"Gogo ask.

"Fifth floor by the book store"HL replied.

"Alright see you in a few"Gogo hang up and start walking with the group.

While they walk Hiro suddenly had a funny feeling that they're being followed he turns but no one but pedestrians.

He look back several times and Gogo notice his behaviour"you okay Hiro?".

"Yeah just had a funny feeling"Hiro keeps looking back.

"Like what!"Gogo ask curiously.

"Like we're being followed".

"Don't be silly they're a lot of people at the mall"Gogo point out.

"Like paparazzi"Hiro muttered.

"Whatever nerd"Gogo scoffed.

Once they were at the fifth floor Hiro had that sudden feeling kicking in"your blood levelsĀ  is going high Hiro I suggest to breath"said Baymax.

"Wait did you scan me. unbelievable"Hiro raise his hand at the air.

"Hi guys!"said HL running to them.

"Glad to see you here"said Honey Lemon.

"Yeah Your 'BF' told us your here"Gogo finger quotes.

"Oh shush you"HL blushes.

Fred didn't hear nothing just looking at the books.

"Your book shopping?"said Gogo.

"Uh huh just need to read"HL holding a book.

"These are really good books you should check in stock"said HL.

"I think I should go to that bubblegum store across be right back K"Gogo walks off.

"Maybe I should check the books"said Hiro entering the book store.

Hiro was looking through the book section then suddenly a book called How to ask a girl on a date.

"What the, really"Hiro scratches his head confusing.

"Still not interested"Hiro walks out the book store and bumps into a girl at his age.

"Ow, I'am so sorry miss"said Hiro trying to help her up.

"Gosh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"the Girl was still on the floor.

"Here let me help you up"Hiro insists.

"Thanks that's sweet of you"said the Girl.

When Hiro helped her up he kept looking at her eyes frozen even the girl too that may have seen each other before.

Hiro looks at her face seeing with brunette long smooth hair along eyeliner, blue crystal eyes that shines.

"Wow she's so beautiful wait what?!"Hiro thought in his head.

And suddenly he was shock that is his longtime forever best friend

"Cora?"Hiro slowly said the name.

She blinks few times and realize it's him.




They both hug each other that they've never felt the feeling again for a longtime.

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