Chapter 38:

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YOU GUYS ARE GONNA HATE ME BUT I HAVE A PLOT TWIST COMING UP I WONT SAY WHAT IT IS BUT GUESS MOFOS (its been so long that I don't know what this plot twist was supposed to be OH DEAR)

"This doesn't feel real." I cried on Dan's shoulder as he hugged me tightly to him. Tears were rolling down his face as he clung onto me. Jack awkwardly cleared his throat as he waited for me and Dan to finish saying our goodbyes.

"I'll call you everyday. I love you." He mumbled, his arms slipping away from my waist as he pulled me in for one final kiss. He shuffled over to Jack, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"Look after her. You hurt her, I swear down I'll do something." He cracked a smile. "Don't let me down. We're not putting any of this on social media, by the way."

"I know." Jack muttered, before grabbing my suitcase. "Let's go, before I get all teary too."

"Wait." My voice broke slightly, as I tugged the engagement ring off my ring finger, pushing it into Dan's hands. Dan let out a soft sob, before his hands clasped around the piece of jewellery. 

Dan shut the door behind me and Jack, who gave me a sympathetic look.

"Don't worry, Lia. It will get better. We'll fix this."

I nodded. We had to. 

Jack's car just about fit the suitcase in his trunk and soon we were pulling into the Harries' driveway. Rebecca was more than surprised to see me. 

"Lia? Why do you have a suitcase?"

Jack put an arm around me as he steered me into the house. "Mom, please don't ask any questions right now. Lia's going through a tough time and I offered a place to stay."

I tried to get a tear to slip down my cheek. "If that's alright with you, Rebecca."

Rebecca nodded. "Of course, dear. Finn's just in his room. He was discharged this morning." Her smile was bright as she shut the door. "Although we haven't told him about Christie, so don't mention anything, okay?"

I nodded as Jack pulled my suitcase to his bedroom, where I was staying. They had a guest bedroom, but if I want to pull this off so I could be with Dan again, I was going to do whatever it takes.

"Helen is coming over later!" Rebecca called from downstairs and I bit my lip. Jack pulled me into a hug. 

"I'll be back in a second." He mumbled. "Put a film on or something."

Jack POV

As I found Mom in her office downstairs, I smiled shyly at her as I knew she wanted to know the gossip. She put her glasses on the desk, looking up at me and giving me her full attention.


I nodded. "Um...Lia broke it off with Dan. She found drugs in his pocket and called me to pick her up."

Mom's eyebrows went straight up. "Drugs?"

I nodded again. "Uhuh. So do you mind if she stays here for a bit? I mean like, I can't let her stay with Dan right now."

"I agree. Lia's like a daughter to me, besides Emmy of course." She chuckled. When I went upstairs I found Finn sitting next to Lia on the bed, both chatting casually as they watched the TV screen. 

"Told Mom." I whispered to Lia, who sent me a grin, before pulling out her phone. 

Two films later and we heard the doorbell, before Mom's greeting as a new guest was welcomed into our house.

Rebecca POV

"Helen! You'd never guess what." I whispered to Helen over a glass of wine in our kitchen while I made dinner for the family and guests. "Lia, that girl my Jack was crushing on...she's upstairs."

A knowing smile lit my friend's face. "Really?"

I nodded. "Jack told me she found drugs in Dan's jacket and dumped him! I wouldn't say Jack will make a move though. He's too much of a nice guy."

Helen looked thoughtful, "I think they'd be a fantastic couple." Our heads turned to see Lia and Jack giggling as they jumped down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Jack's eyes flickered over to the room we were in, before his hand slipped around Lia's waist. He spun her around, pulling her almost out of sight, before pressing his lips to hers. 

I almost let a small squeal loose, bursting with pride with how Jack was finally admitting his feelings to the girl he was falling for. 

"That's so sweet." I murmured as they disappeared to the kitchen. "I didn't realise Lia was so against Dan doing drugs."

Helen's eyes narrowed. "Didn't she use drugs before?"

"Er, did I tell you about that? Jack promised me not to say anything." Something was fishy. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew something was up. "Well, Jack said she hasn't touched any since she met Dan."

"Oh, um." Lia's eyes widened as she entered the kitchen with Jack. Helen cleared her throat, smiling at Lia and Jack. Lia ducked her head as she went to grab a glass of water. Jack sighed loudly.

"Hi, Helen. Um Mom...when's dinner ready?"


Dinner was extremely awkward, but my mind was distracted. Jack grabbed my hand under the table, reassuring me when all I wanted to do was kick my mother so hard under the table she would fly over to another country. Or planet, even.

When dinner was over, I quickly left, only to be pulled to the side by my mother at the bottom of the stairs. Rebecca disappeared upstairs and Jack tried to make himself busy cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Mom? Does anyone have a clue how you know me?" I spat at her furiously, but she kept her cool.

"Honey, I had no idea you knew the Harries. I knew Rebecca ages ago, years even."

I groaned loudly. "I know how you are with me dating guys, Dan especially. So don't fuck this up for me, alright?"

"Jack's a lovely boy, Lia. Why would I not want you to be with a guy like him?" She blinked innocently at me, before we both turned to hear Rebecca from the top of the stairs.

"Lia? Is Jack in the kitchen?" She frowned, then suddenly Jack appeared at my side.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"The guest bedroom is empty. Where is Lia sleeping?"

I felt myself blush. I hated lying to Rebecca, but I had to make it seem like me and Jack were more serious.

"Um....well you see...Lia doesn't like sleeping alone."

I nodded along. Rebecca sighed, a smile on her face.

"Sure. Just be careful."

I put my head on Jack's chest, giggling. "Oh my." 


Phil sat across from me in my now empty flat. I was still feeling really down about the entire situation, but in the midst of all our crying, this was the best plan we could think of. Pretend like we're broken up, then get payback on Lia's Mom. 

"Couldn't you have handled the situation like adults, Dan?"

I laughed. "Um, no. The woman is a complete pyschopath. Used her friend to get her son to like my fiancee and take her away from me. She'd been with them for months! There is no other possible to way to fix this."

"I'm pretty sure there is, Dan."

"Well, this is the way we are doing it, okay? Now, help me find something imcriminating to put on Lia's Mom so she gets sent to prison until Lia and I are married and she can't do anything to stop it."

Phil's so done with Dan.

So sorry for late updates I know I'm a hypocrite for saying that i hate slow updaters like ages ago BUT if you've read my profile you'll understand I hope :3

Love you guys

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