L O S T & F A D I N G

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(You and Elektra)

(Your POV)
I've been distant for a few hours, but that's because my demons are getting louder and I saw Lauren texting Brad, but I never fully looked at it, afraid she might be cheating on me. I'm guessing Banana Lover noticed so she was in the back lounge as we were heading towards my modeling gig. "Y/N/N what's wrong? You're being distant," Camila said and I sighed. "I dunno, I just feel like I need to be alone, they're getting louder and I can't stop them. So, I hide from everyone, Midnight, there's something wrong with her, and I dunno why, she keeps whining and I can't help her!" I said, breaking down, Midnight whined again and I sobbed. "Night, you're supposed to tell me what's wrong, I can't feel helpless, not again," I said softly and she came out of me and sat in front of me. "I want you to stay with Camila, Lauren's gonna do something you're not gonna like, and your reaction that I saw is saddening," Midnight said. I sighed and nodded and she ran back into me. Camila was sitting in my lap and was hugging me as I cried. "Y/N/N," Camila said, pulling away a bit, cupping my cheeks as she looked at my eyes. I looked at her and she wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead. "Talk to me, tell me anything, I'm here for you," Camila said and I nodded, slightly smiling. "It's just that, she's texting the second rare species of human-sized food," I said and chuckled a bit and Camila giggled. Camila sighed a bit, after she giggled, and I could tell she's thinking. "Well, you're a genius when it comes to tech, aren't you?" Camila asked and I nodded, following with what she was getting at. "Hand me the bag above my bunk, it has a bunch of techie stuff in it," I said and she nodded and ran to go get it. Camila came back moments later and I started typing away. I got Lauren's text messages with Bread and had the notifications of their texts sent to my phone. Camila and I read it after she closed and locked the door to the back lounge.

Bread: hey babe ;)
Green-Eyes: what do you want now? 
Bread: oh, you know: you with me ;)
Green-Eyes: eww, no!
Bread: c'mon babe, you know you miss me ;)
Green-Eyes: Brad...

*Trigger warning*

I looked away from the screen, not wanting to see if she said yes. I felt my heart start to crack, and I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up, grabbed my wallet and took out one of my many razor blades I have in there. ((A/N: my cousin has razor blades in his wallet, but I think he's obsessed with blades XD)) I held out my arm and started to slowly cut myself. 

"Y/N!" Camila shrieked ((me: *thoughts: shrek...~laughs~*)) I slowly brought myself to the floor and cried as I felt the blood seeping out and the bad "could be's" and "what if's" clouding my mind. The girls ran to the back lounge and pounded on the locked door. "Y/N/N...," Camila said and I didn't bother looking at her, I wanted to feel something else, something different than heartbreak. Camila unlocked the door and the girls rushed in, seeing me put a paper towel on my arm. I looked at my other arm and put the paper towel on the floor and brought my right hand to my left arm. Camila put her wrist in front of mine and making me accidentally cut her. I gasped and looked up at her. "Don't cut, because if you cut, you're cutting me too," Camila said and I sighed, nodding. My phone started ringing as we got to the next venue and I answered it. 

Y: hello? I spoke somewhat softly.
D: Y/N Y/M/N Hansen! I want you at the studio this instant! I don't give two fucks if you have soundcheck! It was Demi, and she was furious, I know what she's going to say already. 
Y: I'll be there, I um, gotta go. I'll see you there Demz
D: bye.

I sighed and grabbed my laptop, backpack filled with all the shit I have yet to harm myself with and got a ride to the studio. 
(Camila's POV)
Demi had Y/N go to the studio instead of going to soundcheck. I'm really worried about Y/N, and the texts between Lauren and Bread aren't helping. Lauren is cheating on Y/N, and Y/N is going to be so heartbroken. Lauren is lying to her own girlfriend, it isn't right. I sighed as I sat down on the stage, legs dangling over the end. "Camz, what's wrong?" Lauren asked and I clenched my jaw a bit. "Nothing, it's just something about someone that Y/N loves and cares for is lying to her and the worst part is, is that she doesn't know," I said and Lauren nodded. "Who is the person?" Lauren asked softly and I growled softly. "You know her," I said and got up. "It's you Lauren, and I can't bear to see her broken, end things with her then go to Bread. Go to Bread with his small air-dick, if that's what you really want," I said and left. A guy had stopped me and I looked at him. "Hey, um, do you know who Y/N Hansen is?" He asked. "No I don't, who are you?" I said. "Andy, Andy Biersack, I'm Y/N and Demi's best friend. You are?" Andy asked and I sighed. "I'm Camila, Y/N's second mate," I said and he nodded. "So, where's her first mate?" Andy asked. "She's cheating on her, I think, and I'm very disappointed in her and I'm angry. Y/N shouldn't be treated like that, she spoils Lauren, yet Lauren gives her nothing in return but little white lies," I said and Andy nodded.
(Your POV)
Demi and I had gotten back to the venue and I saw Camila talking to Andy. "Andy?!" I asked and he turned around and smiled. "Andy!" I said happily and ran to him and koala hugged him. "Hey there Princess," Andy said as he held me. I smiled as I cried into his neck. "I missed you!" I said and he chuckled. "I missed you too babe," Andy said and I giggled. "Haven't heard that in a while, huh baby?" I asked and he chuckled and nodded. "Where to Princess?" Andy asked. "The stwage," I said cutely and he awwed and chuckled. Andy carried me to the stage and I lightly bit his neck. "He-Woah..no!" Andy said and I giggled. "Don't fucking bite me," Andy said and I giggled and bit his neck again. "Y/N/N!!" Andy whined and I giggled. "Sorry White Rabbit, I thought you knew the timing was going to be perfect. After all, you are the White Rabbit," I said and he chuckled. "I do know the perfect timing. And I know exactly when little Miss Dragonfly will fly away," Andy said and I hopped off him and ran off, him chasing after me. "Rabbit, no!" I said and ran behind Demi. "Dragonfly!" Andy said and I giggled. "You can't get me, Demz won't allow it," I said and he chuckled. "Oh will she now?" Andy asked and I whined. "Stop!" I whined. "C'mere Dragonfly!" Demi said and grabbed me. "Demz!" I squealed and she laughed and handed me over to Andy. "Asshole," I muttered and Demi laughed. "Babe, don't you dare," I said, looking at Andy. "Sorry babe, I can't be stopped," Andy said and I pouted. "Chingate y besa mi culo," I said and Camila laughed and Ally walked over to us. "Heh, gotta Hansen!" I said and ran off. "Y/N! I'll get my Bible!" Ally said and I shook my head.
(Lauren's POV)
What Camz said about someone that Y/N loves is hurting her by telling her little white lies. I think it's me, but management is making me do it so we can draw attention to ourselves. I hate doing this, they're fucking us over, making us their slaves. I can't bear to see Y/N hurt, and I'm the one that's going to cause it. She's going to hate me. "Hey, what's up with you?" Normani asked as her and Dinah walked over to me. "Management is forcing me to hurt her, and I can't do anything about it, I have to text Bread, I can't afford to lose her," I said and they nodded. "It's okay Lauren, she'll come around when she learns the truth," Normani said and I sighed. "How do you know that?" I asked. "Because, we do, we've grown up with Y/N ever since I knew Mani was my mate," Dinah said and I nodded.
(Your POV)
We went back to the studio and I had the boys come by as well. "So I heard you wrote a new song," Ahren said and I nodded and handed him the lyrics.

So young, heartbroken, daydreaming, lost focus.
Weaker than you've ever been,
Counting on a fading dream.
The ocean gleaming emerald green,
The saddest thing you've ever seen.
Your feet stuck in the sinking sand,
Your mind is reeling,shaky hands.
Tears are streaming, sorrow calls,
With no one there to break your fall.
I'm LOST AND FADING, life ain't great.
My heart is breaking and life won't wait.
There's no one there, no one around,
There's not a soul and not a sound.
So fucking young, heartbroken, daydreaming, lost focus.
A weary soul, no truth to find,
They were so lost where was your goodbye?
Your feet stuck in the sinking sand,
Your mind is reeling, shaky hands.
Tears are streaming, sorrow calls,
With no one there to break your fall.
I'm LOST AND FADING, life ain't great.
My heart is breaking and life won't wait.
There's no one there, no one around,
There's not a soul and not a sound.
You've searched your soul for far too long,
Your friend was lost, you carry on.
You bear the burden of sorrow's past,
But you were built, you were built to fucking last.
You were built to last.
I'm fading fast, out in the cold unknown,
All sorrow here, so far from home.
So far from home.
I'm LOST AND FADING, life ain't great.
My heart is breaking and life won't wait.
There's no one there, no one around,
There's not a soul and not a sound.
No one around and not a sound."

We finished and released the audio for the song. I sighed, looked out the window as we headed back to the bus. Lauren, are you cheating on me? I can't bear to go back to the psych ward. Mila, help me, tell me she's not cheating, tell me this is a horrible nightmare I'll wake up from. I sighed and Andy came out of the bus and carried me inside. "Dragonfly, you need rest and I'm helping Elektra watch you," Andy said and I sighed. "Fine, g'night White Rabbit," I said as he put me in my bunk. 

CAMILA'S B-DAY IS TMRRW I'M NOT OKAY!!!! Imma pretend she's turning 19 and Dinah is as well, Laurmani are turning 20 and Ally is 23 

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