This chapter is dedicated to glitterbutt11
Thank you for your support!! :)
''I wonder how the guys are doing with the kids,'' Marella said, picking at her food.
Biana, Linh, and Sophie all nodded their heads in agreement.
''When the twins were born, Tam refused to let anyone- but me- hold them,'' Biana said rolling her eyes,''I wouldn't be surprised if he took them to the store right next to us to do some 'window-shopping'.''
''Keefe almost dropped Rose when he first held her,'' Sophie said, making all the others pause and stare at her with confounded looks.
''Don't be so surprised, he has lost all of the children at least once.... Anyways, he can be pretty protective of the kids when he wants to though.''
''Tam wrapped the kids up in bubblewrap when they learned telekinesis,'' Biana shuddered at the memory- it had not gone well to say the least.
''Really?" Marella said, looking surprised,''Dex just lets the kids go around- blowing things up!"
''I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing that right now then,'' Linh remarked with a smirk.
''Uh- Bryan,'' Jade began nervously, as they both stared up at the chaos,''was that supposed to explode?"
He snorted,''Fernie and Bernie made it- if anything was going to blow up, that would be it.''
''True,'' she nodded her head in agreement, as Rose and Merzie came up beside them with equal looks of horror and exasperation.
''Well, one things for sure Merzie,'' Rose said, looking at her friend,''you're siblings sure can do a number on anything they don't mean to.''
Jade and Bryan just nodded their heads in agreement, unable to look away from what had been done in only a matter of seconds. The contraptions they had set up around the restaurant, had apparently been linked and exploded all the windows within a two mile radius- except for the building that had their mothers.
'' dead are we?" Merzie asked nervously.
''We're only dead if our mom's catch us,'' Rose snorted, high-fiving Jade with triumphant looks.
''Then in that case,'' Sophie's voice said directly behind them, making the children freeze.
''You're all very dead,'' Biana suddenly became visible beside her best friend, eyeing the twins,''but not nearly as dead as your fathers.''
''Where are the younger children?" Linh asked, suspiciously observing the damage around them.
''Hehe,'' Bryan scratched the back of his neck,''funny you should mention that...''
Jade elbowed him in the ribs, and mouthed the words 'shut up, idiot' to him- which did not go unnoticed by their mother.
''Tam,'' Biana fixed her deadly gaze on her husband, making him twitch nervously and her children let out relieved sighs.
''Yes?" He gulped.
''I have one question- and I won't ask it again.''
He stayed silent, glancing at the twins to see if they would be any help what so ever. But they seemed content to watch him suffer at Biana's hands.
''Why do my children have a new dog? We didn't even discuss it!" She threw her hands in the air,''is it even potty-trained?"
Jade and Bryan turned their heads to see their new dog peeing directly in the middle of the floor. With glances at each other, they came to a silent agreement.
''Dad said he was going to train Fido!" The Song twins blurted out at the exact same time, pointing at the mess on the floor.
Poor, poor Tam... *evil giggles*
Does anyone else find Tam hilarious in the books? Especially how he and Keefe hate each other?
No, Just me? Oh, well....
I hope you guys liked it!! Please: Vote and comment!!
Thanks for reading!! :) Have a lovely day!!~ LanonaWalker
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