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Match was laying down face first on the floor of the Clubhouse of Awesomeness (which is located on top of the Eiffel Tower)
Ruby, Bubble, and Book had accompanied her, and were dancing the only way they knew how.
“Whoit’s wrong Match? Doin’t yoi wanna dance?” Bubble asked. She was concerned, but still dancing. Match rolled over to face her.
“Pencil is like, mad at me or whatever,” Match said crossing her arms.

“Pencil is aliove!?” Bubble asked.
“I thought she was forever dead!” Ruby danced into the conversation.
“No. She’s just like, different now. And honestly I’m having trouble adjusting and she’s just being really unfair to me,” Match vaguely explained.

“Match just say what hoippened. Is Pencil aloive?” Bubble loomed over her friend as she danced.
“Yes,” Match responded.
“Hoi is she different?” Bubble asked.
“UHg. She’s like, not a pencil anymore,” Match avoided eye contact with Bubble.
“Is she a toaster?” Ruby asked. Match closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

“No, she’s like, not even an object anymore,”
The alliance gasped.
“Is she an oinimal?” Bubble asked.
“She's like that thing that chased us before,” Match explained, “She like, wanted me to know who she was. I didn't wanna believe her before, but now…”
“Oh Match,” Bubble sighed.
“UHHH what IS it Bubble!” Match rolled over away from Bubble's gaze.
“When did yoi see her loist?” Bubble asked her. Match sighed.
“Today,” She said, “She doesn't even wanna like, go back to being the old Pencil. She's living in the bossy bot's underground factory.

“She's living there?!” Book danced into the conversation.
“Like, yeah,”
“But that doesn't sound like something Pencil would do,” Book said.
“Whoit are you implying?” Bubble turned to look at her.
“Well Pencil is a monster who lives in a science factory. It's obvious she's being held prisoner! We have to go out and save her!” Book shouted.
“Mmm-” Match grumbled. She didn't really feel like doing that, as she knew Pencil wouldn't like it.
“Can't we like, do it tomorrow?” Match suggested.
“Oh, you have plans today?” Book asked genuinely.

“THAN TODAY IT SHALL BE!” Book pointed to the ceiling. Match stood up, walked over to her, and punted her out of the clubhouse.
“Match! Whoi did you do that!” Bubble shouted.
“She was like, an alternate anyway,” Match said.

“HEY!!” Book hollered from the base of the Eiffel Tower.
“UHg what!” Match looked out from the Clubhouse door hole. Bubble, and Ruby followed her.
“I FOUND PENCIL,” Book screeched. She had landed on her top left corner and was sticking out of the ground.

“Loud much?” Pencil walked by and covered her ears. She was following GB and TB.
“W-what are you up to?” Book was intimidated, so she tried not to keep eye contact.
Pencil sighed at this obviously skittish behavior.
“Just going to see Leafy,” She said calmly. She stopped to talk while GB and TB got further away.
“... Can I come?” Book asked.
Pencil looked up at the pin pricks of objects residing in the Clubhouse of Awesomeness. At her glare they retreated.

“Eh, maybe some other time,” Pencil shrugged and continued to follow GB and TB. After she was gone Book dislodged herself from the ground.
Match could be heard screaming from a distance.
She inevitably fell on top of Book, splitting herself in half.
“Oi! Uh, is she okie!?” Bubble screeched, climbing down near the top.
“... No!!” Book took a moment to look before answering.
“AWW,” Bubble groaned in annoyance. She was hoping she wouldn't have to recover her.

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