Chapter 20

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Peter's pov ~

I rolled over to the side of my bed and expected to see Wendy's beautiful face but - she was gone. I brushed it aside and just assumed that she woke up early and went to camp. I trudged out of bed and got ready for the day. 

I walked to camp and looked out for Wendy, but she still didn't make an apperance.

"Morning Peter!" One boy greeted me. I smiled to him and walked over to his group of friends. 

"Hey, um, have any of you seen Wendy?"

They shook their heads vigorously. "Nope."

Where could she be? Did she run away? Was she sick of me? Did she just kiss me to shut me up? Did the pirate's kidnap her?

Panic and anixiety pulsated through my veins. I fellt sick to my stomach. The only soloution was Wendy. I need to find her. In a dangerous place like Neverland, anything could happen to her.


Wendy's pov ~

I woke up, cold and disorientated. My vision was fuzzy but soon cleared. I took a breath and bubbles came out. That's right. I was still in the water. That yellow powder must of knocked me out. I stood up and I was immediatley pushed to the ocean wall. My wrists were tied with seaweed, but not my legs. I looked around and noticed, that this wasn't the place I passed out. It was more like a cave, no, a cove. It was just as lifeless as the rest of the ocean. 

Out of nowhere, a mermaid swam into the clearing. She had long, brown hair that whipped the water, violently.She came closer to me, reaveling her scaly hands and fins. Her eyes went up and down. She picked one of my legs up with her turqouise tail.

"You, human folk are so disgusting." Her voice sharp and cut throat as she let go of my leg. She swam around me. How could I be so stupid! Of course it was a mermaid who was up to all this. 

"Who are you?" 

Here comes the interagtion.

"Wendy." I answered relucantly. 

She just glared at me. 

"Well... Wendy..."


A/N: So Sorry for the terrible ending. It will continue in the next chapter. I'm just super busy and I rushed this chapter. By the way, thank you all soo much for over 700 reads & 100 votes! It really means a lot.

*I aplogise for any typos

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