Chapter 5

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Author's note: Sorry if you find a spelling mistake.


Ayanokōji woke up early in the morning the next day. He looked around to see if no one else was getting up, but apparently, all the cadets were asleep because he got up too early.

Unable to sleep again, because his body was already used to getting up at this time of the morning he got up. To be able to do your morning exercises from the dial.

Once he finished the exercises he headed to the boys' restrooms.

The showers were for groups. So privacy when showering was going to be a thing of the past. It didn't bother him, as he had joined some group showers when he was at ANHS. He even had a competition, which he won and ended up being dubbed the T'rex.

The nice thing about getting up early is that the group showers are practically empty right now. Thus, he could calmly bathe without being disturbed by others.

When he finally finished changing his clothes. He was able to observe several cadets entering through the bathroom door. Suppose the instructor must have woken them up so that all the cadets began to get up.

Not seeing the need to stop with someone to start a conversation, Ayanokōji headed for the training camp dining hall.

He gathered up his portion of food, placing it on a tray before looking around for a place to sit. Ayanokōji sat in a secluded place, specifically in the right corner next to a window.

He looks at his food before taking a long breath.

"Does it matter if we sit down?"

A voice that he recognized asked as he was eating his breakfast. He looked forward to seeing Christa Lenz and the freckled girl who hadn't yet introduced herself.

"I don't care" he shrugged.

The two girls sat across from him, putting their trays on the table.

"By the way, how is Braus feeling?"

Ayanokōji asked, breaking the silence, to start a conversation. The two girls looked at him.

"Braus? You mean the potato girl?" The freckled girl asked when he nodded. She continued "Eh. It's okay. After I put her on the bed she didn't get up again" She shrugged.

He nodded "The instructor didn't ask you. So I don't know your name yet."

"Ymir" The freckled girl replied.

Without last name? Strangely, a person does not tell his last name to other people. Probably either she is an orphan and has no last name or she hates her last name, without her seeing the need for people to know it.

"You probably already know, but I am Kiyotaka Ayanokōji"

"Oh, I remember you! The boy who dodged the instructor's head butt, right? The one with the flat face" Ymir commented while nodding satisfied

"Ymir!" Christa scolded, frowning cutely. "It's not polite to remember people that way."

Ymir shrugged indifferently "But it's the truth"

"It can't be helped. I was born with this face" he said simply.

Ayanokōji could only hope that the boy who dodged the instructor's head butt was not remembered. He already had several nicknames on AHNS, which would remain forever in his memory.

"See. Flat boy, it doesn't even bother him" Ymir pointed out as she boldly gave him a new nickname.

Ayanokōji could only sigh.

"By the way, what do you think the instructor will make us do?" Christa asks nervously "Yesterday's drills were a bit rough for most of the cadets" She commented with concern.

"Meh. Probably the instructor walks through the door and yells for us to meet at a specific place in the field" Ymir pointed out nonchalantly "Maybe more exercise or something" She shrugged.

As if what Ymir said was a prophecy. The instructor yanked open the dining-room door.

"Very good maggot! I want you to meet me at Camp Air 2 after breakfast. You will do the aptitude test! so listen! There is no place for you here if you can't perform. you achieve, you will be sent to the fields. "

After the instructor surprised the cadets, opening the door sharply, and recited the order with authority and edge. He slammed the door, causing the loud noise of the room to be completely silenced.

Christa and Ayanokōji looked at Ymir, who had a shit-eating smile saying "I told you so".

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After we finished breakfast, all the cadets went to their respective bedrooms to change their clothes into the military uniform that they gave us. After that, all the cadets went to the would-be located where the instructor gave the order to meet.

When we arrived we found what they called Harness to practice. And playing through the middle of the cadets' expressions, they were extremely nervous, so was coming next.

"Alright! First, let's see if you're good at something!" The instructor Shadis yelled to the gathered cadets, "Just tie the ropes on both sides of the waist and hang from there! Use your whole body for balance! Those who can't handle that will be used as Titan bait!" He instructed while pointing at the machine "Now form a line and get to it!"

Since there were only four harnesses to practice, everyone was divided into five groups at random.

Four groups waiting to get on the practice harness and one group would stay outside waiting for one of the groups to finish and vacate the practice harness.

Ayanokōji decided to stay with the waiting group so that he could observe the other groups and get an idea of ​​what they were doing.

He listens carefully to the explanation that the instructors were giving about the evaluation that was being given.

Humans are generally used to moving in a two-dimensional, bony, two-dimensional plane. This means that for a human to move in two dimensions through a plane, two x, y coordinates are needed. To determine the position at a given instant.

Therefore, to learn how to use the three-dimensional maneuvering mechanism. It can be extremely difficult for people because we are not used to that type of movement. But the difficult thing is not to make three-dimensional movements, but to make your consciousness adapt to that type of movement.

Besides that, you need your body to have a certain degree of resistance. So that it can withstand the pressure it can put on your body, by forcing your body to do these types of movements on a three-dimensional plane. If you don't... A muscle strain is most likely.

From the knowledge that he has come to acquire, he knows that three-dimensional maneuvering equipment is a tool used to move any surface and inclination, therefore, being outdoors to move from one place to another, is something expendable. And to dominate you probably have to have mental toughness and not be afraid of heights, keep your bed to avoid panic, and avoid injury or probably death.

Ayanokōji focused her gaze on the black-haired girl, who recently cut her hair above her shoulders, Mikasa Ackerman. He narrowed his eyes in her direction.

She was the only cadet who could do it perfectly without losing her balance at any time. She was positioned vertically, with a minimal sway that is barely noticed. Natural talent, maybe?

Other cadets made it and did it quite a bit, but they swayed at first before regaining their balance.

"Ayanokōji!" The shout of the instructor managed to get him out of his thoughts.

"Sir" he replied aloud, his flat tone echoing.

"What are you doing standing there? Move over we don't have all day"

"Yes, Sir" he replied before sighing.

With a salute, Ayanokōji hurried to walk towards the harness as another instructor fastened it.

Apparently hiding for a while to observe the other cadets and wait their turn. It would no longer be an option. He assumes that the instructor was watching him for having interrupted with his sigh. But hey... he better finishes this quick test.

Once they fastened it. He could feel that the belts were as tight as they could around his waist and legs to ensure safety. That was a feeling that he would have to get used to for him to fully master the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment.

"Lift," Instructor Shadis ordered.

Looking around he could feel the gaze of most of the cadets around the area. Christa gave him a smile saying "You can do it or I believe in you" while Ymir gave him a lazy nod. The potato girl looked at him too, when their gazes met, she gave him a thumbs up.

He let out a small sigh, as his feet left the ground and he let the machine lift him, bored and lazy, he balanced himself correctly and floated through the air without much trouble.

He didn't think it would be so easy to establish balance, it certainly helped that his weight was symmetrically balanced at his center of gravity. In this case, your waist.

"Congratulations, Ayanokōji," Shadis said. "You seem to be very capable."

"Thank you, sir," Ayanokōji replied, ignoring the praise.

After about ten more seconds of laziness, the harness was lowered back to the ground. Once the belts were unfastened, Ayanokōji adjusted the uniform again before returning to the position he was before to continue observing and evaluating each of the cadets.

When he did, there was a scream that drew his attention to the last harness. Yeager was hanging upside down with his eyes wide with horror. To make matters worse, his classmates were laughing at him.

Well, that's what happens when something brags about doing something, but ultimately can't do it. If you are not able to stay upright, then you will not be able to use the 3D maneuvering equipment. Therefore, you cannot graduate from the army, much less kill Titans.

It's strange. That a person like him cannot stay balanced. His physical constitution should at least make him able to support the harnesses around his body. Did he panic? Very unlikely with the fire burning in his eyes.

When Yeager tried again, he lost his balance too quickly and was hung upside down again. Luckily, he didn't smash his head against the hard concrete.

He understood why Yeager can't balance himself or at least he had a suspicion. But it was not his problem to intervene.

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Combat training

After all the cadets finished testing with some failing, but luckily for them, they still had a chance to make it tomorrow, or else they would be sent to the fields to pluck plants.

Continuing, the instructor ordered us to do combat training. This was important in our training as cadets, but it was of no value in qualification.

Therefore, it is a waste of time for Ayanokōji. Learn about all styles of fighting and martial arts. He didn't think he could learn more than he already knows.

now they were listening to the instructor go over the rules of engagement. But the most essential was "no permanent damage" and "two people: one-armed and the other not."

Once the instructor finished telling us what the rules of engagement were, everyone started looking for pairs. Fortunately for him, no one came to ask him to pair.

As he wandered around watching the different cadets do "combat training" if it can be called that in some cases. He met the girl with the red scarf, although at the moment she did not have it on her.

She easily defeated the cadet she was paired with, who ended up hitting the ground with a thud.

The cadet got up again to try again, but it was useless. ending with the same result. The cadet seeing how useless it was to fight her again, left with a depressed sigh.

Several cadets tried to beat him, but each of them was defeated as easily as the last. He could feel the looks of amazement and disbelief from some cadets.

"Are you okay, Ayanokōji?"

As he was watching Ackerman's new fights with the other cadets, an angelic-toned voice called out to his side. Without taking his eyes off the confrontation, he could recognize who the voice belonged to.

"Don't worry Lenz. I'm fine, just interested in fighting."

"You know, just call me Christa. Everyone who knows me does," She said with a pout.

"It's okay. Christa"

He did not respond by telling him to call him Kiyotaka, because she already called him that way. It assumes that social etiquette is not a thing in this place either. Although there are exceptions in some cases.

"Mikasa is pretty strong right?" Christa asked as she looked at the new opponent Ackerman was facing.

"She is. That's the reason why she keeps winning the matches," he commented.

A man is generally much stronger than a woman. But Ackerman is dominating them in physical strength very easily. Above all, it seems like he's not even taking training seriously. If the look of boredom and inference is any indication.

Despite that, Ackerman has not used a combat technique or martial art. And apparently, his opponents don't know what they're doing when it comes to combat, either.

She was able to win all the matches with sheer brute force along with her fighting style, which looks more like a street style, gained from getting into multiple fights.

Still, he cannot make an accurate assessment of her strength, unless he confronts her directly.

"Oh. You seem to know something about combat" Ymir's voice was not a surprise.

She was accompanying Christa the moment they approached him.

"Yes. I have some experience" he replied.

He doesn't think it's necessary to hide my abilities in a military camp, however, he wasn't going to tell anyone about his strengths unless someone asked him directly.

"So what is it? Would she totally kick your butt or do you think you can win against her" Ymir asked. He could feel the attentive gaze of some cadets around us, who probably overheard our conversation.

He didn't answer, instead, he shrugged.

Before Ymir could say a witty comment, the instructor appeared, glaring with barely contained fury at the crowd that was beginning to gather due to Ackerman's fighting.

"What the hell are you doing standing there worms ?! You guys better get back to your respective partners before I give you some good sense in the head!" The instructor roared.

All the cadets quickly dispersed, before Ayanokōji can leave as well, he was arrested.

"Ayanokōji! Does this look like a resting area to you? Does this training bore you !?"

Sigh, why did he stop him of all people?

Should he tell the truth? Or give him a credible excuse? he thinks he knew very well what the correct answer was at this point.

"None of that, Sir, I was only briefly catching my breath to search for my next opponent," he said stoically, as he looked him in the eye without giving in to intimidation.

"Good! Looks like you've had enough rest!" The instructor said "Ackerman! You've won every match so far, right?"

The raven-haired girl gave a salute before answering "Yes sir"

"Good. Then your partner will be Ayanokōji" Instructor Shadis told us "If I go back and see they're lazing around again, then prepare for hell!"

That said, instructor Shadis gave us one last look before continuing to observe the other cadets see that they were complying with the training. After a few minutes after Instructor Shadis left, another instructor walked over to observe some cadets so that the crowd situation did not repeat itself.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ackerman coming in his direction. he assumes he has no choice but to fight her because an instructor is watching us.

At least with this fight, he will be able to know how much physical strength Ackerman is capable of achieving.

With a look of indifference, he turned to look at her. She looked different than the other fights. The look she was giving him was wary, she probably saw him dodge Instructor Shadis' head butt.

Not that it mattered much in the results. He couldn't see himself losing to someone, but that didn't mean he was going to underestimate an enemy.

When she was within a good distance for the confrontation, she asked him "Do you want to use the knife or not?"

"I'm taking it" he replied, shrugging.

She threw the fake knife at him, while he caught it easily in his hands.

"When you're ready," he told her.

Ackerman got into a fairly basic defensive fighting stance before she nodded saying she was ready to start the fight.

Ayanokōji debated whether he wanted to end the confrontation quickly. He was not willing to test the strength of the girl with his body, something inside him told him that it was not a good idea to take damage intentionally. But to know the strength that it harbors. The best option would be if she can stop one of his blows.

Not wanting to make the raven-haired girl wait any longer, He lunged at her quickly.

In a few seconds, Ayanokōji was in front of her. The distance between them completely disappeared. Ackerman's eyes widened in surprise at his speed.

Without giving her a chance to walk away, Ayanokōji threw a kick straight towards her face, but ...


Ackerman completely caught his kick, with her hand. Despite that, Ackerman's body shuddered as she winced from the pain caused by his heavy blow.

Despite having an expressionless face on the outside. Inside he was quite surprised. The girl's reaction and instincts were much higher than the average person's. The grip she exerted on his leg was no joke. He could feel the pain run up his leg as she tightened her grip tightly.

She was even stronger than Albert.

Without letting disbelief waste any more time, he quickly did an enziguri kick. When Ayanokōji observed that Ackerman was going for the only leg that kept him standing on the ground.

Ayanokōji's kick hit Ackerman on her cheeks causing her to break her grip on his leg.

She let out a cry of surprise and pain, as she fell to the ground while rolling, at the same time, before his body hit the ground. He planted his hand on the ground and pushed himself up into the air again, doing a spinning cartwheel. Falling standing on the ground.

Before Ackerman can get up and stand up again, he throws the knife in his arm straight at her face.

Ackerman was caught off guard for the third time when she saw a toy knife head toward her face, she barely had time to avert her face, dodging the painful blow, hitting her on the cheek.

The raven-haired girl quickly stood up as she picked up the fake knife, holding it with her right hand. She narrowed her eyes before throwing herself at him.

She, too, was quick.

The distance above us was quickly shortened as she tried to cut his neck. Only to fail when he backed off, she quickly tried to cut him two more times failing each when he easily evaded her.

When her fourth cut in a row went to his chest. He stepped to the side as he grabbed her wrist. he quickly pulled her close to him to knee her in the stomach. But she blocked the blow with her knee.

Ayanokōji felt a pain in his knee as he trembled, traveling up to his hip. Without wasting any more time in this position, he did a sweep on the only leg that holds her off the ground.

With her arm trapped, Ackerman was unable to dodge, the only leg that supported her was ripped off the ground causing her to crash her back onto the hard ground.

Ayanokōji made sure to remove the knife from her hand and climbed on top of her pressing his knee to her stomach and making a clean "cut" across her throat.

"You're dead" Ayanokōji commented, with the same flat tone as always.

Ackerman blinked several

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