Author's note: Sorry if you find a spelling mistake.
A couple of days had passed and while he was waiting to get his bread from the refugee food reserve. Notice that again the people were causing another commotion. Making most of the people watch the show.
Apparently, the government was running out of food. So they fed fewer and fewer people. Making them desperate and fighting each other for survival.
At this rate we will run out of food, Ayanokōji thought.
If there is no food to feed the population it will make the people rebel against the government. This place could become a war zone if the problem is not resolved. It would definitely not be a good place to be if that possible event were to happen.
"Hey don't get in line" A man yelled as he grabbed the neck over the person who was trying to sneak in.
"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday!"
He looked around to see if anyone was going to interfere with the fight, but everyone was doing their own thing. Nobody cared about other people, the only thing they cared about was themselves.
"Eren, Mikasa!" A blond-haired boy caught his eye.
The boy carried three loaves in his arms as he approached two children who were looking at the commotion. The boy identified as "Eren" had brown hair while the girl identified as "Mikasa" had black hair. But what stood out the most about the girl was her red snort.
Why would she be wearing a scarf when it's too hot? He couldn't help wondering. Maybe she uses it as a pillow? He means. Where the refugees sleep they do not have any mattress to help them make people comfortable. So they have to sleep on the hard floor that was covered by a thin fabric
Therefore, clothing can be a good replacement to help a person's neck not become stiff from sleeping on a flat, hard floor. So it would be logical for her to wear her scarf so that no one would steal it.
After that thought came to his mind unconsciously and that it was not going to be of use to him. Finally, it was his turn to receive the stale and unappetizing bread.
When he finally got the bread in his hands he turned around only to find the cold gaze of a blonde hair girl tied up in a ponytail. Their gazes met for a few seconds before he pulled away.
He was very curious about what these people had experienced in the tragedy of the titans. He wondered how terrifying the Titans must be. Hearing about the Titans is very different than seeing them with your own eyes.
Ayanokōji could feel the gloomy tension in the atmosphere. People had fear, anxiety along with other negative emotions. Even if people tried to look like it was all over, many of them kept a gaze on the wall as if it was about to topple over at any moment.
A part of him wondered if the Titans could make him experience fear again.
"Why do we have to give our food to these outsiders? The Titans broke through anyway. They should have eaten more of them. Right now they're just worsening the food shortage."
He stopped suddenly at the cold and morbid statement.
He looked around curiously before stopping at the person who had the courage to make the horrible statement out loud. It was a man who was with the military force of this place. Specifically the garrison troops.
For a few moments, he thought the area was going to erupt in violence against the shameless person who gave his morbid thoughts out loud. But no one made any move against the military force. He guesses it was to be expected. Nobody wanted to have consequences for revealing themselves to someone with greater political power.
He believed so until the dark boy named "Eren" approached the soldier with barely contained fury. Once the boy closed the distance, he brutally kicked the soldier's shin in an act of revenge.
Apparently the kick the dark-haired boy gave him was strong enough to make the smug soldier scream in pain causing him to stroke his affected leg.
"What's the matter with you kid!?"
The soldier roared in anger before giving the dark-haired boy a brutal hook in the face causing his head to tilt to the side. Even so, the dark-haired boy remained standing. Unfortunately, the soldier's companion was also not pleased with "Eren's" actions and gave him a devastating kick in the chest, probably taking the air out of his lungs and at the same time. sent back on the ground.
Then both soldiers advanced, discontent evident on their faces as they headed to punish the boy.
"How can you say that!?" The dark-haired boy demanded with obvious pain on his face causing the soldiers to stop. "You don't know what it's like! The way the Titans eat people!"
The desperation and pain mixed with the rage and anger in the boy's tone were quite evident. The terror the boy had experienced left a mark on him for life. He could see the darkness in the boy's eyes.
By the way, he said words. He lost someone important to him or saw too many people being killed by the Titans. He was even able to experience both cases.
"Shut up!" The pained soldier ordered as he and his partner thundered forward.
The blond boy seeing the danger of his friend stepped between the two soldiers with his arms raised, showing that he was harmless while trying to dispel the situation. "Sorry! It's just that he got that way because he's hungry. That's why he's acting like a spoiled kid" The blond boy then bowed to the soldiers "Please forgive him!"
The soldier who was hit hesitated by all the gazes of the people.
"Well ... Remember they would be dead without us"
The soldier recoiled from the pressure of the people around him. But He could tell that he was still resentful because the boy "Eren" hit him on the shin.
The soldiers turned to walk away from the trio of children, not before saying a few last words to them.
"Children must learn to be more grateful"
After the scene was over, Ayanokōji wandered off to find a place where he could eat quietly without interruptions or other commotion.
While looking for a place to eat quietly. He could sense two presences following him and they weren't even trying to be stealthy about it.
A sigh of disappointment left his lips. Apparently, people were desperate enough to try to steal a paltry bread from him. But it's not like he can blame them. It's just human nature.
He pretended not to notice as he led him to a dead-end where you could easily commit a crime and no one would realize who did it. These alleys are rarely visited by people, so when someone finds out (if they ever find out) then it would be too late to recognize the culprit.
Ayanokōji stopped in front of the wall blocking his path before turning around. The people who had followed him were two grown shoulders judging from their build they didn't pose much of a threat to him.
"Hey brat you better deliver the food to us"
The taller man of the two spoke first while trying to look intimidating.
"Don't take it personally. But the food ran out recently and we haven't eaten since yesterday."
The lowest man complement.
"Have you guys sunk that low to the point of stealing from an innocent child?"
Ayanokōji stared at the two men in front of him, who were blinded off by short-sighted greed. The last few days he has observed people he has realized how bad this place was with people.
Greedy, Envious, Greedy, Cowards, Selfish. Another endless negative and malicious feeling. Soldiers abuse their power. The strong take advantage of the weak. Those with higher status live comfortably while those with lower status live like cattle without them being able to do anything about it to change their situation.
In this place, the government has the power. Unfortunately, the government of this place was corrupt. Making that instead of improving this society they take advantage of it. Thus causing conflict.
Ayanokōji even after observing this behavior, which could horrify Ichinose. It didn't surprise him one bit.
Throughout history, humanity has shown its different sides for us to see.
Whether in the form of charitable 'heroes' or greedy and evil 'villains', simple people who never achieved anything great in their lives but simply wanted to live and those who managed to shake civilization to its core, bringing change.
Humans were an extremely diverse group. No one can deny this fact. But there was one thing that accompanied us throughout the story, the unwanted silent companion who spoke on some occasions. Someone we could never shake, who was always there no matter how hard we tried to leave him behind.
They were called Guerra.
No matter how much we go back in time, no matter what part of humanity we focus on, the war was always there. It seemed that conflict was in our genes, an instinct that was always there, just below the surface, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.
He did not care why: the intentions "good" led to war in the same way that "bad". The road to hell was paved with good intentions. Or greed. That was always the case and always would be. The development of the conflict was always the same: we perceive something that we did not like and then we act on this feeling.
It was almost as if we wanted war. We simply needed a reason, something to justify our violent tendencies. And we find this reason over and over again. And with all the motives, a new war arose. Our entire history could be described as one giant conflict with pauses in between to catch our breath and find something new to wage war on.
For most people, it would be sad and disgusting. Instead, he called it human nature.
Fortunately, not all conflicts were on a larger scale or we would have ended a long time ago. The conflict he was facing right now, for example, was small. No weapons were fired and there were no organized lines by either side.
"To hell with morals. Give me the bread before we hurt you little shit."
The taller man growled like a mad dog.
"I understand your situation and I know that you are hungry that is why you are desperate to eat anything. But wouldn't it be more logical than looking for someone weaker than you to rob him? The last time I checked the robbery only works if you are stronger than the other person or do you have a weapon with which to threaten the person "
The two men looked at each other with confusion on their faces.
"What I'm trying to say is... that you two are too weak to be able to steal from me."
Ayanokōji coldly told them while showing his true dark eyes.
The smug smiles of the two men completely disappeared, at the same time, their bodies froze and trembled in fear at their killing intent.
"Did you think I hadn't noticed they were following me? Why do you think I led them to an isolated place where no one can hear us?"
Ayanokōji put a hand on the small of his back. Pretending that he was about to draw a gun.
"I will give you the option to back off before things get ugly in this place. I don't think anyone can help you if you insist on continuing this conflict" Ayanokōji warned them sternly.
His flat, emotionless tone worked against them.
The instincts of the two men warned him that the brown-haired boy was dangerous. So they did the most sensible and cowardly thing. They fled with screams that seemed to be from a woman.
He moaned monotonously at the stench of urine that reached his nostrils. Apparently, the two men unconsciously urinated due to fear.
Once the problem was solved, Ayanokōji went to find a place where he could calmly eat the bread. He just hoped it wasn't too harsh like the last one.
Ayanokōji really missed the food of his world
A few days later, the refugees were sent to cultivate the land for food. Ayanokōji followed them and looked for any place where he could sneak out of the Trost District. Unfortunately for him, the soldiers had very well guarded the refugees so he could not leave the district of Trost without being noticed.
He tried to make people panic, but it didn't work either and he couldn't escape. The military quickly resolved the situation with an armed hand and violence. They even went so far as to brutally beat some civilians for their behavior.
Seeing that he could not leave the Trost district without help, Ayanokōji decided that the best option would be to abandon the refugees and focus on stealing food.
Ayanokōji found an abandoned house that was near the river and decided to take refuge in it. Since he had nothing better to do, he decided to continue living his peaceful days while doing intense training for his body, at the same time that he searched for any information that could make him useful.
Ayanokōji after a few days realized that even though the refugees went to farm in the fields. He can't help the food shortage.
The days passed completely calm and at peace until he hears the current year of this place. He himself gave that a suicide campaign took place.
When he found out what year we were in it was a bit surprising. But he didn't mind it too much because he had a general idea. Since the time it has been in this place, there is no trace of electrical energy.
For Ayanokōji, electrical energy was vital to his daily life. So at first, he thought that only the high-status could get it. But then he realized that in this place he did not exist. It was unfortunate.
But by now he is used to it.
The campaign launched by the government was something that made it very clear how far humanity can go for survival. He had almost felt sympathy for the people who were selected for this suicidal event. Almost
The campaign launched by the government was to "retake the wall María" and the participants of the campaign would be the refugees. Anyone with a bit of a brain could spot the great charade of the campaign. Everything was done to get rid of people to solve the food crisis that is taking place inside the walls.
More than 250 thousand people in refugees participated in the campaign. A fifth of the population within these walls left with the "objective" of retaking the wall María.
In the end, it didn't matter when people went on that expedition. Just over a hundred survived that disaster. One hundred out of 250 thousand.
All those sacrifices served to solve the food crisis, even if only a little.
Ayanokōji observed with his own eyes.
That humans are the most dangerous and horrible species that exists.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net