Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I managed to get home without shedding another tear.

I made a beeline for my room once we made it, but was stopped by Aunt Carol.

She saw my distressed face and immediately questioned it.

"Sweetheart, are you okay? Did something happen at school?"

I tried to quickly respond before the real heartache set in, but I wasn't quick enough as the tears started rolling down my face.

"I had a really bad day at school and I just want some time alone if you don't mind," I told her trying to look everywhere, but her face. I hated crying in front of people and especially hated seeing their pity for me.

"Okay sweetie. Just let me know if you want to talk. I'll be here," she responded with a small smile.

I thanked her with a nod and fled to the security of my bedroom.


I don't know how long I cried for, but, thankfully, Cal only tried to talk to me once. He soon took the hint that I didn't want to speak and stopped knocking on my door.

I'd been trying to think of every possible reason Noland would have for giving my family secret to the press. Sure, I said the reason was because he wanted more popularity and he knew this would make him known, but not everything was adding up.

Finally, I decided to stop crying and to start thinking because I was really starting to get a bad headache.

Maybe I should take up Aunt Carol's offer and talk to her. Talking to my parents is completely out of the question since that would just end in me yelling at them for not telling me about Cal.

Even though my aunt knew, it wasn't her secret to tell and so I'm not mad at her like I am my parents.

I decided to get off of my bed and poke my head out of my door.

"Aunt Carol," I called with a hoarse voice.

I waited until I heard the soft padding of feet against the floor to say, "I'm ready to talk now."

After what felt like hours later (even though I know it was only a few minutes), I had spilled my guts about what had happened and probably freaked my aunt out with my erratic crying. In the end, I was left with a pounding headache and an aching heart. Like off of Frozen, the head I could fix, but the heart was not so easy. In this case, I only had one guy and he was the one that betrayed me.

Where was my Christoff when I needed him? Or better yet, my Elsa?

"Knock, knock."

There she was.

"Is it safe for me to enter," Cal joked, with a small smile. I could tell he was hesitant and probably a little scared about seeing me so I waved him over to where we were sitting on the bed.

"How are feeling?"

When I gave him a look that said how do you think, he humorlessly laughed and rubbed his neck.

"Stupid question. Sorry. I just..don't know what to say," he trailed off and I could tell he was feeling uncomfortable.

"You could start by giving me a hug," I said, with open arms.

He smiled and enveloped me in his large frame.

"For the record," I whispered in his ear, "I'm really glad you're my brother."

"For the record," he whispered back, "Me too."

I clung onto him for a moment longer then let go. Between talking with Aunt Carol and just seeing Cal, I was feeling a little better.

"I'm still the better twin though," Cal joked, pointing his finger at me. I laughed and pushed his shoulder.

"Not a chance."

I turned back to Aunt Carol and saw she had a gleam in her eye that I could only describe as love.

"What should I do Aunt Carol," I desperately asked.

I so badly wanted to believe Noland was good and always had my best interests at heart, but how was I to really know?

"Well," she gently grabbed my hand, "That's for you to decide. Do you really think Noland told?"

"Well don't you," I asked, confused more than ever.

"I just think there's a bit more to the story than you know. Maybe you should talk to the boy. Listen to his story."

"I can't. The last time I talked to him he blabbed to the press. There's no telling what he would do if I went and saw him again."

Aunt Carol sighed and said," And this is the only young man you told?"

"The one and only."

Right when I said it, I realized how much meaning that one little statement held. My heart fluttered and started beating faster at the pure thought of it, but I was getting ahead of myself. Way too far ahead and I needed to slow down before my heart broke into a thousand pieces.

"Callan, you said the only person you ever told was your friend, Ashton?"

With his eyebrows crinkled together, he responded, "Yes, but that was a while ago. Almost right after I found out so if he wanted to tell, he would have told then. Why wait until now?"

We all sat in silence for a while until I heard the door bell ring. Aunt Carol stood up and squeezed my hand once before walking into the other room to answer the door.

"Do you trust me Rory," Cal asked, with sincerity in his eyes.

I sat there for a moment, truly thinking about his question.

"I believe so, but I want you to understand that I am going to need a few days. To sort out my mind and to return back to normal. Well," I corrected, "into the new normal."

He nodded with understanding and stood up to walk back to his room.

"I love you Cal."

He smiled and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you too Rory."

I laid back onto my bed and tried to properly think through everything that had happened.

As much as I really wanted to talk to my parents and see what they found out, if it really was Noland that told, it would crush me once and for all. I wanted to be reassured that Noland didn't betray me, but what if he did?

This was the constant struggle going on in my head. It was very nearly driving me insane, but I couldn't stop it.

A sharp ringing cut through my mental battle and made me jump. I searched for my phone that was tucked away in my clutch beside the bed. I nearly fell out of my skin when I saw who the caller was.

My finger hovered over the green button that would answer the call, but in the end, I just let Noland's call ring.

I was so happy that he called even though I told him not to contact me, but not happy enough to answer.

I nearly gave in when he called again a couple of minutes later. If he was desperate enough to call, he couldn't have told right?

The third call did force me to answer, it just wasn't Noland.

"Andrew. Hey."

"Hello my famous friend. Mind explaining why the paparazzi is exploding over some news of you?"

"You heard," I winced, knowing if news travelled from Texas to Hollywood that fast, it could be everywhere at this point.

"Yeah. Even though I'm dying to hear the real story from you, I'm more interested in how you're doing," he responded.

"Not good," I humorlessly laughed. "My entire world is crashing down and I don't even know if I'll have a job once this is over."

"But your parents are handling this right?"

"Barely," I sighed, laying back down on my bed. "People want to know what's going on from them, but they really want to talk to Cal and I."

"Cal...Your brother," Andrew asked.

"That's the one. My parents are trying to fly me out to who knows where to talk with the press, but once I leave Texas, I don't think I'm coming back."

The line went silent for a bit as we both thought about the whole situation.

Andrew was the first to speak up.

"As far as keeping your job goes, I think you'll be alright. They really love you for this role and I'm sure they'll just take all this attention as good publicity for the movie. But the whole Texas thing I can't help you with. That's something you have to figure out yourself," he told me.

"I feel so guilty, for coming here for a few months and then leaving everything and everyone behind. It's like I owe them something for staying here, but I don't know what it is," I admitted.

"It sounds like you have a lot to figure out so I'll leave you to it. I'll see you soon though okay?"

"Alright," I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"Be good until then and maybe try not to over think everything. You tend to do that," he laughed.

"Yeah. Thanks for reminding me," I grumbled, even though I was truly touched that he cared so much about me.

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone feeling ready to put my life into order. That's what I came for Texas for in the first place anyway. This was going to be an interesting night.


Just a few more chapters left (I think 4?) and then the epilogue. I hope you're enjoying this so far. I know I have a lot of editing to do, but I've enjoyed writing this.


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