Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

For some people, turning 17 means being able to go watch R-rated without an adult, but for me, turning another year older means taking my life into my own hands and choosing a future for myself.

I sighed as I looked at the piles of clothes on my floor. I was packing to go live with my aunt for the school year and it was not easy. I didn't know I had so many clothes, but I couldn't get rid of any of them. Most I had never worn, but the others either had sentimental value or I just particularly loved the article of clothing. For example, I have this navy Burberry blazer that is way out of style, but I met Brad Pitt in it so I can't get rid of it.

I'm just going to have to leave it here. I'll be back, of course, just not for almost a year. I think one reason this move is fairly easy for me is because I don't really have any friends. I have to travel around the world so much with my parents that I was never able to form a relationship with anybody. This also means I've never had a boyfriend. I've met plenty of cute guys, believe me, but between my dad having to check on all his hotels and my mom shooting movies at different locations, I don't really have a place where I can settle down.

That's one reason why I'm excited to live with my aunt. I will get to live in one house and one place for almost one whole year! Isn't that crazy? But I am nervous to see my Aunt Caroline, or Aunt Carol. I've only met her twice and that was when I was really young so I don't really remember her. Then there is also her son, or my cousin, Callan. I don't remember him either, but we're the same age, so I hope we will get along alright.

Another reason is because this is the biggest and most independent decision I've ever made. I've never been very out spoken when it came to making choices and decisions for myself, so I've always let others choose for me. However, this birthday made me think about where my life was headed. I realized I had no idea where it was going to happen because I had no control over it.

That's why I chose to go live with my aunt against my mom's advice and my dad's hesitation. I hope being at Aunt Carol's house and away from the people that really influence my life, will help me to figure it out by myself.

My mom has always pushed me to follow in her footsteps and to become an actress, but I'm not sure that's what I want.

Sighing again, I decide I should actually start packing instead of just staring at my clothes. Considering I still have to pack up the rest of my room and I leave in 3 days, I probably should get moving. I stood up and started folding all the clothes on the floor and putting them into trunks. It's going to be easier to put everything in trunks instead of suitcases and since my family owns our own plane, o don't have to worry about weight limits.

"Rory. Are you almost done packing? I need to run a few errands before you leave and I need to run by the studio," my mom yelled down the hallway.

"Ugh," I groaned. If I said no, my mom was going to get really mad at me and would probably lock me in my room until I finished, but I couldn't let that happen because I needed to get some last minute shopping done. However, if I said yes, I would be able to get my shopping finished, but it wouldn't do any good because I wouldn't be packed.

Screw it. I'm calling Martha to pack for me.

"Yeah mom," I yelled through my half-open door. "I'm finished."

She won't bother to check because I know her, and if visiting the studio is on her mind, she won't think about anything else.

"Okay great. Make yourself presentable. You never known who might be working on a movie at the studio," she paused for a second then yelled, "we leave in 30 minutes."

30 minutes! That's not ideal, but I think I can manage.

Even though I grew up in a world of fashion, I've never been the type of girl that follows every fashion trend. Of course, I'm not going to wear last years clothes, but I'm not going to fret about my appearance twenty-four seven.

That's my mom and Sam's job. Sam Close is my fashion manager and makes sure I look gorgeous and runway ready everywhere I go. Once my mom realised I couldn't pick out great outfits for myself, she hired Sam and that's who has been with me for years now. He saves my life on a daily basis and keeps my family from publicly humiliating ourselves everything we walk outside. I'm really glad he's going to Texas with me. I don't know what I would do without him.

Since this was an on-the-spot trip to the studio, I would just have to deal with calling Sam for advice.

I pressed the number 3 on my speed dial and waited until the familiar voice picked up.

"I'm on my way up," Sam answered.

"What? On your way where?"

"I already at your apartment building. I'm walking up the stairs right now. See you in 2," Sam replied, sounding a little out of breath.

"Awww...Your the best," I cooed.

"So I've heard," he laughed, before hanging up.

True to his word, Sam was knocking on my door 2 minutes later with a smile on his face. That is, until I opened the door and he saw my room.

"Oh my gosh. You're leaving in 3 days."

"I know," I replied with a sheepish grin. I already knew what he was going to ask next.

"Well, how come nothing is packed," he questioned. I rolled my eyes at his predictable question.

"I've been busy brainstorming what to bring. I think i'm just going to get Martha to pack the stuff, though."

"You know, you work her too hard. She needs a break," he scowled before pointing a finger at me. "And you need to do your own work."

I laughed at his protectiveness. Sam has always watched over Martha like she was his mother. Don't get me wrong. She's great and I totally respect her, but Sam and her just have a special bond that no one can break.

"She just came back from a vacation last week and my family paid for it. What more can you ask for?"

"Yeah yeah. Okay. I guess I can let you off the hook, but you should help her a little bit," he countered. "Okay. I have a few outfits in my car you can wear or we can try and find something in these stacks of clothes you have on the floor."

"It would probably be best to just wear what you have on your car."

"Good choice. I really didn't want to have to look through these stacks of clothes to find something presentable," he said, laughing. "Okay. I'll be right back. Go straighten your hair while I go get the outfits and maybe we can finish in 30- well 20 minutes now," he told me.

As he said this, a thought crossed my mind. "Hey. How did you know I needed your help?"

"Your mom called," he said as he walked out of my bedroom.


20 minutes later, I was styled and ready to go. I thanked Sam before dashing down stairs to meet my mom.

"You are pushing your time today, but I think we can still make it," mom said.

I could tell she was a bit agitated, but she was the one that gave me 30 minutes.

"Okay. Let's go. Mike expects us at the studio in a few minutes. He has a little surprise for you," Mom said as she walked out the door.

Mike is mom's manager and like an uncle to me. He managed mom's career before I was even born. He actually helped my mom and dad meet so I guess I kind of owe him for my existence. He's a pretty cool guy.

I climbed into the car that was waiting for us and prepared for the afternoon traffic that we were sure to get stuck in. I brought one of my favorite books, Shatter Me, just in case I got bored. I should have known, however, that mom was going to want to talk to me the whole way there.

"So I think your dad and I might not stay for a week like we had talked about. We were thinking of just staying for the weekend and then we would fly out to Seattle. Your dad needs to check on a few of the hotels there and I haven't been there in a while. Does that sound okay to you?"

What? They would stay only for the weekend? Is she kidding me right now? I'm going to go stay with an aunt I haven't seen since I was a toddler and she wants to say hi for the weekend and then leave! No, I'm not okay with that, but naturally that's not what comes out of my mouth.

"Yeah. Of course mom. It's probably best that you guys only stay the weekend so I can get settled in," I reply with the most genuine smile I can muster.

"I knew you would be okay with it. Your dad was worried you would want to see us for longer, but I told him you would probably embarrassed enough with your parents there for just the weekend," she said with a smile.

I guess that's her way of justifying the shorter stay. I love my mom, I really do, but sometimes I feel like she doesn't know me at all. She knows I don't so well with change and that her and dad make everything easier. I don't know why she chooses to forget now.

I turned to look out the window as we drove to the studio. We were already backed up in traffic and we were only 10 minutes away from the apartment. This was going to be a long ride.


The studio was packed out, like it normally was on Fridays. With everyone trying to finish up for the weekend, it could be pretty stressful. I breathed a sigh of relief when we stepped through the front doors and Mike was already waiting for us.

Once he saw me, he walked over and gave me a big hug. Did I mention Mike gives the best hugs in the world?

"Hey kiddo. How are you doing," Mike asked as he started leading my mom and I to his office.

"Since you saw me 2 days ago, about the same," I laughed.

"Well I was just checking since you leave in a few days. How's the packing going?"

"Fantastic. I'm already finished," I replied.

I looked up at Mike's face to see him smirking at me. Yeah. He knows I'm lying.

"Wow. That was fast. Last time I checked you hadn't even started," he replied elbowing me a little to let me know he was trying to get to me. I turned to make sure my mom hadn't heard that.

Lucky for me she was busy talking to some director that she's would be working with in a couple of weeks.

"Well. I'm a fast worker," I lied, glaring at Mike trying to tell him not to expose my lie.

He started laughing and was still laughing as we made our way into his office. Mom made her way in a couple of minutes later with a big smile on her face.

"Well Mike. Do you want to give it to her now," Mom asked. She glanced at me and winked, then turned her attention back to Mike.

"Hum...maybe I should make her wait a bit longer," Mike said with a smirk on his face.

"No! Don't make me wait! You know I'm not very patient," I told Mike, trying not to sound too whiny.

"Alright. Alright."

He reached under his desk and pulled out a big cardboard box. There was nothing on it except a mailing sticker and some tape.

"Here you go," Mike told me as he put the box on a chair beside me. Him and mom were both watching me as I pulled the tape off and opened the box.

"Now, I didn't actually order this online so you don't have to worry about it being damaged," Mike said.

I looked in the box and started pulling out the tissue paper. Right in the middle of it all was the new Louis Vuitton handbag that hadn't came out yet.

"Oh my gosh! Mike! How did you get this? I've had my eye on this for weeks, but it hasn't even been released yet," I exclaimed as Mike crossed his arms and smiled at mom.

"Well. Let's just say I was able to call in a few favors," he winked, walking over to his desk. "I would like to stay and chat, but I know you need to finish getting ready and I have to finish some work before I leave."

"Where are you going," I questioned, trying to cover up for the last part of the sentence and because I wanted to know. I don't remember him saying anything about traveling someplace.

"Oh. I leave for Dubai the same day you leave for Texas. I have a little business to take care of and then I get to enjoy myself."

I stood up and gave Mike a hug and thanked him for the gift. I couldn't wait to put it to good use.

I waited for my mom as she talked to Mike a bit about this previously mentioned movie she starts in a bit.

As I waited, I started to think about my new life. do I really want to do this? I've been asking myself this question for weeks. Is this something I'm going to benefit from? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.


Okay. So that was the first chapter. Pretty slow, but things will definitely pick up. I just have to set up the story and the characters.

The picture is Hailee Steinfeld who plays Rory Pinnock.


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