Unfamiliar Scent

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Changbin and Hyunjin were still with Chan and Felix's kids, playing with them with Ravi and Leo talking not too far away when all of a sudden, Hyuk came running into the room. Hyuk panted, his hands on his knees as he bent down slightly to try and regain his normal breathing pattern.

"Hyukkie, are you okay baby?" Leo seemed concerned as he walked over to Hyuk. The younger stood up straight, his hands coming up to grip onto Leo's shoulders as Leo gripped his hips.

"Hakyeon hyung is gone, I can't find him anywhere" Hyuk spoke with a shaky voice.

"What!?" Ravi growled from his place behind Leo.

A loud growl gained the attention of the two demons and the human, and Hyuk turned his head to see Wonho standing there, an angry expression. Hyunjin and Changbin then both stood up as Chan and Felix came back into the room with Joosin in tow as the cat hybrid had stumbled upon them cuddling in the hallway and was quite bored.

"What's going on?" Felix asked.

"Hakyeon's gone missing, and I can't seem to catch his fucking scent" Wonho snapped, "instead, I caught a scent that I didn't recognise at all. It wasn't human, definitely an inhuman creature, but it didn't smell like a creature I would ever recognise" Wonho seemed confused.

"What kind of scent?" Ravi asked.

"It smelled...dark, evil, full of hate, even more so than Seokjin. Just straight up hateful, and it was definitely female. We can rule out Lisa, I killed her and her body was burned. There's no chance of her coming back, ever" Wonho explained.

"I...think I know who that is..." Hyunjin spoke up.

The kids sat there, confused as to what was going on around them. Changbin sat back down to give the two small children some reassurance that everything was okay, even thought it most definitely wasn't.

"Speak up Jinnie, tell us" Felix spoke with a gentle tone.

"I've only met her twice, and uhm, she's somewhat family. She always gave off that...dark vibe, and she was mean as fuck, literally. Not even kidding you, pretty sure she nearly killed me once. Her name is Chae Nia...she's mine and Seokjin's cousin, and basically Lisa 2.0, except younger and much worse" Hyunjin shuddered.

"Do you know what kind of creature she is?" Wonho asked as he looked to Hyunjin.

"Yeah, she's like, the reverse of Cupid. Like, a dark cupid. Instead of shooting arrows that make people love each other, she can cause people to hate each other. She can cause wars with that power" Hyunjin scoffed.

That got Chan thinking, and he came to a conclusion pretty fast. He decided to voice his thoughts, even though it sounded slightly stupid.

"Seokjin...a year ago, during the war, he suddenly became super hateful towards me, and the rest of us. He went and did things completely unlike him, and more so what Lisa would have done. Maybe...maybe Seokjin isn't as bad as we think?" Chan winced, bowing his head, "that sounded alot less stupid in my head"

"It's not stupid" Jooheon pops up out of nowhere, once again causing everyone to jump in slight shock at his sudden appearance.

"You really need to learn to not do that" Ravi deadpanned.

"Shut up" Jooheon hissed at Ravi, scoffing, "back to my point, that actually makes alot of sense. I've seen Nia more than a few times, and I know what she can do. There is a high chance she could be pulling the strings here, and using Seokjin as a puppet. Looks like manipulation and lies run in the family. That streak must have skipped Hyunjin though, he's anything but that" Jooheon chuckled, "looks like some of us are gonna have to go beyond the districts, and by that I mean we have to go over those mountains. The civilisation is on the other side"

"I'll gather a group together" Felix said, "but...who's going to be here for my babies?" Felix frowned, looking towards his children with worry.

"Taemin can look after them. He's good with kids" Leo smiled reassuringly.

"I'll go" Hyunjin offered.

"If Jinnie's going, I'll go too" Changbin said.

"We're coming too, and were getting my Hakyeon back" Ravi huffed.

"Obviously, I'll go too" Jooheon smiled as arms suddenly wrapped around his waist from behind, "so is Minhyukkie"

"I'm not letting my baby go anywhere without me" Minhyuk kissed Jooheon's neck, earning an eye roll from Felix.

"I'll go" Joosin spoke shyly.

Felix turned to Joosin with worry in his eyes.

"Ate you sure Sin? It's most likely gonna be dangerous" Felix frowned.

Joosin shrugged, smiling a little.

"I'll be alright" Joosin spoke reassuringly.

"Hyungwon and I will come" Wonho nodded.

"Hm, we will too" like Jooheon, Minho, along with Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin appeared out of nowhere.

"You guys are spending too much time around Jooheon, damnit" Felix huffed, shaking his head.

"Oh shut up. Like hell I'm letting my brother throw himself into danger with the rest of these idiots alone" Minho folded his arms over his chest and smirked, even Jisung letting out an offended huff.

"Yah, whatever" Jisung rolled his eyes and pouted.

Minho glanced at Jisung beside him, giggling and placing a kiss on his cheek before he turned to Felix and walked over to his little brother.

"If you're going, I'm going. We're brothers, and brothers always stick together, no matter what" Minho leaned his forehead against Felix's, his right hand placed on the back of Felix's head.

Hyunjin glanced to Seungmin, the younger currently having his back turned to Hyunjin. The older sighed, bowing his head.

'Brothers stick together no matter what my ass' Hyunjin thought bitterly.

Changbin saw the look, sighing heavily. Seungmin would come around. At least, he hoped Seungmin would...

Thanks guys for the 600 followers! Imma try to at least update this book two or three more times today if I can, as a kinda special thank you thing UwU

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