The Dead Returns part 2

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Chan's entire body shook with absolute rage as he turned to Seokjin, his face set in a snarl.

"You just couldn't let them rest in peace, could you!?" Chan growled.

"It's not them" Jooheon spoke up, "it may be their bodies, but their souls are still gone"

"Doesn't make it okay though" Felix snapped.

"Of course not" Jisung scoffed, "what makes it worse is that our Hyunjinnie took part in all of this"

'This isn't me, help me!' inner Hyunjin yelled, but he couldn't seem to gain any control over his consciousnesses.

He knew what he was doing wasn't right, but he wasn't in full control of his body. His blood boiled with a hatred he didn't even know he had, and he could feel power behind what he knew coursing through his veins but he didn't have the mental strength to stop any of it.

"It's not Hyunjin. Well, it is but..." Rosè trailed off, "it's almost like another side of him has been unleashed"

"It's Hyunho. His revival has thrown everything off balance. It seems Seokjin is affected as well" Jooheon spat.

"Enough talk! Kijung, Jaehwa, Nia, kill them. What's done is done, we have no use for anyone else" Seokjin smirked, "you should have said goodbye to your family whilst you still could have by the way" Seokjin turned and walked away, Hyunjin following them.

"What the fuck does that me-HEY, GET BACK HERE!" Chan bolted off after them.

Felix's blood ran cold; he had a feeling he knew what Seokjin was talking about.

"One of you needs to send a message to Ravi and Leo" Felix instructed.

"I'll radio call them. What do you want me to say Felix?" Jooheon spoke up.

"Tell them to keep a very close eye on Daesung, he could be affected by whatever this is" Felix said.

Jooheon nodded, running back inside to where the radio was. Phones didn't work out there. Felix cracked his neck and knuckles, ready for a fight. He turned to Nia, growling low in the back of his throat whilst the anti-cupid creature just smirked at him with an arrow aimed at his heart, intending to kill the hybrid. Felix snarled at her, ducking out of the way of the arrow as it flew over his head.

"Hah, weak" Felix sneered.

Nia growled a him, "you're nothing but a filthy hybrid"

"A hybrid with friends and a brother that could kick your small ass in less than five seconds" Jisung snapped.

"One of said friends are now on our side-"

"Nia, shut up" Jaehwa spat.

"YOU WILL NOT TELL ME TO SHUT UP!" Nia bellowed, her voice taking on a slightly lower, more demonic tone, "but you are right" and with that, she shot an arrow...

That landed right in Jisung's stomach


In District 4...

No one could have been fully aware for what was about to happen. They hadn't realised what kind of danger was hidden right there amongst them. When Daesung begun turning into something more evil, he warned them.

"You need t-to hide the kids. Y-you need to-ARGH!" It hurt like Hell broke loose in his body.

Hakyeon's motherly instincts kicked in, and he swept up the kids immediately. Ravi and Leo stood in front of them, and the others were ready to attack. However...

"Oh...oh my God" Leo whimpered.

Behind a now crumpled, in pain Daesung was Hongbin and Ken, their skin a sickly pale colour and looked like zombies, soulless eyes glaring at them. But, they weren't zombies; it was more like they were being controlled by some outside force, or maybe as if something has inhabited their bodies.

It looked like them, but it wasn't them.

"Hakyeon, Hyuk, get the kids out of here and get them somewhere safe. Hell, take them back to District 9 if you want. It's abandoned and no one's gonna look there" Ravi ordered.

Hakyeon nodded, handing little Woojin over to Hyuk and the two of them headed for the door. The doors were wide open, but suddenly slammed closed when they got close enough.

"You didn't think I'd actually let you get away, did you?" A familiar voice crooned.

Hakyeon and Hyuk spun around just as Leo let out a loud growl and the demon brothers began to shift.

"Seokjin" Leo growled, "I'll fucking kill you where you stand!"

"I'd like to see you try"


Sorry for not updating in forever akdhzjbdd I was in the mood to update this particular fanfic so I did...

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