Chapter 8

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The gang minus Tyson turned 3 corners and down a long never ending corridor to an opening where the world lit up to the main hulk of the stadium. It was spectacular. The dome roof was crystal clear like a lens of a new camera, the sky and birds could be seen through it like the glass wasn't even there. In the centre was a giant dark blue beydish mounted on exactly 8 steps for the beybladers to reach their standing positions at the sides of it. Above the stadium itself hung a humongous flat screen TV monitor about the size of a small tennis court. To the left was a large VIP seating area leading from locker rooms for special guests and some members of the press. Opposite the seating area was a glorious elevated podium covered in a thick heavy black velvet cloth, a microphone plugged in and ready on a stand waited lonely in the middle.

Several thousands of people had taken their seats munching hot dogs and dropping popcorn everywhere, one of those people was a familiar senior Granger.

"Heyyyyy homiessss! Up here!" Yelled Grandpa Granger as he almost dropped the foot long dog out of his hotdog bun.

"Hey there's Grandpa!" Yelled Daichi who had not long stopped hopping from his foot injury.

"You best get up here peeps! The shows about to start!" The old geezer gestured to Hilary and Kenny.

Hilary turned to Kai, Ray, Max, Mariah and Daichi. Gave them a warm smile each and wished "Good Luck all of you. Not that you're gunna need it." And skipped off to meet Grandpa Granger.

Kenny tried not to aim what he was going to say next at anyone in particular but fully meant it for the angry red thing known as Daichi -"I'll be up in the first tier of the stadium. I'll be watching everything you do and do my best to help if you need any pointers." Said Kenny as he shuffled off after Hilary.

Daichi knew the tech-head meant him. He wasn't that stupid and knew what Kenny thinks of him. "Whaaaaa I know you mean me Chief!" Daichis' face went red and his fists balled up.

Hilary, Kenny and Grandpa Granger were allocated VIP seating on the first tier of the seating directly behind where their beyblader friends would be fighting. Although in the audience they were still within perfect ear shot. Kenny wanted to ensure he was close enough to yell to Daichi or Tyson should they need his help and close enough to take the best footage with Dizzi for his research. They had a perfect view and all was set. Mr Granger engulfed his hot dog whilst Hilary picked at a bag of jelly sweets. Kenny could feel his heart beat against the walls of his chest and he wasn't even beyblading. This was the biggest crowd he'd seen since the 3rd World Championships and felt a great wave of nostalgia.

Kenny - "Dizzi get the camera ready please. I wanna capture all the data we can."

Dizzi – "Right on Chief. Did you want anything else with that? I'm still pooped from yesterdays' all-nighter."

Kai, Ray, Max, Mariah and Daichi were escorted by BBA staff to beside the podium steps that led from the ground to the stage. They were in partial darkness overshadowed by the exhibitional structure and waited for their cue.

Ray grouchily whispered to Max. "Where the hell is Tyson? It's starting."

The BBA wearing assistants were beginning to disappear from view, all standing people were taking seats and the lights went down in the audience areas. The TVs' came to life with the live stream of the empty centre stage of the podium and drum-roll theme music boomed from the surround sound.

"I know! Why isn't he here?" the blonde grouched back.

"Tyson's got a lot to answer to." Said Kai flatly with his arms crossed.

Daichi was seriously pouting. "I say we give him a fat lip after the show. Maybe his girl-fans won't like him so much with a big fat ugly lip."

Mariah - "Just knock some teeth out. Girls like guys with all their teeth" she winked.

Before our beybladers could complain about Tysons' tardiness anymore; the man responsible for this whole event made his well deserved debut. The lights went up on the stage and the crowd erupted in a deafening cheer as the one and only Mr Dickenson appeared on the stage. Kai, Ray, Max, Mariah and Daichi turn their heads upwards to the show man high above them. Their beloved Mr Dickenson wore the shiniest suit and a million dollar gleam on his face. He twizzled the left side of his moustache and confidently took the cordless microphone in his right. His left hand fell to his side, he took a deep breath, grinned and addressed the stadium full of people.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you so much for coming and tuning into the 2019 Charity Beyblade Tournament. It's been another fantastic year for the BBA and this year we wanted to do something a little special. We wanted to help raise money for charities and give you all a chance to see something quite unique. We have invited all the past Beyblade champions back to the beybstadium to face off against some of the best unknown beybladers on the planet. Over the last year, we at the BBA have been setting up workshops in the furthest corners of the world to find unique and undiscovered talent. These are beybladers than have often never entered a tournament before and who's' powers are completely unknown in the beyblading community. We have selected the strongest beybladers we can find and are here with us today. We have beyblading Masai warriors from Africa, beybladers from untouched tribes of the Amazon, Alaskan Inuit's who have never seen a stadium and many more like them. Make no mistake they are not rookies in the world of Beyblading, we had them put to the test and these people use their skills everyday for living and surviving in their harsh terrains. How will our Champions measure up? What's for sure is that there could be some real surprises in store. We have 64 competitors. The matches will be determined by a random name generator. The 32 winners will advance onto the next round until we are left with 16 finalists. They will then go onto fight in paired tag teams also randomly selected until we are left with 8 beybladers. They will then be randomly mixed again and singles matches right until we declare a new champion. The prize money for winning the 1st round will be 6 Million yen. The prize cash for winning the 2nd round is 3 Million Yen and 3rd and 4th and 5th and 6th and the finalist will win 1 Million Yen for their chosen charity. Now that I have explained the rules I will hand you over to our second to none host for this evening. Take it away Jazzman."

Mr Dickenson gestured to a shiny leather clad, sunglasses wearing DJ Jazzman to join him on the podium. Super cool and hyper he was the number one presenter of anything Beyblade, a star in his own right. He leapt next to Mr Dickenson with the energetic grace of a gazelle and was passed the cordless microphone.

"Gooooooooooooooo evening ladies and Gentleemmmmmeeeeeeeennnnn. It's another beyblade bonanza and are we stoked or whatttttt?! Here we are at the grand spanking new Tokyo Metro Stadium in the heart of Tokyo city! Isn't it beautiful! So without further to do we need to get this show on the road! To all you viewers out there this is gunna be spectacular show, full of power, bitbeasts and a few broken beyblades no doubt. I hope you're ready folks!"

Ray, Max and Daichi could feel a sudden rush of dread for Tyson. "He's not gunna make it." They said in unison to each other. 3 sweat drops had formed and they gazed longingly to the corridor they had emerged from earlier; hoping he would arrive in the typical Tyson fashion... running and ready with a bag full of apologies and excuses.

Kai felt intensely ticked off with his rival and gazed hard at the corridor too. "All that lecturing me about being late for things and it's here that it really matters. " He huffed. "He's got some serious growing up to do."

Mr Dickenson was handed back the microphone. Hyped up and confident he addressed his audience again. " As a special treat to kick this tournament off in complete BBA style we have pre-selected our first competitor. He was the only man to win the Beyblade World Championships 3 times in a row... Itttttt'sss Tyson Granger of the Bladebreakers or later known G-Revolution!"

A bright spotlight goes to where Ray, Max, Daichi, Mariah and Kai are standing and hits a blank spot where Tyson should be standing.

Mr Dickensons' voice waned and turned into a type of rushed squeek. "Urhhhhhh Tyson? Has anyone seen Tyson?"

Hilary and Kenny go berserk in a fit of panic. Their pupils pin points and their hands grasping at their hair. "WHERE IS HE?" They shrieked in unison at each other. Grandpa Granger was obliviously munching away on his popcorn unaware of the immediate havoc his Grandson was causing.

DJ Jazzman quizzed half jokingly. "Urhhhhh Tyson... has anyone hahahaha seen Tyson?"

The cameras are pointing at the blank space where Tysons' body should be in between Max and Daichi. Then the camera pans to all the confused faces in the audience. The public didn't know what to make of it. There was a mix of confusion, annoyance, amusement and resounding mutters of "Wheres' Tyson?""Has anyone seen him?"

Seconds pass and the crowd begins to get restless and questions louder. Mr Dickenson bursts into a flood of sweat. He hadn't planned for this...the star being absent. "What do I do? Think Stanley think...I know... I'll send another of the Bladebreakers up...but which one? I know... I'll let them choose."

DJ Jazzman turns to the now ready to retire forever BBA Chairman and gestures with his hands in the air which said "What shall we do?" He was sweating a bit himself now and it wasn't the summer heat or leather outfit that's' caused it. The masses were getting restless and this situation was getting embarrassing not to mention this was all LIVE on TV with half a world watching.

Mr Dickenson coughs and taps the microphone in his right hand with one left finger. His diplomatic showmanship took over."It appears Tyson has been held up Ladies and Gentlemen. We need to find him a suitable replacement. I think another one of the G-Revolution team should take his place for the opening match. What do you say?"

The audience roared with approval so loud that the seats and windows vibrated. Tyson fans were upset and protested shouting "Give him another minute!" "Please wait!". Kai, Ray, Max and Daichi fans went wild. A small scuffle broke out between a female Kai fan and female Daichi fan that got so severe security had to eject them both; all over arguing who was the better out of the two. The Kai fan ripped up the Daichi fans banner to which the Daichi fan bit the Kai fan on the arm.

Mr Dickenson."Who would like to kick this tournament off with a show?" A spotlight spread over the group of Kai, Ray, Max and Daichi and all 4 of their faces were blown up on screen.

Kai stood with his arms crossed and his eyes shut. Ray, Max and Daichi all started squabbling like seagulls over a single chip. They turned their backs to the cameras and huddled in a circle to prevent their disgruntled debating faces being shown live on TV. Mariah caught a view of herself in the background and pulled a sexy girl pose and winked, she soaked up any air time she could get.

Daichi screeched as low level as he could...They were still live and the whole world was watching. "I should go first! I was Tysons' partner after all."

Ray had a look of fire in his eyes."Yeah but I should be able to represent G- Revolution as well as the rest of you. I fought BEGA too."

Max whispered assertively with an even more determined face than his Chinese friend. "I'm Tysons' best friend, I should cover for him."

The trio huddled round so tightly they that they failed to notice where Kai had had gone. Unbeknown to them, Kai had walked away from their squabble and was now standing at the edge of the beydish. The crowd went berserk and the ceiling dome rattled. The arguing beybladers whipped their heads round in a nano-second.

Daichi choked under his breath."That snake!"

Max relented and gestured."Oh well, It had to be one of us after all. It might as well have been him."

Rays' fluster simmered away and he smirked. "That was pretty cunning of you Kai. Letting us fight like that and then when our backs are turned you took your opportunity. Good on ya."

The audience was alight and even the Tyson fans quietened their support for Dragoons' keeper in favour of Kai. Kai fans went into overdrive; fainting, yelling and furiously waving banners.

Hilary whined as she wiped away the sweat from her brow."Phewwwwww Chief! That was embarrassing."

Kenny choked."What bit? Tyson not showing up... or Max, Ray and Daichi arguing on live TV?"

Grandpa Granger had finally grasped the gravity of what his mini Granger had done. "That boy is gunna get a 1000 kendo drills when we get back for this. Just glad that the K-Man stepped in when he did."

Kenny started with relief in his voice."If anyone is going to kick this thing off with a good show; its Kai and Dranzer."

Hilary settled herself back down. "Yeah this is gunna be gurrrd. But just you wait until I get my hands on that Tyson. He's in BIIIIIG trouble!"

Kai stood over the beydish like the bey-lord he was. Dranzer warmed like a circular heat pack in a pocket on his left leg and echoed a birdish cry in the back of his masters' mind. The young handsome beyblader stood a raised a muscled arm, legs slightly astride and gazed straight at the camera; for the whole world was watching him. His hair was perfect, face mature, blue war paint displayed and smiling with happiness. He couldn't hide how much he had missed beybattles and the thrill of Beyblading. The hype and energy of the competition excited a part of him he thought had long died when the CEO of Hiwatari Enterprises took over his life and soul.

Kai was one of the top 10 most liked beybladers in the world in a public poll taken by the BBA. He was also voted one of the best looking beybladers in the world, but what really sold him was his outstanding beyblading and dedication to the sport back in the day of the World Championships.

Tyson was far gone from the minds of the audience. Kais' name was chanted and banners waved. Hilary could hear fan girls going nuts behind her and melting as he throbbed their hearts with his image on an LCD TV. "I'm going to marry him one day" "As if! He's going to marry me" "He's dreamy. I bet he's a really friendly person underneath."

Hilary rolled her eyes and wondered how much more she could hear of this drivel. "Oh girls...ha if only you knew him like we do." She busied herself with another jelly sweet. Then it hit her..."Where the fuck is TYSON? He's not here yet!"

DJ Jazzman had reigns of the microphone again. Mr Dickenson had given him the nod to say that Kai's had enough air time and now it's time to get things going.

"Annnnnd now for Kais' opponent. If you look to our screens you can see all the names of all the remaining 62 beybladers *minus Tyson Grangers of course*. Start the random name selector please!" All eyes in the stadium, podium and every TV screen at home was watching and waiting with baited breath.

Some tech wizard in a control room somewhere had started a programme which randomly selected each name, a green light went on the name then it went out as it light up another name faster and faster all over the board until it stopped, leaving one name highlighted.

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