Feel It (Orochi x Reader)

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(Y/n) walked down the street, humming a soft tune. It had been stuck in her head ever since Orochi had showed it to her.

Ah, Orochi.

(Y/n) adored him. She didn't bother to hide it. Hiding her feelings would only be more obvious, as she wasn't very good at hiding her feelings.

She smiled as she recalled the day she and Orochi bumped into each other.


(Y/n) held her chin in her hand as she wandered through the aisles at the music store. She was looking for some new music to listen to, as she had listened to all her CDs countless times.

Her (E/C) eyes flickered to the body of the person that passed her. She noticed the unique jacket, then the brown dreads. Orochi. (Y/n)'s face grew warm.

Orochi stopped, and so did (Y/n)'s heart. She held her breath; did he notice her?

Apparently not, as he simply turned his head and reached a hand out to grab a CD. But (Y/n) wanted to be noticed, so she went up to him with a sweet smile.

"Hi, Orochi! How are you today?" She greeted.

Orochi looked up from his CD and nodded his head. "Hi, (Y/n). I'm doing well, and you?"

"I'm doing great! So, I know you like music and all, but what brings you here?"

Orochi shrugged. "I wanted to practice a dance, so I came to get some music."

This was her chance. "Could you teach me how to dance? I've got two left feet," she said sheepishly, rubbing her arm and shuffling her feet.

Orochi smiled a bit. "I don't see why not. We'll start today, come with me."

~End of flashback~

Smiling widely, (Y/n) turned the corner and walked a bit more, coming up to Orochi's house. She rung the doorbell, rocking on the balls of her feet. She was visiting Orochi for another lesson.

Orochi opened the door, welcoming the girl into his house. "Always right on time, (Y/n)." He mused, closing the door and setting up the music.

(Y/n) chuckled lightly. "Yes, I know. I would hate to be late and disappoint you, Orochi." She replied airily. With all the time she's spent with the boy, it's been easier for her to talk to him. This ease grew with her feelings, and the only thing that was hard about these lessons was trying to focus with his arms wrapped around her or his hand holding hers.

"It'll be a bit more difficult than usual today. Salsa." Orochi announced, taking (Y/n)'s hand. He began to explain the basics to her, going through the motions slowly, then a bit faster to get her used to the movements.

All she could think about was how warm his hand was, and how perfectly her hand fit into his.

"And when in doubt, just follow my lead. You'll pick up on it eventually." Orochi finished his briefing, letting go of (Y/n)'s hand to start the music. Once everything was going, he grabbed the (h/c) haired girl and began moving.

(Y/n) stumbled along, blushing and sweating and stammering out apologies whenever she would lightly step on Orochi's foot. he was right; it was a lot harder than her previous lessons.

Orochi pursed his lips and adjusted his hand positioning. "(Y/n), relax. You'll get the hang of it soon." He assured her, twirling her.

As she came back to Orochi, his hand resting on her hip, (Y/n) huffed. "O-Orochi," she began, blushing heavier. "It really is a hard thing to do. Oh, I think I need a break or something."

Orochi let go of her and paused the music. "Alright, let's stop for water."

As the two sipped from cups of water, (Y/n) listened intently on what Orochi had to say.

"For your first time, you surprised me. It was better than most beginnings. You need to relax though. Loosen up. I'm the only one that's seeing you." Orochi said.

(Y/n) nodded. "I'm just not gifted in all things that have to do with music, I guess. Maybe I just can't do this dance." She took a slow sip of her water, trying to hide her embarrassed blush.

Orochi scoffed, crossing his arms. As he spoke, he waved around the glass of water with his hand gestures. He moved to stand beside (Y/n), holding up the glass as the water swayed.

"See that? That's how your hips should move." The boy took the final gulps from his water and set the glass down on the coffee table. 

(Y/n) blushed heavily. Move her hips like water? It seemed a bit too... seductive. She hummed and shrugged, taking another sip before putting her glass down. "I suppose you're right."

Orochi chuckled quietly, playing the music. "Come on, follow me. Let the music guide you, too. Feel it, you know?"

Orochi began leading (Y/n) through the dance, reminding her to move her hips more or be less stiff in her movements. Soon she got the hang of it, and they simply danced, laughing together.

Orochi let go of her hands and turned the music off, grabbing their water. He handed (Y/n)'s cup to her and took a sip from his own. "See? You did good."

"Thank you, Orochi! It's because you're such a good teacher," the (h/c)ette admitted, blushing lightly and playing with the bottom of her shirt shyly. It felt good to be praised by Orochi. "I still have a long way to go, though."

Orochi looked at her and chuckled, wrapping an arm loosely around her and leading her to the couch, where he had them sit. He kicked his feet up onto an ottoman, gulping down the rest of his water and setting the glass down on a side table.

Pulling her closer, Orochi leaned back into the soft cushions of his couch and gave a content sigh. "You'd be able to practice a lot more if you were around more often. How about being my girlfriend?"

(Y/n) choked on her water, her face erupting into a magnificent shade of red. "I-I, uh, y-you're, um..." she stammered, setting her glass down. Her hands were shaking, and she didn't want to spill and make a mess.

Orochi looked at her expectantly, a small smirk on his face. That wasn't helping (Y/n) at all. How could he be so nonchalant?


Right, she had to actually respond, not stammer mindlessly. "Um, yeah. Th-that sounds... that sounds g-good."

Orochi grinned and kissed her forehead. "Music to my ears."

(Y/n) finally calmed down and leaned against Orochi.

"By the way, remember to feel the music a lot more often. Your hips move better that way."

"Don't just say that!"


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