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y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
h/c = your hair colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.


Your POV

I sigh and shrug.

"I-I don't know." I stutter while looking at her. She has tears in her eyes.

"I didn't tell him." She whispers while a single tear rolls down her cheeks. I frown and sit down next to her.

"tell who what?" I ask softly while wrapping an arm around he shoulder.

"I-I didn't tell Snotlout about my feelings for him. I feel so stupid." She says and her voice cracks. I hug her tightly and she leans her head on my shoulder. 

"I-I want to go back but.. but what if I miss it here? I'm scared." I nod.

"I understand how you feel. I feel the same." I sigh.

"How about we just drink some tea and calm down a little. Then we can think about it a little better I think." She nods and we both get up and walk downstairs. I walk to the kitchen and then hear y/b/n gasp.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"A-Andrew has sent me 1047 messages." My eyes widen and I turn around.


"A-and mom and dad have called me like a billion times." She mumbles. I look at her while she's scrolling on her phone.

"No."'she suddenly says. She shakes her head quickly.

"No no no, why now?!" She almost yells.

"W-what's wrong?" I ask softly, scared that she'll explode.

"my parents are on a trip for work now. They'll be back in a few months." She says and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes.

"They also said they won't be available on the phone while they're gone." She whispered.

"Oh y/b/n, I'm so sorry." I say while walking up to her.

"This, this isn't fair! We-we never asked for this! That stupid book!" She yells, making me flinch and back up.

"If you didn't want that book so bad this would've never happened!" She says while glaring at me.

"W-what? But you told me where the book was!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, because I'm a good friend and I knew how bad you wanted that book!" She yells. "You're so selfish. You always want things to go your way and never listen to others!"

"Never listen to others? Y/b/n, do you hear yourself? This is ridiculous. I'm not going to fight with you over this." I say while walking up the stairs.

"I wish I had never met you." That's when I stopped walking. I turned back to her.

"W-what?" I whisper.

"If I didn't know you this would've never happened!" She yells before turning around and leaving the house. I'm just standing on the stairs, paralysed.

Is this really my fault? Or did she just say that because she was stressed? Am I really selfish? Where did she go? Is she coming back?

Did our friendship just end?..

We've never had a fight like this. We never even had a fight. Sure, we have different opinions but we always respected each other. This is so different..

I look at the clock and see that there are 3 hours left until the portal opens. I still don't know if I should go. I don't want to go without y/b/n. We've been through everything together. She's like a sister to me, and we complete each other.

I sigh and sit down on my bed. I lean back and close my eyes.

I miss Hiccup. I miss Astrid. I miss everyone.


"I'm Hiccup Haddock, chief of Berk."

We know..

"I'm y/b/n, and this is my best friend y/n." He sends you a cute smile and you shyly smile back.
you open your eyes slowly and smile when you see the white night fury giving you a happy look.

Suddenly it runs up to you and tackles you down. You yelp and land on your back. It starts licking your face and you giggle, trying to push it's head away.

"Stop!" You laugh loudly, also trying to wipe the saliva off of your clothes. Okay... next time, don't let a dragon lick you. This doesn't go out easily.
You're so scared. What if Hiccup is going to get angry? What if they won't believe you? What if they kick you out, or they think you two are psychos?

There are so many things that could happen, and it's scaring you so so much.

"Okay." You say, while staring at the ground. You feel a hand on your shoulder and look up, seeing Hiccup looking at you. He's smiling at you.

"We're not going to think of you any different than we did, remember that okay?" You nod quickly.

"Okay, so, how do we start this.." you mumble to yourself.
"Oh, and thanks for staying with me Snotlout. That was really sweet of you." She says and then she pecks his cheek quickly, making me and Hiccup smirk. I look at him and we both seem to think the same thing. I look at Snotlout, whose cheeks are pretty red, and y/b/n giggles a little.
"I just.. want to apologise for being so rude to you the past few weeks." She says, which surprises me a bit.

"It's okay." I say with a smile, but she shakes her head.

"It was mean of me, I was being stupid and jealous, and you didn't deserve that at all. You seem really sweet, and I realise that.."

"Its fine, Astrid, really." I say and she smiles.

"So uh... can we start over maybe?" She asks and I nod. I reach out my hand, making her chuckle and take it, shaking it a little.

"I'm Astrid Hofferson, nice to meet you." She says.

"I'm y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you too!" I say, laughing a little.
I close my eyes and then feel the cold ground. When I open them, Hiccup is on top of me. My eyes widen and my cheeks grow red. He looks at me the same way, and we don't say anything.

"Uh, Hiccup?" I say. He blushes even more. That's so cut- stop.

"Oh r-right sorry, I uh-" he tries to get up but falls again, this time our lips accidentally touch. It's really quick and he immediately gets up and pulls me up.

"I-I'm so sorry for that! I-I didn't mean to I'm so s-sorry I uh..." he stutters while blushing.

"U-um it's okay." I mumble while blushing. I look away and then see Astrid looking at us with a smirk. My eyes widen again when I realise it was her who made me fall. Dang it Astrid...
"You're welcome." I say. Then I feel something on my hand. I look down and scream when I see it's a spider. Hiccup bursts out laughing while I try to shake the thing off of me. When it's finally gone, Hiccup is still laughing. He's laying on the ground while holding his stomach, and Toothless is laughing as well.

I sigh and cross my arms over my chest.

"It wasn't that funny!" I say. His laughing stops a little, and he stands up.

"Aw come on, it was really funny." I shake my head and look down.

"Aw, are you sad you big baby?" He says as if he's talking to a baby, looking at me with a pout. I turn around and try to keep a poker face which is pretty hard because he looks so adorable!

"I know you're not mad." He chuckles and hugs me from behind, making me blush. I can feel that he's smirking now probably. I feel his lips kiss my cheek softly and my eyes widen. He chuckles and before I can turn around to say something we get pushed into the water, probably by Toothless.
"Okay.. uh.. how do I ask this.. Thor please help me... I uh... do you... would you.. can we... uh.." I giggle and kiss him to make him stop talking. His eyes widen and he makes a cute sound, but kisses me back.

I just made the first move.. wow...

I pull back and he looks at me surprised.

"Does that answer whatever you wanted to ask?" I ask him. He chuckles and nods.

*end of flashback*

I sigh and close my eyes, a tear rolling down my cheek.

Okay, I'm going.
I hope you liked this chapter ^_^. 729 reads, guys this is amazing! 😱 And 80 reads on the first chapter, this is so crazy! It makes me happy seeing that you guys enjoy the story ^_^. Anywaayy I'll see ya next chapter! Feel free to comment and/or vote!
Xxx damla

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