Chapter two: Realization

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Betty's POV:

Maybe at some point I should have realised Frisk wanted to kill me as soon as possible, because even with Akumu blocking his attack, his sword is way too close to my face. I can feel the heat from the determination.. what pissed him off so much?! Sans?! Asriel?! Even he died in the blast.. 'LISTEN UP!' I can see Frisk looking up. He doesn't seem suprised when I jump up to attack instead of talking to him. 'Kumu, hold him down!' He does as I say, but Frisk seems to be more powerful than before and Akumu loses his grip on him. I try to make a save landing but I fall flat on my stomach. I can hear yelling from a distance.

Frisk's POV:

She really thinks I'm letting myself get killed that easily? The world might be destroyed but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed. 'You won't get rid of me that easily!' Betty seems defeated, but she will probably hit me if I come too close. 'It's over! I'm ending this! For a world that I hoped to live in forever!' I can feel a tear run across my face. Why did this happen. Gaster never made mistakes like this. Did someone mess with the core? Betty seems to notice I'm thinking about something. Why doesn't she attack me? I can hear mumbling. 'Attack me! I'm not falling for your tricks!' She seems to look down at the town, ignoring me completely.

Betty's POV:

Zombies.. zombies everywhere.. I knew messing with the core would make the amount of people fighting me a bit smaller, but I didn't think the entire world would be destroyed. And now the only person left is Frisk. I don't even care about the fact that he is yelling me, but just to shut him up I am throwing my scythe at him. 'You missed!' I can hear that he went a bit further away from me. 'Kumu.. can you ta-' Before I can finish the question he already flies off and hits Frisk. Now he is just laying there as well. At least I can finish him off if he just lays there. I'm stepping towards him in hopes he doesn't hear me.

Frisk's POV:

That one hurt, Akumu hit me right on the spot where he hit me before.. I can already feel that this will become a bruise. Trying to stand up already hurts too much, but laying down will ensure Betty her victory. With all my power I get up. 'Is that all you've got?' Betty smiles. Of course it isn't. She just let Akumu hit me like what? Two times? Just those hits already made me drop to the ground. Betty her smile is changing into a creepy grin. She is probably waiting for me to realise it's over. Little does she know I'm fully aware. I try to step back but Akumu already grabs me by the throat. 'Well well well, thought I was stupid enough to let you leave?' As she says that I can feel that I'm getting less and less air. I try to say something back, but I can't even get a word out of my mouth. 'Y-y-y.' Before I know it my vision gets blurry, the last thing I see is Betty smiling, before I pass out.

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