The Return

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(Everyone except Liv decorating the living room, Pete is hanging a banner that says "Welcome Home Liv!")

Maddie: No, No, Dad, It needs to be up. More. More. Up More. (Pete moves banner up) Down a tiny bit. (Pete moves banner down) Perfect! Twin sister officially welcomed. BAM WHAT!

(Maddie rushes over to Karen)

Maddie: Okay, Mom. Snack update. Where's Liv's favorite dip?

Joey (talks with mouth full, eating dip): Oh, you mean this dip?

Maddie (angrily): You guys are eating the dip?! This is Wisconsin! You can't welcome people home without dip! You two are officially banned from the welcome home zone!

Karen: Maddie, if you're freaking out because Liv is coming home, then we should talk.

Maddie: Mom. She's my twin. My built-in best friend. I'm not freaking out.


Maddie (panicked): Of course I'm freaking out! Starting tomorrow, I'm going to school with my celebrity sis. (holds up Sing it Loud poster with Liv on the front) and we have the same face, yet she's "the cute one".(blushing) except for Y/n, Y/n thinks I'm cute....sorry what was talking about?

(Confessional ends)

Parker (looking out the window): Hey, look! There's a bunch of people with cameras on our lawn!

(Liv is standing on the front porch. Cameras are flashing.)

Liv: I'll miss you, Paparazzi. When I walk through this door, I will be just another regular 16 year old girl.


Liv: I just finished the final season of my smashtastic TV show: Sing it Loud!. It was one of those super realistic shows where kids suddenly break into song for no reason. And I loved Hollywood, and I was offered like a quazillion other shows and movies, but, I missed my family and it was time to come home, and Y/n, i missed Y/n....a lot.

(Confessional ends)

(Liv tries to open the door, but it is stuck and she crashes into the door. She opens the door and walks in)

Liv (to Maddie): (squeals) You stole my face!

(holds out her arms to hug Liv) Maddie: I had it first!

(Liv runs and hugs Maddie)

Parker (to Joey): Take notes. That's what it looks like when a girl is happy to see you.

Joey: Thanks Parker. And this is what it looks like inside my armpit.

(Joey shoves Parker's face in his armpit.)

Liv: (squeals) I was so worried you guys had grown up while I was away.

Joey: Oh, there's no chance of that happening.

(Liv hugs Parker and Joey)

Pete: Uh, the people who gave you life are still waiting for their hug.

(Liv hugs Pete and Karen)

Y/n: I spy with my little eye, Hollywood star who caught my eye.

(Liv let go her parents immediately hearing the voice, she looked to back and Y/n in all his glory standing there, she beamed and rushed right at him)

Y/n: There's my Liv.

Liv: Y/nnnnn!!!!

(Liv had practically jumped into his arms as he spun her around in the hug, while an already jealous Maddie looked on.)

Liv: Oh you have no idea how much I missed you.

Y/n: It couldn't have possibly been more then how much I missed you, Livvy.

Parker: Y/n, how did you get in here.

Y/n: Well for one, the back door is unlocked, and two, I have a key remember.

Liv: (gasps) Sorry about the camera palooza. They're just here for my homecoming.

Karen: Oh, who cares? All my babies are under one roof. Here, gather 'round, family photo time! You two Y/n, you're practically family.

Liv and Maddie(whispering to themselves): He will be.

(Karen holds up camera. Overlapping talking. Maddie jumps up to try to get in the photo)

Liv: Wait! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! I got this. (squeals).

(Everyone is outside on the porch. Someone from the paparazzi gets ready to take a photo of them.)

Liv: Okay people! Say Dazzleberry!

(Liv gets into the shoot and holds onto Y/n, Maddie sees this and jealousy holds onto Y/n's other side.)

Everyone: Dazzleberry.

(Liv and Maddie are in their bedroom. Maddie is trying on glasses and Liv is on her bed.)

Maddie: Okay returning fashionista, which glasses should I go with? Green? Purple?

(Maddie switches between both pairs of glasses)

Liv: If I were you, I'd go with contacts and a little bit of mascara.

(Maddie puts on one of the pairs of glasses)

Maddie: How cool is this? Liv and Maddie back in the same room together. Oh! I, uh, got you a little welcome home gift.

(Maddie takes out remote and turns on lights surrounding Liv's diva board)

Maddie: Ta-da!

Liv: (Squeals) 🎶O-M-Wowza!🎶

Maddie (gestures towards Liv's bed): Take a diva moment.

Liv: (squeals)

(Liv sits on her bed in front of her diva board)

Liv: (clears throat) 🎶Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. wow!🎶

(door opens and Pete and Karen enter)

Karen: We heard a noise!

Pete: Everything okay?


Karen: Liv and Maddie are best friends, but, being a twin can get intense.

Pete: In the 6th grade, there was an incident with a curling iron.


Maddie: In my defense, who sneaks up behind someone and tries to curl their hair?


Liv: I have a huge scar. It's right here.

(Liv puts her hand on her forehead and searches for her scar)

Liv: Okay, well, it's here somewhere, I'm gonna find it. It's horrible.


Y/n: The teacher always told me it was my fault. Something about competition. I was in my fault, I did nothing wrong. I truly don't understand it.

(Confessional ends)

Maddie: I'm so glad you're home. There's something I've been dying to talk to you about.

Liv: (gasps and stands up) This is about a boy!

Maddie: How'd you know that?

Liv (gestures towards Maddie's bracelet): When you get nervous, you still play with that charm bracelet that I gave you. Anyway. Back to the boy. Is he cute?

Maddie: Are you nosy and sparkly?

Liv: (squeals) Then he is cute! Wait is he Y/n level cute?

Maddie: Well actually...

Maddie was about to say some but they both heard a knock on there window and smiled.

Liv: (squeals) Yea he still does it.

Liv went to the window and open to reveal Y/n who had a smile.

Y/n: Hello Ladies.

Liv and Maddie: Hello Window Boy.

Y/n then climbed in and sat down with the two sitting beside him.

Liv: Can you believe it's 9 years since we've met.

Y/n: You mean 10 years since Maddie almost murdered me.

Maddie: A cute stranger climbed to window, what was I supposed to do.

Y/n: Did you just say cute?

Maddie: What? No I didn't. Shut up!

Y/n: Haha, I'll see you both tomorrow at school.

Y/n then climb out the window and Liv called out to him.

Liv: Good night!

Y/n: Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

(Y/n climbed down and went home, going to sleep)

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