A few days had passed after the incident that affected their entire week and it seemed that everything went back to normal in a blink of an eye. Well, Sorta. After his surgery, Macaque was now staying with Sun Wukong, with PIF's permission, but the exception was that she would come to visit whenever she wanted. The shop has been rebuilt and broken items were replaced. But other than that, everything was on a smooth road. MK started work again after a free day off with RedSon. Tang is still the freeloader and Pigsy is still his bossy self.
MK was sitting on a bench with his best friend Mei eating Ice cream in this hot summer weather. "Ahhh, it feels good to be back," MK said. "Yeah after all that crazy stuff happened you were lucky enough to get a free day off," Mei said while licking the ice cream that had melted on the side. "Even though everything is back to normal, I feel like it's slightly better." "Maybe because that old Monkey finally got his best friend back, aka his lover." MK and Mei burst out laughing. "Ah, that could be it! But we got the bull family on our side and Macaque. Our team is growing bigger! " "Mhm, speaking of the bull family, their prince is pretty cute, huh MK?" Mei said with a smirk on her face, "MEI!" "Whaatt? I saw how you look at them" MK's face heated up in embarrassment, ''Shutt uuppp.''
"MEI, MK, GET INSIDE IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S ABOUT TO RAIN!" Pigsy called from the shop, "Rain? but it's so hot today. " Mei questioned while looking up, it was true though storm clouds were coming their way. "Maybe there will be a rainbow," MK said, finishing up his ice cream. The two got up from the bench and walked inside. "Pigsy, can you hurry up and dispose of that cursed liquid?!" Tang ordered, "Jeez, give me a moment, alright!? it's heavy!" Pigsy walked out of the shop with the bucket of cursed liquid and dumped it out into the street watching it go into the sewer drain. "There...finally" Pigys went back inside and closed the door behind him.
The group was sitting around the table playing board games, they decided to restart since Mei and MK were now joining them.
"MANGO GET DOWN FROM THERE! YOU COULD REOPEN YOUR STITCHES!" Wukong called worriedly to the monkey that was high in one of the trees on the mountain. In response to his worried call, Macaque laughed. He jumped out of the tree, he spread open his arms to signal Wukong to catch him. The orange monkey frantically moved around to align himself with the falling monkey. Spreading his arms out as the monkey got closer, eventually, they made contact with each other, Wukong catching Macaque safely in his hands. "You're still so childish..." Wukong said, lowering him to the ground. He earned another chuckle from the smaller monkey, "What if I didn't catch you?" Macaque lifted himself to kiss Wukong's nose. "You wouldn't," He took Wukong's hand and led them back to their house. "I'm just so happy to be back, I can't wait to see all of the little ones again!" Even though the poor King was still worried about Macaque reopening his stitches, he couldn't be upset with him.
As they walked quietly through the forest, listening to the sounds of the monkeys that ran around. They both came to a stop when a small monkey came to offer them flower crowns as a welcome back gift for Macaque and Wukong. Another one came up to give them peaches, "Hahaha, it looks like they missed us." Soon monkeys came from nearly every direction carrying gifts. A young monkey came from behind unaware of Macaque's injury and jumped on his back. "AH!-" He almost fell over as he hissed in pain. Wukong immediately grabbed the younger monkey while the others backed away. "Macaque?" A light chuckle came from the demon as he fixed his posture. "I'm okay...I'm okay, " He turned back to Wukong and the mini monkey he had in his hands. He opened his arms signaling the monkey to jump into his arms, which it did. Soft little whines came from the monkey, trying to say that it was sorry. "It's alright," Macaque kissed its head and hugged it. The monkeys that were watching on the ground, dropped their items and started to climb on him. "Ah, you guys-" Wukong was cut off by the laughter, his worrying about the monkeys hurting his lover had faded away as he watch Macaque hug and kiss every one of them. Their cuddling time was cut short due to a loud thunderclap. Sun Wukong looked up, "Looks like a storm is coming, we should hurry up and make it back to the house." The monkeys that were all over Macaque whined as they began to climb down and walk away. "Awww...bummer." The demon waved to them as they left and picked up their gifts. Macaque walked a few steps in front then turned to look back, "Shall we, my king?" "Heh, We shall."
The two monkeys carried on, walking through the forest as the storm grew near. "I can't believe we have to start summer with rain, what a shame," Wukong said, "Yeah..." The monkey in front of him replied, sadly. The sage noticed the change in his voice, "Macaque, are you alright?"
"I just feel guilty," He stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at Wukong, "You've already apologized to me for all you have done, but yet I still hadn't said anything. So..." He carefully set the gifts on the grass and bowed to his king, head facing the ground, "Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven, I hope you can show me mercy and forgive me for all my crimes against your successor and..." He looks up at the king, "You. I had put your lives in danger and tricked you. Please, forgive me." The wind blew hot air, ripping some leaves off of the tree and gently placed it them in Macaque's fur.
Wukong stared at the monkey below him before bursting out laughing. "EH!?" "I'm sorry! 'cough cough' I'm sorry! I just never expected you to be this formal again!!" Macaque stood up straight and crossed his arms. "I was just trying to sound sincere..." He muttered grumpily to himself. "Awwe! Come here, my adorable mango!" The laughing monkey opened his arms while walking to the angry one. "I forgive you too, whatever is in the past, stays in the past." He said as he hugged the smaller one close to his chest. Macaque freed his hands from being stuck between his and Wukong's chest and hugged him back. They both pulled back but still had their arms wrapped around each other, "You are still as beautiful as I remember," he said while picking out the leaves. "I should have never left you in the first place...I swear to never do that again..."
"And I should have never handled my angry like that..."
They both leaned in once again to kiss. This time macaque pulled away and picked the gifts back up, He then smirked and yelled. "LAST ONE THERE HAS TO SLEEP IN THE RAIN!" then ran off. "Macaque! Your-Your stitches!!" Wukong called as he ran to catch up with Macaque.
A king chasing after his warrior, they were fast, but not fast enough. The rain had eventually caught up with them. Soon they were both running in the rain, but it didn't bother either of them. As their house came into view, Macaque got faster, he quickly opened the door and slammed it right before Wukong entered, locking it so he couldn't get inside. "Aww! You can't do this to me! ME! The king!" Wukong whined at the door, but he earned no response, he sighed while sitting down in the mud. After a few minutes, the door reopened showing a clean Macaque in warm clothes. "Oh my king, what are you doing out here?'' he said sarcastically. "Ah, I just got locked out of my house. You know the usual fun stuff I do." He replied, He stood up and was greeted with a towel being thrown at his face. "Hurry up," Macaque said as he stepped aside for the King to come through. He went straight to the bathroom and took a shower, after, he then exited it with a towel wrapped around his waist and then wore some comfortable clothes
His next mission was to now located Macaque, which didn't take long cause he was wrapped in a blanket on the couch, looking at his gifts. Sadly the flower crowns got lost in the rain and neither of them didn't want to go out and find them. Wukong took the blanket from Macaque and proceeded to wrap them both up inside the same one. Macaque leaned against his chest, smiling to himself. Neither of the monkeys couldn't be even happier than right now. They finally could be together again without problems.
Wukong looked down at his Macaque, smiling. Referring back to his promise, he wrapped his arms around Mango's waist and kissed his neck. His actions earned a little giggle.
"We went through many challenges leading up to this point, but it was worth it if this is my reward. I promise I will never hurt you that way again..." Wukong whispered in his ear.
|The End|
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